"Yes, Levi is right. If you want to become the Magic Emperor, you can't protect anyone just by relying on your self-esteem."

"Others' trust in you also comes with achievements."

"There is only one thing people ask of the Magic Emperor, and that is to become the strongest!"

"So, you must show your achievements. Everyone present here should listen. If you want to become the Magic Emperor, you need to keep working hard and keep accumulating your achievements."

"This is the so-called condition to become the Magic Emperor."

"And those who cannot do this will never be able to stand at the top!"

"There are no shortcuts and no tricks!"

"Everything depends on your own strength!" said the Magic Emperor.

"Haha, actual results? Just what I want!"

Levi said with a smile

"Not bad, not bad, William Fanqiangs, Ye Jianjie, the new people you two guys recruited all have very good eyesight!"

The Magic Emperor smiled with satisfaction


After saying this, the Magic Emperor also laughed happily.

"But having said that, I have one more announcement to make."

"Actually, today, I am here to hold a ceremony to award the most stars to the Knights."

"I came here specially!"

The Magic Emperor laughed.

"What is this, a war... song?"

Asta didn't understand.

"This is the battle awards ceremony!"

The Magic Emperor emphasized

"This is to recognize those members who are fighting and especially still alive, for their merits, and to commend and award them medals!"

"So, if I'm here, I would also like to invite you to come and participate!"

Here, the Magic Emperor smiled and said


Everyone was stunned.

"We're going too?"

Levi was also a little surprised.


Walking on the red carpet of the palace of the Magic Knights' headquarters, the Magic Emperor walked in front, followed by Levi, then Yuno and Asta, and finally Klaus Runete, Noel and Mimosa.

"So, what does this so-called military merit awarding ceremony look like?"

Asta asked

"Why are you asking? You will know when you get in."

Yuno replied.

"Uh... why do I always have a very bad feeling?"

At this time, Noelle walked at the back with a trace of worry on her face.

"I really didn't expect things to turn out like this. Why would the Magic Emperor invite us to attend the awarding ceremony?"

"To be honest, we don't have the qualifications at all!"

"I can't figure this out, I can't understand it, it always feels a bit unreal, it's not possible!"

At this moment, it is obvious that Klaus Leonite is also very strange.

However, when Klaus Leonite noticed Levi's figure, he seemed to understand something.

"Could it be that this whole thing is actually related to Levi?"

Here, Klaus Streamnet suddenly thought of


"Who, who is talking about me?"

Levi, who was walking in front, suddenly sneezed, and Levi felt very unhappy about this.


As if sensing that Levi was looking back, Klaus Streamnet lowered his head quickly, not daring to look at Levi.

Soon, the group arrived in front of the gate.

The red gate was tightly closed.


"You just watch here, I wonder if you can come up with more achievements than them?"

The Magic Emperor said, pushing open the red door.

"Haha, I see. I was wondering why the Magic Emperor suddenly wanted to bring us here."

"It turns out that people want us to see how other members of the Magic Knights achieved their achievements and how much effort and sweat they put in."

"This is to tell us that if you become the Magic Emperor, it is not easy to achieve results."

"Secondly, the Magic Emperor also wants to use this incident to stimulate us and make us have a higher yearning and desire to achieve results."

"Although this Magic Emperor doesn't talk much and looks serious, and is even a magic fanatic, he is really not a simple person!"

Levi analyzed in his mind, he saw through everything.

""Okay, I'll go in first!"

As he spoke, the Magic Emperor walked in, and on both sides of the red carpet in the middle of the road stood other members of the Magic Knights. Without exception, all of these people were Magic Knights who had achieved achievements and were waiting to be awarded medals.

"Okay, now let's start the ceremony of awarding military merits!" said the Magic Emperor.

"So, what is the process of awarding military merits?"

Mimosa asked

"Ahem, when it comes to awarding military merits, we have to start with the achievements of our Magic Knights."

"In our Clover Kingdom, magic knights are divided into levels that represent their strength."

"Among them, the level, with Magic Emperor as the first point, the power is divided into one to five, a total of five levels"

"In other words, to be more specific, below the Magic Emperor, the other levels are composed of five levels."

"The order is: fifth-class lower magic knight, fourth-class lower magic knight, and so on to first-class lower magic knight."

"Among them, the fifth-class lower-level magic knight is the lowest level, and the first-class lower-level magic knight is the highest level."

"After surpassing the first-class lower-level magic knight, it is the fifth-class intermediate magic knight, and then the fourth-class intermediate magic knight, and so on."

"Next up are the Senior Magic Knights, Ranks 1 to 5, then the Grand Magic Knight, and finally the Magic Emperor!"

Klaus Stream Knight explained.

""I see!"

Mimosa suddenly realized, and Levi also listened to Klausrunette's explanation. He also had a certain understanding of the level of the Magic Knights.

"Oh. By the way, I almost forgot to mention that before the annual war merit awarding ceremony, as long as each of us can obtain the specified number of stars, we can actually improve our magic knight level!"

"In this way, at the award ceremony, the Magic Emperor will personally grant us a new level!"

At this time, Klaus Streamnet said

"So there is such a saying!"

Noelle finally understood.

"Hey, hey, hey, I say, little girl of the Silfa family, isn't there such a thing? This is a requirement, a rule, a rule!"

Klaus Streamnet began to struggle again.

"Okay, the first person to be awarded is Leopold Vanmilio from the Crimson Lion King team, who received seven stars!"

"If you are here, I will grant you the title of Intermediate Magic Knight!"

The Magic Emperor said as he awarded the prize.

(It's on the shelves now. Please support me. Please give me flowers, votes, and rewards. Thank you so much~~~~~)

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