Meng Yazhi was shocked. Was Bobo unconscious because he took a lot of sleeping pills? How... How did this happen? In the room, except for her, she is herself. How can I hurt her?

"Have any strangers entered this ward this afternoon?" Yan Siming asked with sharp eyes at the bodyguards.

"No one has gone in except Mrs. Meng and the nurse who delivered the medicine," a bodyguard replied positively.

Only mom and the nurse came into the room? Yan Siming believes that mom can't hurt BoBo! It's just the nurse

"Go and call nurse Li!" he told the bodyguard.

Meng Yazhi heard her son's words and immediately said, "the nurse Xiao Li is missing. I don't know if she has found it now? By the way, before nurse Xiao Li, there was another nurse in the room. She said that nurse Xiao Li was not feeling well, so she helped..."

At this point, Meng Yazhi had some doubts about the replacement nurse. Before, she was in a hurry and didn't think about it carefully. Now when she talks about it, she feels that it is becoming more and more abnormal.

Why did nurse Xiao Li suddenly disappear? The nurse who replaced her seems to have never seen her again in the hospital!

"Do you remember the nurse's name or appearance?" Yan Siming also doubted the nurse when he heard his mother's words. Maybe she was not a nurse at all!

How can mom remember such a big thing now?

"She wears a mask on her face. Where can I see what she looks like? At that time, because I didn't doubt her, I didn't pay attention to her work card..."

Meng Yazhi was afraid of her son's anger and said carefully.

Yan Siming looked at his mother and was really angry. Fortunately, he called her this afternoon. If he didn't call, didn't longbobo be assassinated?

She was so careless!

Several bodyguards also lowered their heads silently. They also have a great responsibility for this

"Yan Shao, I'm sorry. We were careless. Please punish us!" a bodyguard said to Yan Siming.

"However, I remember the woman's work card. Her name seems to be... Zhao Minhui! Yan Shao, I'll check whether there is that person in the hospital now?" another bodyguard asked again.

"Well, go!" Yan Siming waved to him. He wondered who wanted to harm longbobo?

She didn't know several people in G City, let alone offended anyone, but... There was one person who made Yan Siming doubt. Mu Siya shouldn't have the courage to kill?

They were waiting outside the door. The head nurse and two little nurses came over. They nodded friendly to Yan Siming and Meng Yazhi. The head nurse asked, "did you hear that Miss long had an accident? Is she okay?"

"The doctor is still inside. I don't know the situation yet."

Yan Siming was worried and said that Bobo's chest injury was so serious that he was just recovering. Now he was almost poisoned by sleeping pills. How could he not worry?

The man who dares to lay hands on her will not easily spare him!

Meng Yazhi saw the head nurse and immediately asked her, "did you find the missing nurse? She was supposed to deliver the medicine this afternoon, but she was replaced by a very strange nurse. I doubt that nurse has a problem!"

"I just came to tell you this. Nurse Xiao Li has found it. She was hit hard on the head and hid in the cabinet of the pharmacy. Now she hasn't woken up because of excessive blood loss. According to you, it seems that the substitute nurse is really suspicious!" said the head nurse.

"I have sent someone to investigate the woman. I believe there will be results soon," Yan Siming said.

"Well, our hospital will never tolerate those criminals!"

The head nurse told them that if they found out later, nurse Xiao Li's life would be lost. The person who hurt her was so cruel!

Shortly after leaving the head nurse, the bodyguard of the fake nurse came back. He told Yan Si Ming Hui: "Yan Shao, I went to the personnel department of the hospital to investigate. There was no Zhao Minhui at all. Then I went to the surveillance room. I saw your... The former fiancee Mu Xiao Jie also came to the hospital. It coincided with the time."

"This is just my guess. Don't be surprised. We can check whether it is her or not."

Though as like as two peas on the face of the fake nurse, the woman's eyebrows and Yan's fiancee are exactly the same. The bodyguard believes he should have guessed right.

Yan Siming was shocked and black when he heard the bodyguard's words. Musya also came to the hospital this afternoon?

That hateful woman is so cruel! If she did it, I would never spare her this time!

"..." Meng Yazhi looked at her son and felt even more guilty. Just because she was anxious to find her son's daughter-in-law, why did she meet such a bad woman?

Fortunately, Bobo didn't hurt her life, otherwise he would be guilty all his life!

In about half an hour, the doctors and nurses came out of the ward. They had washed the patient's stomach. Now they were basically out of danger. Yan Siming's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

After thanking the doctor, he immediately went into the room and looked at longbobo, who was frowning and pale like a piece of paper on the bed. It was very painful

"Isn't it hard?" Yan Siming grabbed her hand and asked her softly.

In the past half an hour, longbobo was tortured by doctors and nurses and wanted to die. Now she was weak like a light smoke lying in bed. She didn't want to hide her grievance in front of him. She nodded. Her eyes were full of tears. It was painful to look at it.

"In the future, I will never let you get hurt..." Yan Siming grabbed her hand, put it on his lips and swore.

"Uncle... Did I offend anyone?" longbobo asked him softly. Who gave himself so many sleeping pills? Why did he kill himself?

"Don't think about this now. Recover well. We'll go back to the villa when you rest for another day or two. As for the person who hurt you, I'll make her pay ten times the price!" Yan Siming said to her with his anger.

Longbobo nodded and didn't have much strength to talk

"Bobo, I'm sorry. My aunt didn't take good care of you. Do you blame my aunt?" Meng Yazhi dialed her sweaty hair on her face and asked with regret.

"No, aunt, how can I blame you for being so kind to me?" Longbo didn't blame her at all. Some things can't be avoided at all, can't he?

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