Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 397: If you take one bite, I will take one less bite

  Chapter 397 If you take a bite, I will take a bite less

  In short, although they like to fight and grab things, they are still very kind.

  He adores those rhinos.

  Now his heirs are basically born by the rhinoceros females he married from the original continent.

  Comparing those rhinoceros to the evil dragons on the original continent, the evil dragons don't seem to be that bad.

  He thinks that he still has a little friendship with the original continent.

   There is no need to kill them all.

  The share of blood sacrifice energy can be discussed.

  However, he didn't know that sometimes taking things from the dragon and not returning them is very serious.

  As for why the rhinoceros people who ran over were so kind.

   That is of course because you are not military exploits. After we beat you with a hammer, you will become my servants. After I take you to farm, is it not good to be a master?

  No one is willing to do something that is not beneficial.

   Therefore, they are peaceful.

  Even because they are slaves themselves, and because of the education of military merit recipients.

  They all followed the example of those military winners in their own clan as slave owners.

  And those military winners face their own cubs, and the cubs of their friends.

  What will happen? Does that need to be said?

   Certainly not beating and cursing, bloody, at best, driving him away.

  The original mainland purebloods who learned how the military winners treated their slaves treated their slaves quite well after going overseas.

   completely treat them as his brothers and cubs let them work.

  Compared to those overseas slave owners who kill and torture their slaves at every turn, they are simply as kind as the Virgin.

  The only shortcoming is that under the influence of their parents, they are very aggressive and like to fight very much.

   But that's not a bad thing either.

  The slave owners of their own family are strong, so the slaves will not be afraid of this or that.

  Now, they have become military exploits.

  The situation is different. The originally kind and pure-blooded tribes in the original mainland have revealed their most brutal side.

  For military merit, desperate.

  Wherever the eyes can see, no intelligent life can survive under their knives.

  The knife cut off, continue to chop.

  The knife is gone, and the claws are torn.

   The claw is broken, and he bites it with his teeth.

  In short, kill the enemy at all costs and turn them into your own military exploits.

  The army of 30 million trolls strode forward.

  Their armors were covered with dried blood, and the sabers, which had been pitted because of cutting the rhinoceros, exuded an astonishing killing intent in their hands.

  Their eyes are full of boiling killing intent and infinite desire for military achievements.

  The countless rhinoceros people in the distance are all a little timid.

   Those guys on the opposite side are so cruel, they kill whole families, slaughter cities and villages at every turn.

   I don’t know how many handles of the broad saber were chopped off.

   They, a group of rhinoceros who have not been trained and don't have much weaponry, confronted head-on, and they would definitely end up being hacked to pieces one after another by them.

   But in the face of a group of horrible trolls who want to kill them, their wives and children.

   At this time, they only have the option of fighting.

  The two torrents collided crazily, countless sabers fell from the sky, and for a while, lumps of corpses flew across.

  The countless rhinoceros in front of them were chopped into pieces without resisting for a few rounds.

   One troll after another rushed forward crazily, cutting their sabers non-stop, slashing forward crazily!

   In just one hour, hundreds of thousands of rhinoceros turned into corpses.

   And most of them are broken and incomplete.

  On the floating magic battleship, the rulers of a hundred floating battleships, that is, a hundred legendary trolls, together with their second-tier and third-tier transcendents, formed the most powerful extraordinary army.

  In the high sky, the magical aura that shook the entire world flickered frantically.

  A giant troll with a height of 5,000 meters and a 6,000-meter saber in hand stood up from the ground.

  At this moment, the mountains and rivers of the earth are like models in his eyes, the big rivers are like small ditches, and countless ordinary existences are worse than ants in their eyes.

   "A group of ordinary bastards, how can they have the qualifications to receive 100 million military achievements?"

   "Look at the situation where subordinates and first-order transcendents are needed, ten to twenty million is enough."

   "The rest is ours!"


  One hundred legendary trolls, more than 1,500 third-tier noble trolls, and more than 10,000 second-tier heroic trolls. At this moment, the extraordinary army formed has faintly touched the level of gods.

   Accompanied by the fall of the 6,000-meter giant saber.

  In an instant, the world fell apart.

  Space is cut into fragments, and clouds are cut into nothingness.

  Countless trolls who were rushing forward were directly pressed to the ground by the huge coercion at this moment, leaving only the sound of groans.

  The slashing horses like Tianzhu fell down.

   With a bang, it slashed behind the 100 million rhinoceros array.

   Thunder-like sound waves swept across tens of millions of miles.

  An earthquake of magnitude 12 rose on the ground, and countless beings hugged the small hill of Silingtai at their feet, terrified.

  The shock wave as high as 10,000 meters swept away everything.

  Everything is destroyed.

   100 million rhinoceros, 80 million were devoured in the blink of an eye.

  Thousands of miles around, turned into a ruined world.

  The site engulfed by the attack has been turned into a continuous magma.

  In the fringe areas of the front line, the remaining 10 to 20 million Rhinoceros were completely stupefied looking at everything behind them like a **** destroying the world.

