"You should know your sister's personality very well. If she can't find a way, she won't leave. I'm really busy. The shadow pavilion has moved to the border, and my Dragon Pavilion has set out first."

Xue Huainan replied calmly.

"Don't talk nonsense. Even if you are here, it won't help. Don't hurry to pick up your mother and fix your marriage first." Ying FeiMo is calm. Even if Luo Jiu can't wake up, he will take care of her all his life. In this life, he has only this wife.

Ying longer heard the dialogue between the two men and couldn't help gritting his teeth: "don't toss about. Then, Xue Huainan went back to explain the reason, and then picked up aunt and Xiao Yun. I'll continue to stay in the hospital, that's all."

"Well, well, I just need to report back. It is estimated that I will return in three days. I hope luojiu can have a miracle."

The main reason why Xue Huainan has always stayed here is that she feels sorry for Luo Jiu. After all, she has done a lot for the organization, but she finally got such a result, which everyone doesn't want to see.

In the twinkling of an eye, time passed by. Ying longer tried many ways in the past three days, but the result was the same. Luo Jiu just couldn't wake up. All his family came in turn many times and said too much.

Lin Jia and Chi Mo are really sad. They lost their daughter very early and finally got a dry girl. Unexpectedly, they have become vegetative now.

Early this morning, everyone came again. Everyone was frowning. Ying longer was crazy and thinking about the next treatment plan,

"Hey, let's move Luo Jiu home. It's just that Huainan's mother and sister are coming today, okay?" Bai Yi looked at her son. He was very sad, but there was no way to recover.

Ying FeiMo fell into painful meditation and spoke in a deep voice for a long time, "well, you go to go through the discharge formalities."

Everyone left one after another. Ying FeiMo saw the woman in bed and roared: "Luo Jiu, are you really so cruel that you don't want our future and want to make me miserable all my life?"

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you wake up? My patience is almost polished by you. If you don't wake up, don't blame me for looking for other women?"

"Don't think I love you and will wait for you all my life. Do you think it's possible?" Ying FeiMo directly grabbed Luo Jiu's shoulders and shook them, looking very angry.


"Woman, I warned you for the last time. What I said is true, you..."

"Brother, what are you doing? Let go of your sister-in-law quickly." Ying longer walked into the ward. Seeing this situation, he immediately wanted to stop it.

But Ying FeiMo seemed completely crazy. He pulled away his sister and continued to roar at Luo Jiu:

"You silly woman, that's all you can do. Don't you mean you're an excellent agent? You're not lying in bed now, you..."

"Nuo... Brother Nuo, is that you?" the woman on the bed seemed to flash her eyes and utter a very low voice, but Ying FeiMo didn't hear it and was still shouting angrily.

Luo Jiu felt that her bones were about to be broken, but she tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't do it. She could only use her best to shout, "don't shake."

"Brother... Brother, sister-in-law is awake."

"Luo... Luo Jiu, were you talking just now?" Ying FeiMo trembled all over, stopped his action and looked at Luo Jiu with extreme tension.

Luo Jiu seemed to have a big dream. She thought of a lot of things in the dream. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at the man in front of her. After waiting for a while, she suddenly hugged him.

"Brother Nuo, I finally saw you."


"Brother Nuo, you... How do you know my childhood name?" her words made the brothers and sisters completely stupid. Ying FeiMo's pupils dilated and his face was incredible.

Luo Jiu opened his body slightly with his hand, and a sweet smile appeared on his face, "I'm Luo Jiu, but I'm also a flower, brother Nuo, do you still remember me?"

"You... You are really a sister, you..." Ying FeiMo was too excited to speak for the first time. He was like a child, holding Luo Jiu's hand tightly, very excited.

"You hurt me. I remember. I was pushed down the cliff by bad guys, but I was saved and sent to the orphanage. Later, Shen Wei found me and Liuli..."

The past events flashed in Luo Jiu's mind one after another. She was also very happy. Unexpectedly, the man she loved in her life had known since childhood, and she loved to promise since childhood.

"Long'er, call uncle Mo quickly. Hurry up." Ying FeiMo was very happy. But when he looked back after talking, he saw that there was no sign of his sister. Ying Long'er had already informed him.


In an instant, the door was opened. Chi Mo held Lin Jia, who was already trembling, and came in. Luo Jiu saw them. The tears in his eyes immediately rushed to the two people and hugged them tightly.

"... daddy, Mommy, I, I'm a flower. I remember everything."

"... good, good, good, my hard-working daughter finally came back, ha ha!" Chi Mo, who had been silent, suddenly laughed sadly after saying three good words.

Lin Jia was so excited that she couldn't speak for a long time. It took a long time to catch her daughter and look left and right. It seemed that she couldn't see enough for a lifetime. The world was so wonderful. She thought she was a dry daughter, but God changed her back to a real daughter.

"Luo... One, you're really one. Don't lie to me. We've had a hard time finding you. Where have you been these years?"

"Mommy, after I fell off the cliff, I lost my memory. Later, I was rescued and sent to the orphanage, and then I went to the organization. If it weren't for this injury, I might not know in my life. You who were close to me were my biological parents."

Luo Jiu cried with tears. He was very sad and happy.

Bai Yiying and other people left excited tears. They were so happy to hear the news. It was really a kiss. The God of fate still cared for them.

"Everyone stop crying. It's a great joy. Luo Jiu has found his childhood memory, and Chi Mo has found his own daughter. Promise, blossoming, dragon, if white, you're finally together again."

Bai Yi said excitedly.

"Yes, a flower, your life is open and hanging, isn't it? Something we didn't expect in our dreams actually happened. What day is today? One day let us see two miracles."

Ying Ruo Bai is also happy.

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