Is his face changing too fast? Just now I was very good to myself. Now I'm not hot or cold to myself! Hey, this man's heart is so complicated!

Longbo didn't care about him first. She thought of her brother and immediately asked Bai Yi, "cousin, my brother... Have you caught him? In fact, he's not very bad except for his bad temper. Can you give him another chance?"

She didn't lose her memory? Bai Yi glances at Ying Tianjue. Her eyes are full of doubts. She has no memory loss. Why don't she know that long ziye is dead?

"Bobo, don't you remember the airport? Long ziye has..." Bai Yi was about to tell her the truth, Yan Siming suddenly came in and said: "you... Give long ziye a chance and let him go back to Mexico!"

Longbo threw a flattering smile at Yan Siming, who said good things for himself. This uncle is really capricious. He will be good for a while and bad for a while!

Bai Yi understands that Yan Siming deliberately kept the story of long ziye from his cousin. Maybe he's just worried that his cousin will be excited and affect his injury after he knows the truth?

It's good to keep it from her for the time being.

"Well, don't think about anything else. The most important thing now is to take care of your injuries."

Bai Yi didn't tell her about her brother's and grandpa's conspiracy and bad deeds against Bai Nuo.

She is still so weak now. Let her be carefree and happy.

When Xiaolong saw that their adults didn't tell the truth about long ziye and didn't tell her cousin wisely, she ran over and sat beside her and said, "cousin, you need to eat more food. If you grow fat, your wound will recover quickly! If you're bored, I'll come to the hospital with you every day!"

"Well, I know!" longbobo smiled and touched the little girl's head. He really liked little dragon. If only he could have such a lovely daughter?

It's a pity

"Zhi..." the door of the ward was pushed open again. Meng Yazhi and Ying Ying came in. They didn't bring breakfast in the morning. When Bai Yi called last night, Bai Yi said she would bring breakfast.

Longbobo was worried when he saw Uncle's Mommy coming. Meng Yazhi hated herself so much and didn't like Uncle walking too close to herself. But uncle has been taking care of herself in the hospital these days. She must be very unhappy, right?

The most important thing is that now that the wedding between uncle and musya has been cancelled, aunt Meng will feel that she seduced Yan Siming!

Longbo was thinking about all kinds of worries in his heart. Meng Yazhi walked over and sat next to her and touched her hair very gently!

Looking at her eyes are also very kind!

God, what's going on?

Longbo has goose bumps all over! She gave Meng Yazhi a stiff smile and stammered, "Uncle... Aunt, I didn't know that uncle would cancel the wedding with Mu Siya. Uncle takes care of me these days just because he shot and hurt me. Don't be angry!"

"Bobo, I want to apologize to you. I was wrong and wronged you before. Well... When you get well, I'll hold a wedding for you and your son?"

Meng Yazhi thinks that the girl is actually very kind, lively and naughty. It seems that there is nothing wrong. Only in this way can the family be lively!

"Hmm?" longbobo listened to Meng Yazhi's words and couldn't help staring. Aunt Meng was apologizing to herself? And you said you were going to have a wedding with your uncle?

Could it be... All of them know that they have had a relationship with uncle? By all means! Otherwise, there would not be such a big change.

"Bobo, do you agree? I can see that you like my son. You two even have one child. Although that child... There will be some after you get married!"

Meng Yazhi thought, should she agree? Didn't she always stick to her son and like to be with him?

Longbobo glanced at Yan Siming. Of course, he wanted to be with him, but would grandpa agree?

"Aunt, let's talk about it later."

"Well, it's not too late to plan when you're better." Meng Yazhi felt relieved when she didn't say no.

At about 11 pm, Long Fei came to G city. As soon as he settled in an urban hotel, he sent someone to investigate Ying's house to see if his grandson was locked up by them?

And longbobo, why didn't she answer all the calls she made?

Long Fei knows that with her granddaughter's kind character, she can't help Ying family harm her brother! I just don't know what's going on now?

The next day, Ying Tianjue went to the company. Bai Yi rushed to the crew early in the morning. She just wanted to take care of her cousin in the hospital. Yan Siming didn't agree to get close! She can only do her own business.

Recently, when filming, Gao Jin chose a scenic spot in the suburb of G city. Her acting skills are more and more like a fish in water compared with the past. Especially in action drama, she has advantages that others don't have!

Even Gao Jin praised her. The action drama is very real and beautiful. In the future, she can develop in this direction and become a powerful Kung Fu actress!

Because it was about two hours' drive to the scenic spot, Bai Yi was a little bored in the car, so she lay down in the seat and fell asleep. She was accompanied by a little assistant.

"Sister Yi, do you need a blanket? Now it's cold. Will you catch a cold when you lie down like that?" the little assistant asked her.

"Well, give me a little blanket," Bai Yi said to her.

The little assistant nodded, immediately opened a large travel bag and searched it. Suddenly, the car stopped with a sudden brake, causing Bai Yi to almost fall off the seat!

"What happened?" Bai Yi asked the bodyguard driving ahead.

"Madam, the road ahead is blocked by several big stones..." the bodyguard was saying. Suddenly, on both sides of a not spacious road, a lot of aggressive men poured out of the half man tall grass!

It's a professional bodyguard or killer! With guns, surround the two cars in front of and behind them!

Bai Yi looked at the situation outside and cluttered in his heart. He didn't know who came to find him?

"Why did sister Yi suddenly run out with so many bad guys? Who are they? Do they want to kidnap you?" the little assistant held a blanket in her arms and turned pale with fear. It was the first time she ran into so many bad guys!

Are they holding real guns? It's like filming

"Don't be afraid, they won't make things difficult for you." Bai Yi comforted a little assistant. These people must have come to find themselves. I don't know if my uncle has come to G city?

Or the mysterious bad woman I met in Mexico?

Or... Yin Zhenke?

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