  At this time, the 30 million trolls hurriedly got up, and continued to fight forward screaming!

   It's just a big scene, and it's not like they haven't seen it before.

  600,000 floating magic battleships, have you seen the scene of flying together? They have seen it.

  Countless Tier 3 Extraordinary Legions are fighting invincibly on the battlefield, turning the world into a **** of destruction, have you ever seen it?

  They haven't seen it either, because they are young cubs.

   But their father had told them the grand scene.

  The deafening sound of fighting resounded through the battlefield again. They stepped on the hot wind blowing from afar, just like their ancestors, cutting everything for themselves with knives.

  Glory, courage, authority, fiefdom, sooner or later, they will also be able to form a powerful god-like existence in the sky.

   Not for anything else, just because they were born in the Dragon Alliance.

  In Dragon League, you can cut everything for yourself with a knife.

   "Kill kill kill!"

  The deafening roar, mixed with the earth-shattering destruction sound, became the only sound in this world.

  Sparks and thick smoke enveloped the world, turning the sky into darkness.

  The gigantic ogre with a height of 5,000 meters scattered countless thick fog and smoke with a wave of his hand, holding a saber in his hand, and stepped into the magma sea like stepping on a small puddle towards the most prosperous territory of the rhinoceros.

   Along the way, the scene of destroying the world is constantly being staged.

  One city after another turned into a sea of ​​magma, and one village after another turned into ruins after being burned by flames amidst the mighty destructive shock wave.

  As for the Rhino King, who was still hopeful at the beginning, he was turned into ashes in the original attack.

   Three years later.

  The transcendents of a hundred battleships chased all the cubs under their command to the battleships, telling them what to do.

  Then they formed a gigantic five-kilometer-long troll, carrying a six-kilometer saber, and began to turn the island into a ruined ruin one by one.

  His Majesty said, all of them will be slaughtered, and no one will be spared.

  They will faithfully carry it out!

   Prevent one from slipping through.

   After another three months, the island was destroyed with a 6,000-meter long knife to ensure that all the traitors on the island were wiped out.

   More than one hundred battleships left three to four million troll cubs and a troll priest who seemed a bit rude, and left after patting their buttocks.

  Go to the next battlefield.

   And the most confusing thing is the troll sacrifice.

   On the scorched black battlefield where the green grass had already grown, the troll priest looked at the 300,000 to 400,000 troll cubs huddled behind him.

   Looked at the one hundred troll-type floating magic battleships heading towards the horizon.

  A face full of sorrow and misery.

   "When did I slander His Majesty the Emperor? You are making a false accusation."

   "It's just because I look bitter that I think I have slandered His Majesty the Emperor."

   "How can this be?"

   "Is there still the law of heaven? Is there still the law of the king?"

   Taking a step back, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he took a step back, the more he thought about it, the more he suffered. Seeing that a hundred troll clan's floating magic warships had gone far away, and his curse could no longer be heard, the troll priest yelled.

   Even the image is ignored.

   Spit out more than a hundred thousand words in the direction of those warships.

   Swearing out all the bad words of his life.

  He is really more wronged than a rabbit that eats meat, just because he is shorter and his face is more bitter.

   just left him.

   also framed him for slandering His Majesty.

   A group of bastards, in order to carry out His Majesty's order to have a priest on every island of more than 100,000 square kilometers, they framed him like this.

  The angry troll priest scolded for a long time, until the sun went down.

   Finally got rid of the anger.

   Then he looked at the three to four million troll cubs behind him.

As the head of the Wanfu, he scolded without hesitation: "Why are you all standing there for me? Go and pile up the Silingtai small mountain buns for me. If you don't pile up a million today, none of you will do it!" Don't even think about eating."

   Facing a troll priest who showed his might and dared to speak insultingly to a large number of legendary trolls, the troll cubs of three to four hundred thousand were extra cowardly!

   They started working one after another.

  The troll priest took the more than 10,000 subordinates born for him by more than a thousand cubs who already had military merits, and began to supervise with a knife.

  Just in his spare time, he would look west from time to time.

  In the eyes, the fiery red fighting spirit never disappeared.

  He stayed to defend the territory for His Majesty, to produce enough supplies for the front-line soldiers, and to allow the Dragon Alliance to have enough blood sacrifices to support this extremely large counter-insurgency war.

  His thousand cubs have all made military achievements at this moment, so he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

   And they who go to the battlefield will use their own knives to carve out a bright future for themselves.

   Chief of thousands, chief of thousands, chief of millions, chief of thousands, chief of hundreds of millions.

  First-tier warriors, second-tier heroes, third-tier nobles, and fourth-tier legends will not be their end.

   As a father, he was very happy to face those children.

   It’s just that he swore that when he becomes strong enough in the future, he must hang those more than a hundred legendary trolls on a tree, and smoke them for a hundred years, another hundred years, and another hundred years.

  He also wants to go to the battlefield.

  Death on the battlefield, he also got his wish.

  At least at that moment, his fate was on the handle of the knife he held in his hand.

  He is entitled to cut everything for himself.

