Chapter 115 Rapid Human Breeding Project

“Is it really so precious?” Zhou Lu showed a trace of confusion when he heard the geologist’s words.

This small crystal can also lead a human revolution.

The geologist smiled, “You are more responsible for this thing than you think. Now let’s go back to the levitating car. There is a larger material analyzer. If it is really a lithium crystal, this dawn star will It’s really the dawn of mankind.”

Curvature speed of light engines, gravitational speed of light engines, nuclear fusion reactors, plasma beam cannons, and other products that belong to the interstellar era, cannot get around the limitation of raw materials.

The more high-tech things, the higher the requirements for raw materials.

The superconducting materials used in nuclear fusion reactors are all manufactured by particle accelerators, with low output and high prices.

This is also the reason why humans in the solar system have not been able to popularize spaceships for hundreds of years in the interstellar age.

For interstellar voyages, the nuclear fusion reactor is the most basic and necessary thing.

Without nuclear fusion reactors, only chemical fuels from the AD century can be used.

A huge spaceship can only accommodate three or two people.

Most of the thrust needs to be spent on fuel transportation.

The rockets of the AD era only had one-stage, two-stage, and three-stage separate operations.

It is to throw away the bloated fuel tank and send the small manned space module into space.

Nuclear fusion is the best way to obtain energy currently available to mankind.

The principle is the conversion formula of mass and energy in the theory of relativity, which uses the loss of matter when two nuclei are combined to obtain 23 energy released.

To carry out the fusion reaction, a minimum temperature of 50 million degrees and severe conditions of millions of atmospheres are required.

One atmosphere is equivalent to the feeling of putting one kilogram on one square centimeter.

It takes ultra-high temperature and huge force to squeeze the nucleus to produce a fusion reaction.

Human beings do not have materials that can bear such high temperatures, let alone the pressure provided by materials with fine structures.

The only way is to use electromagnetic fields to squeeze and release high temperatures.

If the material is not good enough, the energy released is not even enough to maintain the energy of the device, and it appears to be in a damaged state. Such a fusion reactor is just a loser.

Nuclear fusion reactors are often very huge. It is for the purpose of installing various devices for wire guides to make them appear in a low-temperature superconducting state, so that the energy loss is less than the energy output.

Such a complicated device is naturally not much smaller in size.

A huge reactor with a diameter of one or two kilometers can only be equipped with a large spacecraft.

A slightly smaller spacecraft does not even have enough space for the reactor.

Only those big chaebols can large groups use particle accelerators to produce some superconducting materials to complete the production of small fusion reactors.

The size is huge, the materials are expensive, the construction period is long, and the debugging time is too much. The manpower and material resources are not available, and the price is naturally unaffordable for ordinary people.

Dilithium crystal can solve this problem well. It is a natural superconducting material.

Only a small amount of it is added to the synthetic metal to reduce the resistance and allow nuclear fusion to enter the era of miniaturization.

Various single-player spaceships in science fiction can also become reality.

The spacecraft will become a slightly more expensive vehicle, and traveling to other planets will be as simple as going to other provinces before.

Human beings will also reduce their sense of strangeness and fear of the universe.

Whether in terms of technology or people’s psychology, the emergence of dilithium crystals will be an opportunity to guide change.

The analysis work on the suspended vehicle did not last long, and the data proved that the blood red crystal was indeed a dilithium crystal.

This discovery made the geologists excited. While looking at the report, they shouted, “This universe is really amazing.

“As for what makes you so excited?” said Zhou Lu, who controls the mecha, “isn’t it a new mineral that can build a large number of spaceships? Humans can all interstellar travel, and we have all gone through tens of thousands of light years. On the way, even if this crystal is not found today, it can be synthesized in the future.”

The geologist smiled, “My excitement was not because of the discovery of this special crystal, but because of the appearance of this crystal, which gave an explanation to a long-argued contradiction. Do you know the periodic table?

“This is naturally known. Anyone who has completed compulsory education knows it. Are you asking this to question my level of education?”

Zhou Lu controlled the spider mecha to shake, expressing his dissatisfaction.

The geologist shook his head, “I didn’t mean it, I just wanted to tell you how valuable this crystal is. The list of element cycles was created by the Russian scientist Mendeleev in 1869, and the 63 elements known at the time were calculated in terms of atomic weight. The numbers are arranged in the form of a table, and elements with similar chemical properties are placed in the same column to form the prototype of the periodic table.”

