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"Haha, everyone eat happily. Anyway, the Magic Emperor said that we can enjoy this banquet as we like. We don't need to care so much."

Speaking of this, Levi continued to eat and drink.

At this time, a figure walked over.

"Um...Levi...Can I eat with you?"

Mimosa asked shyly.

"Hmm? Let's eat together?"

"This is fine." Levi took a look at Mimosa's figure, which was absolutely first-class.

Then, Levi pointed to the food in front of him and asked,"How about, let's have it together!""

""Okay, okay, thank you, it looks delicious."

Mimosa said

"Humph, a lowly inferior being, how could you be so arrogant?"

"The Magic Emperor would actually invite such a person over?"

A member of the Golden Dawn said coldly.

"Haha, did you see that little black bull guy? I can’t feel any magic from him at all!"

"I heard that the Black Bull Magic Knights were able to successfully capture the Demon Palace. I think they must have relied on good luck."

Nebrasilfa sneered.

This person is a member of the Silver Winged Eagle and Noelsilfa's sister.

"Haha, I heard that the Black Bull took most of the credit for the last mission to capture the Demon Palace. But look today, who are these Black Bulls?"

"Not only are they weak, but one of them has no magic power and is so young. I didn't expect that most of the tasks in conquering the Demon Palace were completed by the Black Bull. I can't believe it!"

"I remember that Golden Dawn seemed to have gone there before. So where was Golden Dawn when we were conquering the Demon Palace?"

"Fell asleep? Or went wild?"

"The worst Black Bull actually completed it? How funny! It seems that the strategy for the Demon Palace this time is not that special. It is not difficult at all. I think my dog can do it by himself if he goes there, right?"


At this time, Solidsilver burst into laughter.

This man was also from the Silver Winged Eagle, and was Noelsilver's brother.

"Tsk, they are too arrogant, how can they say that to us? They have never been to the Demon Palace, but they are talking about it. They don't know how dangerous it is in the Demon Palace, and they don't know how difficult it is to conquer it."

At this time, Klaus said with gritted teeth.

"Haha, don't panic, don't be confused, the mouth is on someone else's body, what's there to say, we shouldn't bother with such people, remember what our purpose is today!"

Levi said

"What is the purpose?"

Noelle and Mimosa asked


Levi said, and continued to eat.


On this side, Levi and his group were relatively stable because of...……

"Hey, hey, hey, you people from the Silver Winged Eagle, how can you talk like that? What do you mean we, the Golden Dawn, are not good enough?"

"We, the Golden Dawn, have always been the strongest in the Demon Corps. How dare you say that during this expedition to the Demon Palace, we, the Golden Dawn, dozed off and acted wild?"

"Solidsilfa, you Silver-winged Eagles, please don’t be too arrogant, okay?"

"Haha, we, the Golden Dawn, are even worse than a dog. How ridiculous! We have been very unhappy with you for a long time!"

"It's all because of those little black bull devils. It's because of them that we were insulted at this banquet!"

Several people from the Golden Dawn pointed their spearheads at Levi and others.

"Speechless, lying down and getting shot."

Levi shook his head silently.

"Haha, black bulls? Look at the way they eat, it's so ugly and disgusting!" said one of the fat guys in Golden Dawn.

"They are just a bunch of stinky rats. Even though I scolded them like that, they didn't move at all. It's so disgusting!"

"It really feels uncomfortable to have these guys here, ugh!"

Solidsilfa continued


The laughter from all around continued.

"Haha, being laughed at is worthless!"

"But never mind, I'm used to it anyway……"

Suddenly, Asta said


Levi and the others were silent for a while

"Is this considered magnanimity?"

Levi was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

"Hey, isn't that right? I say, speaking of the inferiors, don't you have one person in the Golden Dawn Knights?"

At this time, Leopold Vanmilio of the Red Lotus Lion Magic Corps came over. This was the young man who had just been awarded the rank of intermediate knight.

Levi had paid attention to him before, and this person was the younger brother of the leader of the Red Lotus Lion Corps!

"What did you say?"


Several people from the Golden Dawn were angry. After hearing what Leopold said, they turned around with angry faces.

"Hey, hey, hey, didn’t you hear me? I’m talking about the inferior person who has the four-leaf clover magic book, the one who is praised by people as being a little arrogant!"

"Don't you remember?"

Leopold Van Milio laughed.

"Tsk, are you talking about that new guy?"

At this time, the people of Golden Dawn looked at Yuno who was not far away.

"Haha, Yuno was also shot while lying down?"

Levi didn't know what to say at this moment.

It seemed that his two guardian knights were a bit too conspicuous, right?

One was shot while eating, and the other was shot without saying anything, hahahaha!

But so far, no one has bothered Levi.

"I want to see who dares to cause trouble for me!"

Levi thought

"Speaking of which, about the previous mission to capture the Demon Palace, if I remember correctly, that young lowly person from your Golden Dawn was also present. If it were me, I am confident that I could do better than him!"


In front of the other members of the Golden Dawn, Leopold Van Milio laughed triumphantly.

Hearing this, the Golden Dawn members standing behind Levi were confused.

Klaus Runet looked like: Sure enough, I've been picked on again.

Yuno looked unhappy with this guy.

And Mimosa Van Milio's eyes were wide open, as if he was doubting whether the man in front of him was his brother or not.

"This scene is a bit embarrassing!"

Levi felt more and more excited.


(On the shelves, please support, please give flowers, votes, and rewards. The author thanks you~~~~~)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection and recommendation

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