Bai Yi looked at her and said to Chi Mo not far away, "let them go? This has taught them a lesson, hasn't it?"

"... Jue Shao's order hasn't been carried out yet." Chi Mo said in embarrassment. He has seen many such scenes, much worse than this, but he just teaches a group of people who should be taught a lesson, and such people have nothing to sympathize with.

But Miss Bai, she has never experienced such a scene, and it is normal to be compassionate.

"I'll tell him. Let them go?" Bai Yi said to him.

Chi Mo glanced at her, and the brother under the opponent said, "withdraw!" in a word, all the people were well-trained to go back to their car and wait to leave.

"Miss Bai, please get on the bus with me?" Chi Mo said politely to Bai Yi with a trace of command.

"She can't go with you! What does Ying Tianjue want to do with her? When Bai Yi is easy to bully, he ignores others when he is around him. Now others have left and want to play with others?" Lin Jia said angrily with his hands in his waist.

"Lin Jia!" Bai Yi heard Lin Jia's angry words and shouted at her in panic. If Chi Mo heard the clue, what should she do?

Chi Mo listened to Lin Jiagang's words and slightly picked her eyebrows. What did she mean?

"Lin Jia, you drive back first. I'll find you after I see him." Bai Yi said to her. It's not because she doesn't want to go with them. She can't help so many bodyguard killers.

Lin Jia looked at Chi Mo's bad image. If she dared to object again, she would probably do it to herself. What a great Kung Fu! Look at his fierce look, hum!

Chi Mo lengmu glanced at Lin Jia, who was a little provocative. Without arguing with her, he took Bai Yi into his car and left here.

Bai Yi sat quietly in the back seat of the car and looked at the passing scenery outside. He was very uneasy. He left for several days. Ying Tianjue should think he won't pay him back and run away?

According to his temperament, he must be furious.

Will he strangle himself when he sees himself?

More than an hour later, when he arrived at the apartment, Bai Yi's heart jumped up before he saw him! I can't help imagining the way he will be taught by all kinds of lessons when he sees himself

Chi Mo knocked on the door twice. When he heard the answer from the people in the room, he pushed the door open

At first glance, a man like a God's residence was sitting on the sofa. No, he was not a God, but a devil. The dark and terrible momentum he exuded rushed through the whole room, making people feel the disturbing and depressing atmosphere in the room before they went in. Bai Yi only felt that his whole head was ignorant. He didn't dare to lift his eyes after looking at him.

Ying Tianjue looked at the very embarrassed woman standing at the door and roared out two words: "come in!"

"I didn't want to pay you back when I left." Bai Yi didn't dare to look at his angry face and explained with slightly lower eyes.

"..." Ying Tianjue didn't answer her, but stared at her clothes like an angry lion, and the pinch marks under her neck... Who did it?

Ying Tianjue thought of the group of hooligans reported by Chi Mo, and immediately became more angry. He looked at Chi Mo: "how to deal with the group of people?"

Chi Mo glanced at Bai Yi standing beside him, frowned slightly and carefully replied: "let them go..." some of them were done according to the meaning of the young knight, and some Bai Yi begged for their love, but Chi Mo didn't push it on Bai Yi.

"Do you dare to disobey my orders? Get out, sandbag for three days!" Ying Tianjue only gave an order when he heard Chi Mo's answer.

"Yes." Chi Mo took orders and stepped back.

What three-day sandbags? Bai Yi doesn't know what Ying Tianjue means, but it's definitely not a reward! She looked at Chi Mo, who had quit, and immediately explained anxiously: "you don't punish him. I begged him to let those people go. If you have to punish, you will punish me. It has nothing to do with him!"

"Hum, punish you? Don't worry, I'll teach you slowly! Dare to run again in the future, I'll break your leg!" if he hadn't seen her poor look, he would have gone to clean her up!

I've never seen such a dirty woman! Dare you run away?

Bai Yi actually wants to reply: I'm not you. Why do you restrict my freedom so much?

Anyway... She won't be his lover!

"Please don't punish Chi Mo? It really has nothing to do with him." Bai Yi pleaded with him again.

Ying Tianjue was so upset when he saw that she was helping Chi Mo speak, and he was still wearing Chi Mo's coat. He snorted coldly: "if you disobey my order, you must be punished! Take off other people's coats! Go upstairs and wash it!"

"... I'll pay you back. I want to go home!" Bai Yi felt guilty about Chi mo. she didn't know that letting those gangsters go would punish him, but why did she take a bath here?

"..." Ying Tianjue saw that she was still so disobedient, and a sharp glare threw it at her. It seems that if you dare to step out of the door, I will destroy your posture!

Bai Yi's legs are soft with his eyes. Under the threat of this bastard, your resistance is farting for him!

Today, she didn't dare to annoy the man again. She frowned and took off chi Mo's coat

Ying Tianjue looked at the torn clothes on her body and the mottled pinch scratches on her body, and squeezed his hand, but what made him more shocking was... There were some purple marks on her chest

That's her punch for Lin Subei!

"... is it still painful?" he asked her in a soft voice.

Bai Yi shook his head in doubt and surprise. Is he concerned about himself? Or did you blame yourself for seeing the mark he left on his chest? She can't guess him.

"Don't ask yourself to die to annoy me in the future. If you dare to block others again, I'll beat you directly! Get up!" he looked away from her and kindly told her.

Bai Yi left his mouth and walked to the stairs. This man is really moody. He looks like a good man in the last sentence and a devil in the next sentence... How did his parents make him!

I really have to be admired!

Upstairs, Bai Yi didn't go to the master bedroom where he slept to take a bath, but entered a guest room at random.

The decoration of his guest rooms here is very luxurious. Gorgeous European and American style floor curtains and elegant and fine white carving decorative background. The whole bedroom looks not only luxurious and atmospheric, but also slightly warm. It looks very comfortable.

This man can enjoy it!

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