Bai Yi blinked. He seemed to have a point! But... Although she seems to be very rich, she still doesn't see money in her hand!

Ying Tianjue looked at her thinking, suddenly pulled her back and sat on his lap and said, "you should have a good look at this script. You must play it well. Don't embarrass me!"

"You haven't said which role I'm going to play?"

Bai Yi looks at the script in her hand and gets nervous again. Although teacher Wei Wei has taught her acting experience, she has never been on the camera after all!

Will you be nervous then?

"You are my woman, do you still need to tell you which role you are?" Ying Tianjue asked her. In the future, all scripts are lined up for her to choose, not scripts!

Bai Yi understood what he meant, but now he has just made his debut as female number one. What if the performance fails? Isn't that really embarrassing him?

"Well... I'd better take female number three? I think I can start from a small role, so I won't invite gossip, right?" she discussed with him.

"No matter whether you play female No. 1 or no. 3, what others should say will still be said. The only thing you can stop them is to take out your real strength to conquer others!"

"Well, it's settled. If you fail the play, go home and have a baby for me and be your wife! Let's go and go out to dinner."

He pushed her up, picked up the suit coat on the back of the chair, took her hand and went out

I don't care what the employees outside will think and say!

Bai Yi looks at him under great pressure and can only do her best to pick him up... She must try her best to do well and can't humiliate him!

But who will be the hero of the play?

Ying Tianjue took her to a new French restaurant in the street. After ordering, he asked Bai Yi, "your cousin has been playing here for a long time. When are you going to take her back?"

"Hey, it's not easy for me to talk to her. She has been depressed for so many days since she met Yan Siming in the restaurant last time. The whole person is not as lively as before. How can you let me sneak her away?" Bai Yi said helplessly.

"Well, why did you say she was like this?" she asked again, holding her chin in her hand.

"You've been sleeping with me for so many years. Don't you know she may like someone?"

Ying Tianjue said speechlessly. He had already seen that longbobo liked Yan Siming, but he had not been exposed.

And it's not suitable to expose it. Yan Siming doesn't know it's a good thing. Long Bobo doesn't know he likes him. It's even better!

"No... no? I've asked her many times, but every time I mentioned Yan Siming's name, she was disgusted. How could she like him?"

Bai Yi did ask her more than ten times, but she really hated Yan Siming. She was gnashing her teeth like she was going to swallow the man alive.

"You've been slept by me for nothing! Have you forgotten how you fell in love with me? Don't care, where's the nuisance?" Ying Tianjue said speechless as he looked at Bai Yi, who was still a little silly emotionally.

Bai Yi listened to his first words, glanced at the people around him, angrily walked over and sat beside him, stretched out his hand and pinched him around his neck, and said in shame: "Ying Tianjue! Can you speak a little better? Let you always talk about me!"

"Cough... Cough... You flirt with me in public... Is that funny? Loosen up quickly. I'll let you flirt enough in the evening..."

Ying Tianjue finally took down her two small claws. With such good strength, she doesn't have to use it on the bed, but on her neck!

What a waste!

"Be gentle with me! Don't hurt me!" Bai Yi asked him very depressed. She didn't want to live under his poisonous mouth all her life.

Ying Tianjue smiled and said solemnly to her, "we should deal with longbobo as soon as possible. Before she finds out she likes Yan Siming, we'd better send her back quickly so as not to have more things in the future."

"Well, by the way, why don't we hold a party to cheer her up, and then tell her about returning to Mexico? Maybe her mood will ease up a little?"

"I've been busy training for so many days and haven't been with her well. I'm sorry to send her away suddenly..." Bai Yi held his arm and discussed with him.

"Well, there's another thing. I've always felt weird... Isn't long Fei worried about his granddaughter? Long Bobo hasn't been back for so many days, and he hasn't even called to ask..."

Ying Tianjue thought of this problem two days ago. When the old man left Bali, he vowed that the Ying family would not give up until the granddaughter was returned to him.

After so many days, he didn't have any reaction and action!

Isn't that confusing?

"Maybe... He doesn't want to be too stiff with us now?" Bai Yi guessed.

Ying Tianjue nodded and didn't say this again

Dragon's house

After so many days, Long Fei still hopes that his granddaughter can take Bai Nuo out of the sight of the bodyguards. However, she doesn't know what happened. After she lived in Yingjia villa, she never stepped out of the villa again except once!

Did Ying Tianjue do something to her?

Long Fei decides to wait a few more days. If she doesn't bring the boy out again, she will have to implement the second plan

The next afternoon, Bai Yi returned home early. As soon as she entered the living room, she saw a woman sitting on the sofa, slovenly eating potato chips and watching TV.

"Bobo, don't you love beauty very much? Look in the mirror and see how ugly you look now!" Bai Yi walked over and took the potato chips in her hand.

"... it's all right. No one in the villa looks at me anyway. Cousin, why did you come back so early today?" longbobo leaned lazily on the back of the sofa and asked her.

"There's a casual party tonight. Come with me. Let's go. I'll take you shopping and buy a beautiful dress!" Bai Yi patted her on the shoulder and shouted.

This shot didn't take her up, but someone immediately lay directly on the sofa. She said lazily: "no, I don't want to go to the party, cousin, go by yourself..."

Bai Yi looked at her like she was dying. She was distressed. Did she really like Yan Siming?

She was never like this before!

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