"Haha, just be happy, little devil!"

"You have been recognized by me, Leopold Van Milio. From today on, you are my rival!!"

"Ahahahahaha!" laughed Leopold

"If I remember correctly, your name is Mi Wei, right?"

Leopold asked

"No, no, no, Brother Leopold, his name is Levi, yes Levi!"

Mimosa was very happy and said hurriedly.

Seeing that her brother liked Levi, Mimosa felt very happy.

Leopold nodded, walked to Levi with a smile, then stretched out his hand and patted Levi on the shoulder and smiled:"Levi, hahaha, what a good name, my opponent!"


"What the hell?"

Levi was speechless

"Did I say I wanted to be your competitor?"

Levi asked

"Hahahaha, don't mind, you can feel happy!"

Leopold said

"Sorry, I can't be happy."

Levi replied

""Hurry up!!! I'm dizzy!"

Leo was a little helpless and began to beg Levi.

"Please, just be happy and admit that I am your opponent!! Please"


To be honest, Levi really wanted to refuse, but seeing Leopold like this, he chose to remain silent.

"Forget it, let him entertain himself."

Mimosa and Yuno stood together on the side. After seeing Leopold, Yuno murmured:

"Vanmilio? Is this your family, Mimosa?"

"Yes, Brothers Feigen, Leon and Leopold are my cousins."

"The father of Brothers Feigen, Leon, and Leopold is my uncle, and by the way, my aunt is Noelle's mother."


"How many relationships did you use in this sentence? I am a little confused.

Yuno looked desperate. For the first time, he felt that his IQ was not enough.


Mimosa said innocently.

"Please, please.……"

Leopold Van Milio still begging Levi

"Sorry, thank you for your kindness, but actually my only competitor is myself!!"

Levi said proudly


"Don't worry about it. You can have many competitors. It's not like you can only have one wife. If you have one more competitor, it won't be a big deal!"

Leopold said.

"Wow, you are really shameless! I am really convinced!"

Levi was speechless.

At this time, Mimosa blushed and looked at Levi's back and thought:

"You are indeed Levi, as expected, to be able to become a competitor with my brother Leopold!"

If Levi heard this, he would definitely ask, when did I agree?

"The situation finally calmed down.

Klaus rubbed his eyes and finally felt relieved.

"A royal family actually wants to turn a noble party into a rival?"

At this time, Nogelsilfa suddenly said coldly.


The atmosphere suddenly became strange again.

"Haha, this young man, he had to obtain the permission of the Magic Emperor, Lord Julius, to come here. Do you think anyone can come here first? Who can come in without the permission of the Magic Emperor?"

"Besides, Levi is at least a noble, and it seems that you were defeated by Levi just now, right?"

"Have you forgotten what happened before so quickly?"

"I say, Nogel, can you give Levi a little recognition?"

The leader of the Red Lotus Lions, Feigen Leon Van Milio, asked

"Humph, I lost. I admit that Levi is powerful, but we are royals after all!!"

"Feigen Leon Fan Milio I really didn't expect that you, a royal family, would say such a thing!"

"The Vanmilio family seems to have become more merciful?"

"I am ashamed to have relatives like you, even though we are all royals, there is such a big gap between us!" said Nogelsilfa

"What are you talking about?"

Fegen Leon Van Milio was a little unhappy.

Levi looked at Nojel with interest at this time. He didn't expect that this guy was as shameless as that Solidsilfa and Nebrasilfa Yimo.

"Humph! How could a eagle flying in the sky agree with a reptile on the ground?"

"Even if the eagle fails and is defeated, it will never stop flying!"

"What's more, I just underestimated the enemy before. I still have more powerful magic that I haven't used yet!"

Nogelsilfa said coldly.


Suddenly, there was a violent vibration outside the capital.

""Is there an earthquake?"

Asta asked.


At this time, the door of the banquet was pushed open from the outside, and a soldier ran in.

"No... No, something happened!"

The soldier shouted breathlessly.

"What's wrong?" asked Feigenleon van Milio

‘The capital, the capital is under attack!! '

The soldier shouted

"What? The capital was attacked?"

Levi and the others were stunned!


The flames shot up to the sky, and the air was filled with blood.

The entire capital was in a sea of fire, with countless zombies walking on the streets. Pedestrians were constantly attacked by zombies, and many pedestrians were killed on the spot!

Some residents were forced into a corner and were brutally killed by the zombies!

""Wow, hahahaha!"

In a tall tower, the guy wearing a bamboo hat outside the capital stood there and laughed crazily.

"Ah, save me, someone save me!"

"Mom, it’s my life, I want to find you!"

"Don't chase me, I don't have any syrup!"

""It's your life, it's your life!"

The screams continued, and the man in the bamboo hat looked down and sneered.

"Destroy it! Destroy it! Destroy it! Destroy it!"

"You all should die!!"

"Damn Clover Kingdom!!"

The man yelled


"Oh my, oh my, what happened?"

A girl fell down and was instantly overwhelmed by a large number of zombies.

"Hahahaha, you trash can't understand the truly valuable things that I have, right?"

"If you don't understand my value, then all you get is destruction, destruction!! Hahaha!"

The man in the bamboo hat laughed triumphantly.

(It's on the shelves now, please support, please give me flowers, votes, and rewards, the author thanks you very much~~~~)

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