   Now, although it has become a little more stable, after three or four hundred years of the Long Blood Sacrifice, the probability of becoming a legend is not low.

  But I always feel that there is something wrong with this bone, a little itchy.

   Moreover, things in the world are not so satisfactory.

   There are many accidents, and it is not so easy to break through to legend with peace of mind.

  Especially when the time span is three or four hundred years.

  He would rather hand over his fate to the knife in his hand than to time.

  Because when he gave his own destiny to the handle of his knife, he really held his own destiny, and was able to change his own destiny with one blow.

   And handed over to time, wouldn't his fate become in the hands of time?

  The boiling flames of war are ignited crazily.

  Accompanied by the shots of one after another extraordinary legion with a distance of several kilometers, one after another islands of more than one million square kilometers were reduced to pieces of ruins.

  Life does not exist, barren everywhere.

   Only those tenacious grasses grow from the ground.

   And countless cubs born in the floating magic battleship descended on the destroyed ruins, and slowly established their own homes under the guidance of the priests.

   For the Dragon Alliance.

  Everything is going in a good direction.

  For the intelligent life on those islands, it is a catastrophe of extinction.

   The joy between races and races is not the same after all.

  You eat less food, I can eat more.

   If you take one more bite, I will have to take one less bite.

  You are full, then I will starve to death.

  You starve to death, I will be full.

  The living space of life has been limited since ancient times, and the war of races is a war for living space.

  The war of living space has never stopped since ancient times.

   To all races!

  The destruction of overseas countries and nations of the same race as them is actually the same as the blacks watching the Indians being exterminated.

  Although all humans have been exterminated, what does it matter to me?

   It's not that I'm dead, if it's beneficial, give me a knife, and I can go over and help chop it up.

   Between the same race, there are also types of races.

   When you move your hands, your heart is no softer than massacring foreigners.

   They are all extinct species that can be killed with one blow.


   Inside the Dragon Alliance, inside the Crystal Volcano Hot Spring.

   Ace, who is 100 meters tall, is lying in the warm mountain spring water, under the service of tens of thousands of maids, his face is full of enjoyment.

   And on a crystal throne not far from him, Eliza, who was busy, was trying to get the battle situation on the front line.

  Looking at the busy Eliza, Ace let out a big yawn.

   casually said: "Eliza, it's just a group of traitors. Elena and her family are completely capable of chopping them all up front."

   "Don't worry too much!"

   "I believe that within two or three hundred years, they will be able to wipe out those traitors."

   "Our loyal ministers and dependents will have enough living space, and the number of cubs will increase."

   More than two hundred years.

  He, Ace, led all the tribes who were on the verge of extinction, and used a knife step by step to cut out a living space for everyone to survive.

  The number of dependents has also changed from hundreds of thousands to millions to tens of millions to billions to billions to tens of billions to hundreds of billions.

   Even now, with the passage of time, trillions, tens of trillions, trillions will not be a dream.

  The war is for all existences in the entire dragon alliance.

   It is a battle for survival, a battle for evolution, to compete for living space with aliens.

   It's not right or wrong, it's just that his subordinates need more living space to feed their newborn cubs.

  And he, the ruler of the dragon alliance, faced with the newborn cub of his loyal family members whether to starve to death or go to war, he chose war to grab the living space of the aliens and give the newborn cub alive.

  By the way, he can harvest some blood sacrifice energy during this process.

  Everything in the world is difficult to measure by right or wrong.

   Killing, war, and destruction are just the eternal laws of the world.

   Casting a glance at Ace, who was enjoying the service of the maids, Eliza murmured silently: "We still have to watch. Although those outer gods are restrained by evil dragons, they are still a large group of gods."

   "You have to watch from time to time to prevent them from making a sudden attack!"

   "Although they may not be able to beat Elena together in the world today, they can't help but care about it."

   "After all, they have many schemes!"

   "For example, gourmet plan, prepare a lot of delicious food to seduce Elena."

   "Ai Lianna is so simple, so arrogant, it's definitely a perfect design."

   "After success, Elena will probably promise some things to those Outer Gods with a good face, and then those Outer Gods will tremble."

  Eliza talked about one trick after another.

  These schemes are all designed for Elena's shortcomings.

  In the case of facing Elena alone, the success rate should be a little bit.

   Ace was speechless.

   Secretly said: "The schemes you mentioned are only a little bit likely to succeed when Elena is alone."

   "But when she went out to fight, she pulled out more than 300 legendary saints. There are so many legendary saints, each one is better than the other."

   "How could Elena be deceived?"

   "If I'm really deceived, I can eat up the 10,000-ton mountain of meat in front of me, and keep myself alive here."

   "Do you really think that my dependents are all a bunch of trash?"

  He has considerable confidence in Elena, and feels that it is absolutely impossible for Elena to be calculated so easily.

   After all, that was his educated sister.

   IQ is very high, but I usually don't like to use my brain.

  But not using your brain doesn't mean you're stupid.

  When you should be smart, you will definitely be smart.

  (end of this chapter)

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