Black Dragon Code

Chapter 51: Fight again (2)

Not so many surprises, a long-time attack by an experienced archmage is unlikely to make mistakes again, so the next result is taken for granted.

The raging flames hit the black dragon just stopped, and Caesar had no time to spit a layer of frost in front of him, and he was lifted off directly.

"Flame Surge" brought not only unparalleled high-temperature flames, but also an amazing impact. It was hit by such a terrible spell. Even if the black dragon weighed about seven tons, it was hit off the ground. It hit dead trees and rocks in the air, changed direction twice in a row, and finally landed suddenly.

A large area of ​​torn black scales and spilled blood stains were left in place, and then covered by bursts of soot.

"has it ended?"

The knights were not so sure, urging the war horse to surround around Archmage Anthony, the sword tip dangling towards the ground, covering his mouth and nose and looking into the dust.

的 The master with a white beard gently shook his head. The guy inside did not die directly, he could still feel the breath of life flowing from the other side.

The old mage quietly backed out of the two steps, his mana was almost dry, and it took a short time to recover.

I was silent for almost fifteen seconds.

"Hoo ..."

There was a deep breathing sound in the ears of the knights, coming from the smoky loess, with a thick and sticky feeling that could not be described in words, and the sound gradually expanded over time.

"It's the voice of that black dragon." The soldiers clenched their weapons.

The smoke was permeating, and the soldiers finally saw the large black outline that gradually emerged. It still stood and slowly came out of the dust.

All of Caesar's left body was smashed and hit by the flames, causing shocking wounds. The scaly skin was torn, and the body seemed to be peeled off in half by something, exposing clear muscles and blood vessels. , Vaguely beating organs.

Even by the standards of dragons, this can be considered a very serious trauma. Even if the real dragon's body is strong enough to prevent immediate death, it will instantly lose all combat power and become paralyzed.

怎么 How can it stand up?


The black dragon yelled, and the already fierce expression was more distorted: "It hurts ..."

Because of the severe injuries to the left half of his body, his movements were obviously restricted, and he moved forward with bumps and limped, which was ridiculous.

But the human beings across it couldn't laugh at all, and even felt cold.

They saw that the black dragon's huge wound was emerging with new granulation at the speed visible to the naked eye, filling muscles and repairing flesh. Such a change was incredible to them.

"It's a bit wrong, watch out! Step back and stay defensive!"

Interim command Wayne ordered that a word of strangeness disturbed him, as if he had been infested with something inexplicable, and his heart was pounding.


"Attention! San ..."

Boom! !! !!

Suddenly, a black figure burst into the army position, and the tail hammer smashed the ground like a meteor.


His speed is faster and stronger than ever. The explosive power of huge power made him enter the battlefield in an instant, and then smashed the human defensive camp like a tofu. He rushed directly to the early detection of something wrong and backwards. Caster.

what happened?

Anthony was also stunned, but at this time he had no time to think wildly, quickly spread his arms to make a hug gesture, and had just recovered a little mana to pull up the defense, and built a high energy wall in front of him, blocking himself and the black dragon.

"嘭 ——" impact sound.

There was a little sweat on the forehead of the old mage, and he was a little scared, because only within the same second of his cast, the black dragon had hit the elemental shield.

How come this dragon suddenly became so fast?

The reason lies in the following:-Profit-seeking: Dragon body gene enhancer type II.

Caesar originally thought that this reward was the same as type I, and it also strengthened the body, but it was not the case. Type II drugs had other effects.

When the reward is obtained, this guy has created a brand new organ deep inside his body, which is a brand new blood vessel similar to an infusion catheter, connecting his heart and brain, respectively.

器官 The main function of this organ is to produce an adrenaline-like hormone product, but its effect is significantly stronger than that of adrenaline, which can make Caesar's spirit highly concentrated and instantly enter a state of extreme excitement.

Once this hormone takes effect, it will cause a great burden on his body, squeezing Caesar's body with the maximum load carrying capacity, causing him to explode into a combat ability far beyond the current normal performance. At the same time, his various pains, The resistance to hallucinations will also be greatly increased.

Of course, all of this is not known to Caesar. He has not yet obtained an autonomous control unit, and cannot specifically control his body as he wants. Hormones can only take effect passively when necessary.

"Protect the caster!"

指挥 The commander's command from the army ~ ~ But before he finished speaking, the voice was covered by the black dragon's monster roar.

怪物 This monster's head is slightly raised, and its mouth is opened to an exaggerated angle. The sharply exposed fangs are clearly visible, and the sticky saliva on it is even more appalling.


It is struggling with its hind limbs, standing upright like a humanoid, with its right forelimbs already resting on the shield, roaring wildly at Anthony, separated by a wall.

Immediately, in the horrified eyes of Archmage Anthony, the black dragon's two claws struck his energy shield. The defense made of pure elements was even a little ...

Ripped it?

The deafening roar is mixed with the fierce sound like glass shattering. The blood vessels of the black dragon are prominent, floating on the surface of the whole body, the speed of strength and other aspects of the ability have been improved a whole lot. crack.

This is incredible.

"no no!"

I watched the shield shatter. Anthony shook his head fiercely, then shouted firmly, as if to add faith to himself, lifted the staff, squeezed his own vitality, and cast an element burst.

The sapphire on the top of the staff has almost touched Caesar's body. This close-face magic is probably more powerful than normal, and it can't be avoided anyway.

The Black Dragon was undoubtedly overturned again.

Then, before anyone else would look away, Caesar rushed back at a faster speed, and slammed into Mage Anthony firmly.

With such power and speed, the Archmage felt as if he was being bombarded by a hammer of the gods. For a moment, blood was pouring from his mouth and nose, and all his internal organs were damaged.

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