“The periodic table of the elements is one of the important milestones in the development of chemistry. It is of great significance. It will allow future scientists to use this table to find new elements and compounds. It has a history of almost 700 years. From its birth to the present, this table has been perfected. . Since people can invite to swim in the solar system, mankind has used all means and can no longer find new elements.

Therefore, the one hundred and ninety-two elements on the table are considered to be all the elements of the universe. ”

“Of course, this statement has also been opposed by some scientists. They believe that there should be other elements in the universe. Human beings simply live in the solar system and draw conclusions about the entire universe. This is an incorrect approach. These scientists It is believed that there are more elements formed by the movement of celestial bodies and civilized wars in the universe.”

“During the explosion of the universe, not many elements were synthesized. Most of the elements were hydrogen and nitrogen. Other elements were born in the process of stellar evolution. During the explosion of the universe, the mass of stars is even greater and their lifespan is also greater. It is even shorter. It may only be a few hundred thousand years from the beginning of fusion to the explosion. In the process of fusion and explosion, the huge force makes

The nucleus was able to capture the atom, and most of the elements appeared. Therefore, this part of the scientists believes that the various wars and celestial movements that erupt in the universe may also promote the birth of new elements, but mainstream scientists refuse to recognize this theory and think it is nonsense. ”

“Because of the restrictions of the Escape Act, scientists cannot go to other star systems to search for new elements. There is no evidence. This view is always a niche. But judging from such a huge dilithium crystal mine today, this niche view is correct. Yes. Dilithium crystals are considered to be elements that the universe cannot be born through autonomous reactions, because there is not enough energy to make

The nucleus binds so many atoms. But the huge crystal mine is undoubtedly the biggest blow to this idea. The universe has enough power to create more elements. Human beings are always bound by their own arrogance and cannot see the broad surface of the universe.

Zhou Lu was silent for a moment. He didn’t expect that this small crystal would involve so many problems, which are related to the final outcome of the struggle between two completely different viewpoints in the scientific community.

“Then what should we do now?”

The geologist carefully packed the minerals into his carry-on backpack, “Of course I went back to report to the general. I was wrong. I went back to report to the leadership meeting. Dawn Star possesses such precious minerals, which will give human civilization. This old ox cart is equipped with a rocket engine, which can make human society soar and have the ability to catch up with other civilizations.


In the Ark meeting room.

All people with decision-making power gather here to study the revival of the gene seed bank.

When he left the solar system, Zhao Yu’s Ark plan included a plan to take away the gene seed bank.

It’s a pity that the new federation can’t let him do this. He can only secretly obtain genetic seeds from several space cities that support quantum technology companies.

Among the genetic seeds taken away, there are still many fertilized eggs.

Just put it in the nutrient solution incubator to rejuvenate the hibernating fertilized eggs and begin to develop.

No one opposes this way of quickly restoring human numbers. The difference is whether these newborns should be brought into this world so soon. 990.

The living environment of Liming Star is not friendly, people can only stay in stone houses and underground to carry out various production activities.

The arrival of these newborns is only to increase the number of humans, regardless of whether their living environment is somewhat unfair.

It is Vader and others who insist on activating. They believe that human newborns must be adapted to the extraterrestrial environment.

“We should wait for a better environment so that they can grow up safely before they can be activated. If there are some problems with Dawn Star, then these newborns are extremely vulnerable. If they suffer casualties, it is for the human gene seed. Waste.

“The human body is a very complex combination of ecology. There are more than a thousand kinds of bacteria in the human body to help maintain the operation of human functions. There are also changes in radiation.”

“Newborns are even more fragile in this regard. Disorders of body functions and changes in bacteria in the body may be the cause of their death. For example, vitamin b12 can help human cells produce energy, synthesize DNA, and make fatty acids. Indispensable microelement, but this microelement must be produced by bacteria. These survivors are

They migrated back from the solar system. They have already passed that hurdle, but these newborns have no bacteria in their bodies. These trace elements must be artificially ingested to ensure survival. These will become problems. We need to monitor these children at all times. Make sure they don’t lack some kind of microbes and cause some weird looks and things.

Astarte maintains an objection to activation. “We need to wait until the base has completed all the infrastructure, and people can survive without wearing any equipment before the fertilized eggs can be activated.”

Astarte’s rebuttal is well-founded, and no one can fault it. After all, she is the best biogeneologist besides Zhao Yu. .

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