"Awesome, great!!"

At this time, the leader of the Red Lotus Lion King, Feigen Leon, clapped in the back.

"Levi, that's great. I admire you very much. You are worthy of being my recognized competitor!"

At this time, Feigen Leon stepped forward, looked at Levi and said,"As a member of the Magic Knights, you must be ready to deal with this kind of tricky magic at any time."

"For this kind of magic, you have to treat it as a daily routine."

"As a member of the Magic Knights, we will often fight against such powerful enemies and powerful magic."

"Levi did a very, very good job today."

"In the face of such a difficult situation, we only need to be able to see through the opponent's ability and have a bold fighting spirit, and we will never lose."

"Noel Silfa, and Leopold Van Milio, my brother!!"

"Did you two hear that?"

Feigenleon said.

"I heard it!"

Leopold and Noel said.

"Haha, you are worthy of being the leader of the Magic Knights. You are able to inspire the morale of your companions in such a situation. You are really amazing."

Levi praised

"No, it's nothing, Levi, you are really amazing."

The two of them praised each other.

"Damn it, it's too damn bad, my No.1 position was ruined so easily!" said Raddis

"Your name is Radice, right?"

Feigenleon walked over, looked at him and said,"No matter how outstanding your talent is, or how strong your strength is, you must know that if you don't have the correct spiritual guidance, these are just pure violence."

"So, no one will agree with this kind of person."


At this time, the royal palace in the capital

"Report, Your Majesty!"

"The attackers have basically been suppressed!"

"The best performer in this battle was the newcomer from Black Bull.


"How good can a newcomer be?"

The emperor said with a nonchalant smile, hugging his left and right arms.

"He alone destroyed nearly one-fifth of the enemy's army!" the other party replied

"Huh? So amazing? I can't believe it. This was done by a newcomer. What on earth are those people in the Magic Knights doing to let a newcomer steal the limelight?"

"Hum, it really took a lot of effort."

"This shows that the strength of the Magic Knights is not enough!"

"By the way, this person is actually a black bull?"

"I heard that the Black Bull is the worst and most inferior magic knight group. The current magic knight groups are becoming more and more outrageous!"


"So where is the Magic Emperor? Why doesn't he come to me?"

After hearing what the Emperor said, the other party replied:

"Now the Magic Emperor is carrying out a very important mission!!"

The Emperor waved his hand and said,"It's really speechless. Is there anything more important than my life in this world?"

At this time, in the capital, the living dead in various areas have basically been wiped out.

The surviving people shouted madly.

"Really...really too strong!"

"Long Live the Magic Knights!!"

"Long live, long live!!"

"As expected, the Magic Knights are the soul of our entire Clover Kingdom!!"

"Come on, Magic Knights!!"

Yuno smiled as he heard the shouts.

In this peaceful atmosphere, on the roof of a tall building, a witch dressed in black was watching everything below.

"Hey, it seems like you’re happy a little too early."

"Ahaha, almost ready, right?"

"I am so looking forward to the magic of those energetic sows below!!"

The witch in black licked her lips and smiled seductively.


"Why, my magic power is stronger than anyone else's!"

"I have thoroughly studied my magic and have made full preparations to achieve perfection."

"But just for today, I have worked hard for so many years.……"

"But what is this?"

Looking at the desolation in front of him is the best proof of Brady's defeat. Brady is unwilling to accept this fact.

"I don't accept it, I just don't accept it!!"

"My magic power is not inferior to any royal family. A genius like me will never fail!"

Brady unfolded his magic book and wanted to continue resisting.

"You don't have that chance!!"

Fegen Leon shook his head

"Flame Binding Magic: Flame Lion Palm!"

Brady was then firmly trapped by the flaming palms one by one.

His magic book also fell to the ground.

""Huh? This magic book seems to be very special!"

Levi was slightly stunned, because he noticed that this magic book was very thin.

"Ah! Let me go, I want to fight, I haven't lost yet!"

Brady was unwilling.

Looking at Brady who was struggling, Levi just smiled and shook his head. This Brady was really too pitiful.

"Poor guy, why do you always want to prove yourself, and why are you so persistent?"

Levi asked.

At this time, Feigen Leon came over and looked at Brady and said

"I still have a lot of things I want to ask you, but before that, I have to confiscate your magic book first."

As he said that, Feigen Leon lowered his head and picked up the magic book.

"No, don't touch my magic book, it's not allowed, absolutely not allowed!"

Brady shouted.

Picking up the magic book, Feigen Leon showed a puzzled expression.

"What's going on? This magic book……"

Levi didn't say anything, just stared at Feigen Leon. It seemed that the leader of the Red Lotus Lions had discovered something.

"Stop, don't open it!!"

Brady shouted.

Obviously, Feigen Leon didn't intend to listen to Brady and opened the magic book directly.


"What? This magic book only has one page?"

Fegen Leon said in surprise

"Haha, it's true, just as I thought."

Levi nodded secretly.

Levi had discovered before that this magic book was very thin, so Levi felt that this magic book was very special, but what Levi didn't expect was that this magic book was only one page thick!!

"Stop it, who told you to open it, who told you to look at it?"

""Hurry up and read this magic book. Don't read it. Don't read it."

Brady roared

"This guy, can he only use one kind of magic?"

Levi thought.

(It's on the shelves, please support, please give me flowers, votes, and rewards. Thank you~~~~~)

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