Jing Zhi smiled a little charm: "Afraid? Nothing, rest assured, I won't kill you."

Jin Xin sat there with his eyes open, and he did not speak for a while.

Talking to a completely strange face, talking to a familiar voice, how different and different things are different!

Is this scene now only available in movies?

The reason why Jingzhi is so popular is not because of the role of a savage killer!

"Are you kidding? The killer exists, but it won't be as handsome as you are, and so...boldly?"

Jing Zhi pointed to his face: "If I am really blatant, I still need to wear a mask? This mask is not only expensive, but also bad for the skin. It takes a long time to wear it, but it will be disfigured!"

Jin Xin still doesn't believe. He has worked so hard for a long time. He was a harmless little meat with countless female fans more than a month ago. Now he tells him that he is a killer. Who is this special!

Jing Zhi met Jin Xin and did not believe it. The neat one took out a gun from his body. Then he didn't even need to aim. He shot a vase in the distance.

When Jing Zhiyi came out, Jin Xin had already been greatly scared. After the gunshots were remembered, he directly scared his face as pale as paper!

If it wasn’t for the scenes where he had participated in many shootings, he would be scared and fainted!

Ke Jingzhi did not care about the fright of him. He took the long leg to take the vase. He didn’t care: "Look, my shot is very accurate."

Jin Xin raised his face with a white face, and then saw a bouquet of lilies inserted in the vase, the petals and leaves were intact, only the highest flower of the flower disappeared.

Jin Xin’s stunned look at Jing Zhi, the shock inside is simply unspeakable!

He doesn't know how to shoot, and he doesn't know the killer profession. However, many movies will shoot the sharpshooter's lens. If you want to hit the target from a distance, ordinary people can't do it because they can't even see the target!

The shots in the movie are either clipped in the post or the professional shooter looking for a substitute.

However, the professional shooter can not reach the accuracy of Jing Zhi!

Jingzhi’s villa covers a large area, and the living room is very empty. The bottle of flowers is at least 50 meters away from Jingzhi!

He didn't even need to aim, he hit a small flower?

Jin Xin only feels that his legs are shaking!

God, he actually lived under a killer for so long!

"Greatly big... heroes are spared! Put the gun down, have something to say!"

Jing Zhiyi suddenly laughed. He put the flowers on the table and slouched on the sofa opposite Jinxin. Then he threw the gun directly onto Jinxin, scared Jinxin almost no urine on the spot!

"This is for you, holding a self-defense, North America is not too flat, you should shoot when you shoot, or you must die first."

Jin Xin took the gun and felt that he was hurt by 10,000 points today!



Oh, NO!

He came here to make stars, not to be a bandit!

"Heroes, since you are so powerful, like me, I can't release the small shrimp that I can't even keep a gun. I want to go home!"

Jing Zhi showed him a brilliant and handsome smile: "No!"

Jin Xin wants to cry without tears, he is on a thief boat!

He stayed in the city of A, why should he come so far, put his head on the muzzle to live!

"Okay, don't have a look of love, you will soon like it here. It's much more open than City A. I promise you the same as the emperor!"

However, after half a month, Jin Xin collapsed!

"The surname of the scene, you see this is a fool! I don't want to be with you this killer, send me back to A city!"

Jing Zhi took off his rubber gloves covered with blood. He said: "Your adaptability is too bad. Isn't that dissecting the individual? Are you vomiting like this? My sister-in-law is stronger than you." One hundred times, you are still a good man!"

Jin Xin tried to divert his attention, killing people and anatomizing the bodies of others. This kind of thing is rare in movies!

"You still have a blind man? Little girl?"

"Don't hit my nephew's idea, or my brother will kill you in minutes."

Jin Xin's face question mark: "Do you still have a brother?"

"Of course, there is nowhere to come!"

Jin Xin is speechless, and he used to think that Jing Zhi was an orphan!

I dare not only have parents, but also my brother-in-law!

But why didn't he see him?

Jing Zhi is a hot star in China, but his family has never appeared. Do you live in the United States?

Jin Xin cautiously asked: "What do your parents do?"

"My dad is a doctor."

Oh, it’s still a good job!

Jin Xin feels that Jing Zhi’s family is good.

"My mom is the killer, the number one killer in the world."

Oh, I’m going to kill my life!

Jin Xin's teeth trembled, he said, Jing Zhi is not a normal killer, it turned out to be a genetic occupation!

"You... isn't your brother a killer?"

Did he fall into the killer concentration camp?

No wonder Jing Jing dares to tell him about his family's situation. He feels that he knows it, and he doesn't dare to go out!

Said the rhythm of the minute off the head!

God, Zheng Yulu, Laojin is going to be killed by you!

If it weren't for you, Jing Zhi is still doing his star in A city. He Jinxin will also be the most valuable gold medal agent in A city!

Jing Zhi remembered his brother and suddenly shook his head: "No, my brother is not a killer."

The prospect of Rui as a killer, but also for him, forced to do it, now he has returned to normal life.

Jin Xin heard the words, relieved, but when they saw the body in front of them, they vomited.

On the North American side, human life is really worthless. Every day there are shootings happening, it’s too scary!

Over there, Jing Zhi washed a pile of things taken out of the stomach of the body, and then Jin Xin saw a dazzling luster.

"This is... diamond?!"

Jing Zhi grinned and said: "We made it!"

Jin Xin’s vomiting has finally eased a lot. He looked at the small pile of dazzling large diamonds and suddenly felt that killing people and goods was the fastest way to come!

So many diamonds, enough to spend a few years!

However, after all, Jin Xin was timid. He worried: "Since this person has swallowed the diamond into the stomach, it must be the wrong way. Let's take it away. It won't be like him. Is it murdered?" ”

Jing Zhi appreciated the pat on Jin Xin’s shoulder and collected the diamonds and went out: “Yes, this person is killing the diamonds that others have grabbed. Wait, the owner of the diamond will soon come to the door, haha, let The storm is coming even harder!"

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