"Haha, even if you are a noble, what can you do? In my eyes, you are just like an ant!"

Nogelsilfa said arrogantly.

"Oh no, if this continues, Levi might be in danger!"

"What should I do now?!"

Klaus Streamnet said nervously.

At this time, Nogel Silfa walked to Levi and stood down.

Nogel slowly stretched out his right hand.

"Today, let me teach you how to be a good person!"

Nojer said


Suddenly, Levi laughed.

"You think you can restrict me with just a coercion? You really look down on me."

Levi said as he unfolded the magic book.

"What? How is this possible?"

"Can he still move?"

"Under such a strong pressure from me, you can still be so casual?"

Nogelsilfa said in surprise.

"Levi, this, this, this, this... isn't this too powerful?"

"How did he manage to be completely unaffected by Nogelsilfa's pressure?"

"You know, Nogelsilfa is a top-class magic knight!"

"He is also the leader of the Silver Winged Eagle Magic Knights! The leader of the top three magic knights in the entire Clover Kingdom!"

Klaus Runet was sweating and couldn't believe it.

In his current situation, it was obvious that he dared not move at all. If he moved a little, he would even feel like he would die.

But Levi could ignore everything!

"This guy, I thought I saw through him, but I found that I underestimated him!"

Klaus Leuternet thought in his heart

"Li Wei! So awesome!"

Mimosa had a face full of admiration, with stars in her eyes.

"Levi... You can actually resist your brother's pressure, how many cards do you have left?"

Noel muttered to himself

"Lord Levi!"

Asta and Yuno shouted in unison

"You can't break free from my pressure. You should know that my strength is far greater than yours. How can you do that?"

Nogelsilfa still didn't want to believe it, and he was even more unwilling to accept this fact.

But from the perspective of the current situation, Levi really did it.

"Strangely enough, this pressure seems to have no effect on me?"

Levi thought.

Suddenly, in his light storage space, a strong magical sensation came.

At first, Levi thought he had sensed it wrong, so he didn't pay too much attention to it. But as the magical fluctuations became stronger and stronger, Levi knew that all these were probably not illusions!

"What on earth is calling me?"

Levi thought of this and directly probed his consciousness into the light storage space.

"Is it a milky white egg?"

Levi saw the source of the magic power.

Just as Levi was surprised, the milky white egg shattered.

"If I remember correctly, this is what I got from the treasure house of the Demon Palace."

Levi thought.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The eggshell broke, and a tender white little hand stretched out first.

"Well, this……"

Levi was even more shocked.

Snap! Snap!

The entire milky white eggshell shattered.

A little elf crawled out from it!


The elf yawned and looked around.

"Wow, isn't this too cute?"

Levi exclaimed.

Silver hair, four translucent colored wings behind, a white dress, and the size of this elf is only the size of a palm.


The elf seemed to have discovered Levi's consciousness and flew towards him.

Wherever the elf passed, a rainbow trailed behind him.

"This cute elf……"

"who is she?"


"Black Bull boy, kneel down now, and I can choose to give you a lighter sentence!"

Nogelsilfa sneered.

"Sorry, you are the one who should kneel down."

Levi was brought back to consciousness by Nogelsilfa's voice.

The elf that was in his light storage space before disappeared while flying.

It disappeared into the air.

Did I see it wrong?

Levi thought in his heart

"Water element, water element creates the impact of magic holy water!"

Nogelsilfa took the lead and launched the attack.

"Here they come!"

Levi narrowed his eyes and instantly prepared for battle.

"Dark Magic Elements!!!"

"Dark element creation magic, the flaming demon sword Levatin, is activated!"


A black flame shot up into the sky and burned fiercely. At this time, in Levi's hand, the flaming demon sword Levatin was undergoing a huge change. The flaming demon death god!

With a flick of his hand, the black flame burned in the air, and black flames were everywhere.

"Cut off your imposing pressure first!"

Levi destroyed the terrifying pressure with a few strikes in the air.


"Finally freed!"

Klausrunette wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Levi, do you really want to fight? That's the leader of the Silver Winged Eagle Magic Knights!"

Noel asked from behind.

"Noel, get out of the way, it's dangerous here."

Levi answered Noel with his actions.

Noel nodded, showing his understanding, and then ran towards Mimosa.

"Noelle! Are you okay?"

Mimosa asked with concern.

"I'm fine. I'm doing fine here. Actually, you don't have to worry too much about me here. The main thing is Levi's side. I don't know if Levi can do it here!"

Noel Silfa thought of Levi in his heart.

""Lord Levi!" Astaya

Yuno shouted. As he spoke, Nogelsilfa's attack had already arrived.

"Is it the impact of water element creating magic holy water?"

"Haha, rubbish!"

Levi slashed down with his sword, directly cutting off the attack.

Crash! Crash!

The water splashed, and a large amount of water flew into the air. In an instant, it was like a light rain in the banquet restaurant. Everyone stretched out their hands to block it.

"I really didn't expect that Nogelsilfa's attack could be cut in half so easily by a single sword?"

Solmaron said in surprise.

This person is the younger sister of Charlotte Roselei, the leader of the Blue Wild Rose Magic Knights.

"This kid named Levi is not simple. From the looks of him, it seems that he can easily block Nogelsilfa's move without any effort at all."

The Red Lotus Lions, the leader Feigen Leon muttered to himself.

"Haha, what an interesting guy!"

Leopold Van Milio nodded, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Levi is so strong!"

Klaus Flownet stroked his eyes, his eyes full of shock.

Water flowed all over the ground, but Levi was unharmed.

(It's on the shelves now, please support, please give me flowers, votes, and rewards, the author thanks you very much~~~~)

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