Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1365: Fear and despair

When the people came low, the haze smiled. He deliberately lowered his voice and said: "I like women so crazy, especially interesting! You are so miserable, I am happy, maybe still How much more comfortable you can have!"

Zheng Yu was too fearful to implement, and the other party deliberately changed the way and voice of his own speech. She did not hear it at all. This voice is somewhat familiar.

One hand stretched out from the darkness to her side, and violently tore her clothes.

Zheng Yu fell screaming and kicked and beat him again, but in exchange for the slap in the face of the other party.


"Hey woman! Dare to beat me? See if I don't kill you!"

Zheng Yu fell on his face with a burning pain, his mouth flowing out of blood, her hair was violently smothered by the other side, pulling hard, and the clothes on her body were getting less and less.

She knows what her next fate is, she would rather die and not want to be ****.

She clasped her body, pretending not to resist, and waiting for the other party to relax a little, she used all her strength to kick the other's lower body.

The screams rang, Zheng Yu fell off his claws, ran to the window, broke through the potential and climbed to the high windows, and then jumped without hesitation.

The pool water is cold, dark, and bottomless.

It was not until the moment that Zheng Yu fell that he found out that he would swim!

Over the past year or so, the family has never allowed her to come into contact with the sea or the river, on the grounds that she used to drown and said she could not swim.

She believes!

However, swimming is an instinct, and it is hard to forget after learning.

At the moment of entering the water, Zheng Yu fell to the subconscious.

However, she quickly gave up the idea of ​​swimming on the water.

She would rather drown and not want to be touched by those people.

Zheng Yulu has heard the shouts of the men around him.

"Catch her! She is in the pool!"

"Can't run! We are waiting on the shore, where can she go?"

"She can't swim, don't let her drown, get her up!"


The messy voice, Zheng Yuluo has been unable to hear.

She let herself sink to the bottom of the pool.

Suddenly, Zheng Yushen felt that his life had come to an end.

In the meantime, there was a memory in my mind that suddenly burst.

Once, she seems to have had this suffocation!

She sinks herself in the water and can't breathe because someone has disappeared from her life and she has no attachment to life.

She remembered, she did commit suicide.

That day, I was filming, and I took a picture of drowning.

She turned the acting into reality.

She knows why she has forgotten Jing Zhi, and she knows who Jing Zhi is.

However, everything is meaningless.

At the moment she wants to live, but there is no living condition.

Zheng Yu fell into painful eyes, and consciousness began to blur.

In the middle of the battle, it seems that someone jumped in and quickly swam to her side and took a sigh of relief into her mouth.

Zheng Yu did not know who he was and wanted to struggle, but he was held tightly and swam to the water level.

In fact, she had no strength to struggle, and the last glimmer of consciousness dissipated. She was completely immersed in the darkness and knew nothing about the outside world.

"Zheng Yu is falling! You wake up!"

Jing Zhi held Zheng Yu’s soaked shackles on the edge of the pool. He was furious and went to explore Zheng Yu’s breath and went to touch the chest of Zheng Yu’s fall.

Fortunately, she is still alive!

On the shore, several big men who were waiting to catch Zheng Yu’s fall saw Jing Zhi, and they came up with an iron bar.

But just one face, several strong men were all overturned to the ground, vomiting blood.

They didn't even see the action of Jing Zhi!

Jing Zhi was afraid that Zheng Yu had an accident, and even had no time to cook these people. She took her away quickly and drove the car to the limit speed. She flew and sent her to the Mushi Hospital.

An hour later, Musen walked out of the emergency room, waiting for Jing Zhidao outside: "It's okay, she is too long for the suffocating time, plus too fearful, fainted, and should wake up tomorrow."

Jing Zhi’s clothes are still dripping down in the drip, and he has been here all the time, and he has never thought about changing clothes.

When he heard Musen’s words, he nodded blankly and dumbly said: “Thank you! Don’t tell her that I saved.”

Zheng Yu was fine. Jing Zhi just glanced at the door of the emergency room and then turned and strode away.

Musen was surprised at the back: "Hey, hello, are you leaving? After the hero saves the beauty, you should always leave a name! She woke up to see that you know that you saved her, and I will follow you with sorrow." Ah! This is the best time to come in!"

However, Jing Zhi went straight out of the hospital as if he had not heard it.

He is going to check the person who called him to check out the person who tied Zheng Yuluo!

Zheng Yu fell asleep and fell asleep, she felt that she had made a long, long dream.

In her dream, she grew from a little girl to an adult.

She dreamed of herself, tied her sister with a young boy and gave him to a trafficker.

This is the memory of her deepest memories, the most painful and most inaccessible!

When she grew up, she fell in love with the boy, they were entangled and quarreled.

Love and hate are intertwined, obviously they are deeply in love, but there are always various reasons to separate them.

She can't stand without his life, he left, she wants to leave, leave the whole world, and then there is no more pain.

However, she survived miraculously, then fell in love with another person, and talked about marriage.

Until the man she once loved reappeared, her life was once again overwhelming.

Then, it was a nightmare that was kidnapped.

She was stunned and brought to an abandoned factory.

Someone kept hitting her, marrying her, torturing her and peeling her clothes.

She screamed and rebelled and finally sank into the water.

Fear, darkness and suffocation alternate, Zheng Yulu only feels that it is difficult to breathe.

She woke up fiercely and gasped with a big mouth.

"Let's fall, you wake up!"


"Rain, can you hear us talking?"

Zheng Yu fell into fear and had a headache. She glanced at the six people around her bed, her parents, her sister, the Deng family, and Deng Kun.

Everyone has a look of concern and joy.

She suddenly laughed like crazy, her voice was hoarse, she was a little scary, and she was hysterical.

Laughing and laughing, her tears spilled out.

All six of them were a little worried, and I don’t know how Zheng Yu’s waking up was a crazy look.

I don't know who shouted a "fall", Zheng Yu fell and screamed immediately: "Don't call me! Roll! Get out of the way! You are all devils!"

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