Bai Yi immediately shut up and stopped talking. His long eyelashes flashed a few times. There was a big question mark in his head. There was no shame in blushing. What was he doing looking at himself?

What an uncertain man!

Just then, her cell phone rang. Bai Yi looked at him and wanted to take the opportunity to leave him. He said, "my cell phone rang!"

"Answer!" Ying Tianjue saw through her mind and gave her a word.

Bai Yi grinded her teeth, only pulled the back bag, took out her mobile phone and looked at the name on the screen. She paused. It was Lin Subei. She thought of his fiancee pouring coffee and those hard words in public. She didn't know whether to answer his phone or not?

"It's so noisy! Throw away your cell phone if you don't answer!" Ying Tianjue said angrily, looking at the cell phone ringing on her hand.

Bai Yi took a look at this overbearing man. He is not like him. He can't be so ruthless! Even if you want to keep a distance from Lin Subei in the future, you should tell him the reason.

"Hello..." Bai Yi answered his phone.

"Bai Yi... Are you... All right? I don't know if Wen Xuan will come to you. Is she embarrassing you?" Lin Subei asked her very worried.

Ren Wenxuan was his fiancee who had just been engaged to him for more than a month. Today, he took the initiative to ask her to go to the hospital. He wanted to talk to her about canceling the engagement, but before he could talk to her, a patient in urgent need of surgery suddenly came to the hospital. He put his mobile phone in the office. Unexpectedly, she would see Bai Yi's text message.

When he finished his work in the hospital and talked to her about canceling the engagement, she spoke about going to Bai Yi. When Lin Subei heard her words, the whole person was shocked and worried. He knew the spoiled young lady's way of doing things!

"It's all right... Brother Subei, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had a fiancee and let her misunderstand. I hope I didn't affect your feelings and the money..."

Bai Yi didn't tell Ren Wenxuan about throwing coffee and scolding herself. Now she just wants to return the two million to him immediately, but where can she find the two million now?

Ying Tianjue heard that the man was still so affectionate and his face darkened

Lin Subei thought she was talking about the 3.8 million yuan that was still poor. He immediately said to her, "Bai Yi, there is something I want to tell you personally. Where are you now? I can give you the rest of the money and pay off Ying Tianjue's money. Leave him?"

Lin Subei thought that since Ren Wenxuan had gone to Bai Yi, this matter could not be delayed. He wanted to confess to her!

Because he was too close, Ying Tianjue naturally heard what Lin Subei had just said. His face suddenly became darker and sank down, but he suddenly sneered

Bai Yi looked at Ying Tianjue's dangerous appearance and was afraid that he would go to Lin Subei's trouble. He said to him, "brother Subei, I'll find a way to return the two million to you as soon as possible. We'd better meet less in the future."

As soon as she finished, the man holding her didn't know whether it was intentional or not. Suddenly, he said to her mobile phone, "good boy! Don't contact him again in the future... HMM..."

Before Ying Tianjue finished, Bai Yi immediately put his hand over his mouth and hung up the phone. The man must have been intentional!

Lin Subei listened to Ying Tianjue's voice on the phone. He was shocked and angry. It was evening. Was he still with Bai Yi?

Ying Tianjue's face was dark. Did she dare to cover her mouth? It seems that this woman not only owes ravage, but also owes a lesson!

"From now on, you are my woman! If I find out you dare to hook up with other men, you will think of your own consequences!" Ying Tianjue solemnly announced to her.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ying, I didn't agree to be your lover?" she didn't want to stay with this terrible and domineering man, but why is he so domineering? It seems that no matter whether he answers or not, he can't escape his palm.

"Hum, are you qualified to talk to me now?" then he took out a checkbook, immediately wrote a two million check and threw it to her, "give him the money back!"

Bai Yi looked at the check in his hand and smiled bitterly. If he took Lin Subei's money, he would bear the charge of Xiao San. If he took Ying Tianjue's money, he would have to be his lover. On the left and right sides, one is a fire pit and the other is a cliff. No matter what choice he makes, it is a dead word.

After a long silence, she bowed her head and suddenly said to him, "you should always say that the women around you will not be more than three months? I can only accept three months..."

Now I just hope he won't find out that he is his ex-wife, and then leave the man safely three months later

"Hum, it depends on your performance. Be obedient. I'll let you go in three months, or you'll stay until I'm satisfied!" Ying Tianjue snorted coldly. There's nothing you can't get in this world, including this worthless woman!

He just wondered why she tried so hard to escape herself?

Mousse looked at Xiaobai and expressed sympathy. She never struggled to get out of the claws of the big gray wolf, but even if Xiaobai collected enough 5.8 million for him tonight, she still couldn't escape the claws of the big gray wolf.

To put it simply, an antique vase of 5.8 million yuan was bought three years ago. If Xiaobai really took 5.8 million yuan, will it still be that price three years later?

This is another pit that the villain left for her. All right!

The lady sitting next to me was shocked and didn't know how to react

I've never heard that the women who seduce Ying Tianjue are going to cross the sea in line, and they are all some star celebrities. I didn't expect him to think so hard to get an ordinary woman?

The most incredible thing is that this woman is so arrogant not to be his woman? At first I thought she was just playing hard to get!

What is the identity of this woman? What's wrong with a woman who doesn't even do such a noble and powerful man?

Bai Yi poured himself a glass of wine and just wanted to get drunk completely. It's best to spread it there without any feeling! Because she was really afraid of this man

But as soon as the glass was delivered to his lips, he heard the man around him suddenly say, "I don't like women full of wine!" she vomited last time and disgusted him for several days. If she dares to get drunk again?

Bai Yi looked at him and had to put the glass back to prevent her from drinking. The whole person suddenly went on, silently afraid of something

Tang Yichu suddenly moved over and said to Tianjue: "in the afternoon, I had communicated with the boss over there. Four days later, I made an appointment to meet on the high seas with goods."

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