Chapter 117 Psionic world

The geologist’s words are a bit cruel.

Especially when the general public did not have much effect on scientific research, it made the members of Zhou Lu’s entire team feel their self-esteem frustrated.

“Even Luo Ji has said that the liberation of human nature will inevitably lead to technological progress. Can you compare to him?” The person who opposed Zhao Yu’s restoration of the monarchy before, muttered in a low voice.

“People are talking about the liberation of human nature, allowing people to think freely. But what you liberate is not human nature, but desire, gluttonous desires. You don’t pursue thinking, even if you are federated again, how much time will you have to look up and look up? Starry sky, what kind of exclamation is the world beyond the starry sky?”

“Excessive freedom makes you forget about it, completely forgetting to protect the offspring and inherit the adventurous spirit of the predecessors. You need only all kinds of so-called freedom, trampling on other lives, trampling on the dignity of science. You want to prohibit this, prohibit that, just because If these things do not conform to your values, you will reject them altogether. Later, I found myself wrong.

I cried hypocritically and continued next time. You are forcing science to bow to you and capital. ”

The geologist went back effortlessly. “There is no difference between a monarchy and a federal system. The point is that it cannot be hereditary. It is to let the people look up at the stars, so that they have the desire to pursue the truth. Whether the emperor or the president, they are both. It’s the same, whoever has the ability can go and behave. Don’t play the role of the son when the father dies, so what kind of system

Degrees are all nonsense. ”

In this respect, he will always be a scholar, even better.

Zhou Lu’s team members were speechless and could only look outside, watching those Titans and various types of wasteland reclamation machines being taken away by the transport spacecraft.

After the suspension vehicle was parked at the base, Zhou Lu wanted to go to the base director Antonov to report the situation.

However, he was told that the supervisor went to the Ark to participate in the meeting and would not return until the evening.

“Please be sure to tell Director 990 to let Ark leave some heavy equipment to mine these dilithium crystals. This will give mankind an opportunity for rapid development.”

Zhou Lu instructed Antonov’s secretary several times in detail that the dilithium crystal is very important to the interstellar age of mankind.

It can be said that it can make human beings change again.

Let the human beings who were slaughtered by others become a good opportunity for an advanced race who regards star travel as commonplace.

The spacecraft fixed the Titan and departed amidst a roar, leaving only the white marks left by two plasma flames heating the air on the spot.

These sights made many people in the colony feel sad.

A large part of them may not be able to meet the other humans on the flying boat in this life.

This is equivalent to the difference between life and death.

The grief of parting made it difficult for them to hold on to themselves, and many women were even crying in a low voice.

It’s just that the gears of fate are still turning, and it won’t stop because of these sad people.

Wait till late. Waiting,

A small spacecraft landed slowly in the humble space port of the colony.

Zhou Lu waited all day for Antonov to get off the spacecraft.

The gray-haired Antonov was very strong, but the whole day of meetings also made him feel a little overwhelmed and needed a rest.

“Tell those who want to see me that I can only meet them tomorrow.”

The secretary on the side said, “The team previously sent to explore the veins reported that there was a major discovery that could bring mankind into a new era.”

Antonov hammered his old waist. “This is a new era. What new era can there be? Don’t pay attention to these guys who always like exaggerated descriptions. Let’s talk to them tomorrow. I’m really tired. Moved.”

Seeing Antonov’s impatience, the secretary had no choice but to stop talking.

Zhou Jiao, who had been waiting in the work office for a whole day, heard the news and was anxious to step on his feet. Lithium crystal mine.

Until the second day.

Zhou Lu came to the supervisor’s office again, but was told that he needed to wait.

Waiting for the more than one hundred people in front to take the trivial matter of the base to talk to Antonov before it can be his turn.

Zhou Lu wanted to see if he could jump in the line, and strive to get Antonov to apply to leave some heavy equipment similar to Titan and Smasher before Feizhou leaves.

It turned out to be very bad. I was yelled at and asked to return to the place where I was queuing.

When it was noon, when it was Zhou Lu’s turn, he rushed in.

“Supervisor, you have to apply for some heavy equipment to stay. We found this.”

Zhou Lu handed the report of the geologist to Antonov.

The old man of the AD century showed a smile on his old face, and before he picked up the report and looked at it, he showed a smile, “Don’t be so nervous young people, we have gone through the worst, and we should learn to be calm.”

After speaking, he carefully checked the report.

The Ark in the outer orbit also disappeared in the outer orbit of the dawn planet just after leaving six rings at this time, heading for the Dawn galaxy at 7.25 light-years.

When Antonov saw the effect of dilithium crystals and the changes to human society, he showed the same anxious expression as Zhou Lu before. This is an important resource that can change society and must be exploited in the first time.

But when he contacted Ark, he was prompted that he could not connect.

