Black Dragon Code

Chapter 62: Firelight

The dragon wing shields the sky, and the family members conquer the earth.

Caesar did not find the ambush hidden in the jungle at first. You should know that at a very long distance overlooking the earth, human-sized creatures are probably not much larger than mice in his eyes.

In addition, in the state of high-speed flight, most of the scenery are passed by. Caesar's sensitivity to stationary objects is quite low. Moreover, in order to avoid detection, the other party also specially covered a layer of cloaks of blades of grass conducive to hiding. .

Under many factors, even though Caesar's vision is more refined than that of ordinary dragons, it is difficult to find them.

What really made Black Dragon aware of it was the combat ability test device in the pupil of the right eye. This thing kept jumping when he swept through this area and glanced down. At least dozens of values ​​were refreshed on the virtual panel. .

Scanning analysis results: carbon-based life.

Comprehensive combat ability check: 40-50.

The number of scanned results fluctuates, but the values ​​of the target are mostly between this horizontal line, without exception.

Except for Roy's soldiers, Caesar could not think of any other race in the wild who would meet this value. Moreover, after several hovering and careful searching failed, he could almost conclude that the human army was waiting in this ambush.

However, the black dragon, who noticed something different, did not immediately launch an offensive in anger, but pretended to be unknown and flew into the air without anybody, wandering around, waiting for the orcs to reach the battlefield.

After waiting for the orcs to arrive, Caesar flapped his wings and flew into the sky again after notifying the potential danger in front of the Crow Tribe, and notifying them to wait for his own attack, and the orcs continued to move forward without incident.

The crickets were until they were about to enter the ambush site of human beings.

一 The moment before the human offensive, the black dragon took the lead, and planted and dived over the head of the human, with a bit of arrogance, opened his mouth, and washed his life with flames.

The Guards who originally intended to ambush Roy are now caught off guard by the Black Dragon. When the dragon flames dance, it is difficult for mortals to make the most correct judgment. Even if these soldiers are elites, they will inevitably fall into a short period of time. Panicked.

Suddenly, in this short moment, more than a hundred people died, and the Guards ambushing here lost one fifth in an instant!

Fortunately, their commander was not bad enough, watching the army near the defeat, Cartus jumped out from the burning thorns, twisted the blue tendon on his forehead, he immediately took the initiative and blew the horn of war.


The melodious horn sounded throughout the battlefield. Its voice was neither exaggerated nor loud, far from being as shocking as the dragon's whine, like the vow of a veteran, but not suppressed by the roar of the dragon, in the jungle. The echoes fluttered, and the sound went far.

It has a strange magic power that can soothe the pain and calm the mind, so that the soldiers can calm down in the ring of fire, save the soldiers from the slump, and let people regain their warfare, rely on each other to form an array, and prepare to start. Counterattack.

This is a magical wonder.

Caesar stared at the horn held by Cartus, his eyes blinking.

When the soldiers regrouped and found their place, the role of the black dragon's breath was lost. Roy was not inactive during this time. After knowing that his opponent was a real dragon, the young nobleman was transferred from Kaki. A large number of ordnances were devoted to dealing with higher-level strangeness.

It includes these enchanted shields that can block the breath of dragons to a certain extent.

The wounded were dragged to the rear to avoid secondary injuries, and the vacancies continued to be filled by soldiers who were not afraid of death. The fierce resistance of the army made the Black Dragon shock, and his orc tribe began to show casualties.

This kind of battle was not what Caesar hoped, so he changed his strategy, stopped breathing, landed on the ground, and stood in front of the orcs of the Crow Tribe.

Soon after, the Black Dragon launched a charge.

It is not stupid to give up air dominance and choose to engage in land warfare. To be honest, Caesar's current long-distance combat methods are quite scarce. Except for breathing, there is nothing else. Reasonable use of minions and tail can cause more damage.


Caesar heard the roar of the commander of the army and the sound of the catapult "嘣 嘣 嘣", but the Black Dragon ignored it. He lowered its head and pointed out with its horns, rushing towards the human formation like a triceratops.

No matter how clever the chief is, it is inevitable that when he is confused, Roy makes a major mistake. He seems to fall into a misunderstanding, thinking that the supplemented army has the power to confront the Black Dragon.

However, this guy probably didn't expect that Caesar was never afraid of these elite soldiers. What the black dragon really feared was the caster and those heavy armored crossbows.

But unfortunately these threats are now swept away.

The arrows are so raining and overwhelming. I have to say that the army's professional crossbowmen are quite accurate, and more than half of the crossbows hit the black dragon's body directly.

At this time, the benefits of Caesar's persistence in "eat the soil" were highlighted. Although this guy is only a ten-year-old baby dragon, the scales are as tough as adult dragons. Even after undergoing two genetic enhancements, he still Never before.

The wounds left over from the last battle have already healed, and their bodies have recovered as before, but the marks left by the war on the black dragon can still be seen. In order to withstand high-intensity blows, the newly-grown scales of this guy are larger and denser, and the shape is colored It's also different from before, like shiny black crystal, which is obviously stronger than the scales in other places.

The swarming arrows failed to cause substantial damage to the black dragon. They used the most tricky trajectories to rub fiery sparks against the black scales, making a hoarse sound, stuck on the black dragon's armor, but only only At this point, even if he tried his best, he could not tear the defense of the black dragon.

With the high-pressure airflow and the howling wind, the body of the black dragon, which will be shocked no matter how many times it has seen, has firmly occupied human vision.

"嘭 隆!"

Conservatively estimates that the speed of the black dragon reached at least 160 kilometers per hour in the second before it hit the human defense array.

I can imagine how terrible the consequences will be.

Unprecedented impact has caused unprecedented damage. Nearly half of the army forwards and these cans armed with heavy shields were lifted off directly. The most exaggerated people even ascended to the ground and were hit to a height of more than ten meters. Then he fell again and died on the spot.

This kind of play was difficult to complete before. At that time, Caesar was afraid of the caster and heavy crossbow. He could not carry out such a long-distance straight charge. However, the threat is now extinct, allowing him to use his own power without hesitation and let go freely. Beat.

The effects of the forces are mutual, and the terrible impact is eventually fed back to the black dragon. This guy's body shifted in the first moment of collision. No strong muscle can pull the terrible force. The grip is insufficient. The Black Dragon rolled over and rolled several laps in the fiery woodland before shaking his head and standing up again.

Although his posture was embarrassing, this guy just had some muscle strain and was not really hurt. While the army man turned over and stood still, he showed his fangs again and plunged into the crowd.

Roy paid a huge price for his wrong prediction of the direction of the war.

The smoke billowed, the black dragon seemed like a shadow in the flames, looming in the fire, it roared, and the light and shadow on the scales flowed like ripples when running, like a heavy chariot ramming on its head. The armor shattered.

The puppet army ushered in a second wave of heavy casualties.

Fortunately, when the goddess of fortune smiled at them in time, just as the army was defeated and the human reinforcements finally arrived, a large group of adventurers and mercenaries climbed the gentle **** from the valley and joined the battlefield between the rivers.

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