The Ark has already left, and only after the other party has completed the flight, can the other party be contacted by instant messaging.

For a while, Antonozhov showed pain on his face, and he did a trick.

The mining of two lithium crystals is enough to make a big change in mankind.

The Ark does not need to travel to the Dawn Galaxy, it can develop on the Dawn Star.

With so many lithium crystals, building spaceships and battleships is just a small problem, and it is no more difficult than shipbuilding.

With a huge fleet, mankind has confidence.

And this opportunity was actually missed in his hands.

What a sin this is.

The next day, Antonov changed a secretary.

Beyond the Grange point of the Dawning Galaxy, the space has warped fluctuations.

When light passes through this area, it becomes curved, as if it was forcibly changed its trajectory near a black hole.

Along with the brilliant purple and the sudden thunder in space, a (cdbg) crack appeared, spinning like a whirlpool.

The Ark rushed out of the crack. Although the deceleration was activated for the first time, the strong inertia caused the Ark to rush into the dust cloud surrounding the Dawn Galaxy.

When the Ark got out of the dust cloud, the speed slowly slowed down.

During this period, Skynet on the Ark obtained the accurate time by comparing the positions of the stars and uploaded it to the main server.

The passengers didn’t feel any time passing by, but the time to see the virtual screen prompts spanned twelve days at once.

When the Ark makes a miniature leap, time does not flow. Only when it returns to the real universe will it continue to flow.

When the Skynet started the detection array to collect information about this star system.

There was a situation in the psionic experiment area.

Zhan Toyi made a harsh sound, but Natasha, who was pregnant but never gave birth, also made a painful cry at the same time, feeling the baby’s activity.

Natasha has been pregnant for more than two years now.

Before the solar system was hit, Natasha was pregnant.

After half a year, he escaped from the solar system and spent seven years crossing over 20,000 light years in the Milky Way.

Based on the time that passed on the Ark, one and a half years passed.

Counting the years of pioneering on Dawn Star, I was pregnant for almost two years.

The baby in Natasha just stopped growing, staying in her stomach without moving.

Astarte thought it was a stillbirth, but after examination it was found that the baby’s various physical indicators were very healthy.

But no matter what method they use, the baby is just underdeveloped, just staying quietly in the stomach, just like falling asleep and forgetting to grow up.

Today, the baby suddenly woke up again and continued his unfinished development.

Two things happened, so Astarte was a little confused, not sure which should be done first.

After thinking about it for two minutes, he hurriedly ran to check Natasha’s body, and found that there was nothing serious, and asked the good doctor to look after Natasha, and then hurriedly went to the laboratory to check the information of the fortune teller.

Zhantoyi is used to study the fluctuations of the non-material world. The space has leaped so far, and there has never been a reaction. This is the first time this kind of piercing alarm has appeared today.

When Astarte came to the laboratory.

Covering an area, it is equivalent to a fortune-telling instrument in a big house, and countless indicator lights on the huge body are flashing non-stop.

Accompanied by the sound of a bang, a heavy mechanical data display screen is constantly outputting various professional terms.

Afraid of the incompatibility between psychic technology and physical technology, the fortune-telling instrument is not connected to Skynet’s arithmetic matrix, but a simple data processing center has been built.

Several computer experts are reading the Zhanto instrument’s readings and converting them into normal text.

“How is the situation? What’s wrong.

As soon as he stepped into the laboratory, Astarte asked anxiously.

Psionic energy is the way for mankind to enter the new era, so don’t make any mistakes.

A computer expert immersed in the monitor terminal raised his head, revealing a man’s face with messy hair and tiredness.

The man in his thirties, named Harry, Shedon, is a top expert in computer, mathematics, psychology and other fields.

“Supervisor, there is no problem here. It’s just that the fortune teller got some readings in the non-material world. On Planet Dawn 1, we found a large number of psionic reactions. This is a special planet connected to the non-material world, a psionic energy. world.”

Harry, Sheyton walked to Astarte and handed her a deciphered document.

The psychic experiment is special. The fortune-telling instrument does not use any intelligence. It uses the oldest binary mechanism and requires top mathematicians to interpret it.

Zhantoyi has used the most advanced intelligent ai.

But there are always problems.

The more sophisticated and advanced the creation is, the more likely it is to have problems in psionic experiments.

And those simple things are very durable.

Finally developed into a paper document, used to record the data of the fortune teller.

Astarte read Zhantoyi’s report.

On the other hand, Skynet’s detection matrix also obtained the main data of Dawning 1 planet through radiation inspection.

“A large number of prosperous forests grow on Dawning 1, and the entire world is tropical rain forest.”

Zhao Yu checked the report of the intelligence department on the Dawn No. 1 planet, frowning slightly, not at all happy because this is an ecologically prosperous first-class world.

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