Chapter 131 Immaterial life

In the ninth year of the Interstellar Era, mankind wiped out the last indigenous settlement on the planet Dawn, which became the second colony of mankind.

The process and results of the war conceal other surviving human beings to prevent them from showing any unsuitability or resistance.

After the war, the construction of the new colony was also in full swing.

A variety of tall buildings rose from the ground, standing in the blue forest of the Shuguang No. 1 star.

The air here is almost the same as that of the earth. After simple filtration, you can breathe freely without a breathing mask.

After the leadership meeting decided, all the colonies of mankind form a human union.

Zhao Yu was elected as the supreme consul, and the others were responsible for different fields, establishing internal affairs, military affairs, legal affairs and many other departments.

The Consortium is the first inter-galactic government in human history.

The human confederation has a much smaller population than the federation, but it governs an interstellar system, while the non-confederation only rules one galaxy.

When the meeting was announced, there was no excitement and no cheers.

Those who participated in the meeting knew that this consortium was a curse-like existence.

They need to be like inhuman demons to snatch the living space of those weak alien life.

Perhaps one day, the people at the meeting recalled the beginning of this terrible fate and regretted participating.

Mankind was destroyed by the dark forest, but now he has become one of them.

They came from a bright world, but now they have become a dark race.

Those humans in the solar system shed the last drop of blood for the so-called morality and humanity.

The survivors who came out embraced the darkness without hesitation.

When the last native died in the hands of genetic warriors, humans completed their dark baptism and ran from the solar system to space.

Just as the fish walked ashore and became a completely different life.

Humans also stepped ashore at this time, becoming a completely different race from the humans of the solar system.

The universe was once bright. Soon after the creation of the Big Bang, all matter existed in the form of light.

The universe behind turned into burnt ashes, オ precipitated heavy elements in the darkness and formed planets and life, so darkness is the mother of life and civilization.

The same is true for human beings. For the multiplication of life and the continuation of civilization, they have become a member of the dark.

The announcement of the establishment of the consortium was read by Zhao Yu. To be honest, if it were not for the stamp of thought, Zhao Yu could not bear this terrible crime of destroying a civilization.

In order to strengthen his conviction, Zhao Yu learned from Hines, the former wall-facer, and he imprinted the belief that everything he did was correct in his mind.

The stamp of thought helped Zhao Yu resist the evil psychology of destroying a civilization to the greatest extent, so that he would not be emotionally collapsed because of the destruction of race and civilization.

The battle of the dawn galaxy is like a kind person who suddenly encountered the end of the world.

The former civilization and morality disappeared suddenly, and the kind survivor became a monster who needed to eat people to survive.

The process and results of all battles have been sealed up.

The first is to protect other human beings from the burden on their minds.

The second is to prevent the development of alien forces in mankind, and to prevent those people from falling into self-doubt because of the destruction of other civilizations, thus giving birth to the idea of ​​destroying mankind.

The related records of the Dawning Galaxy were listed as the highest level, and were sealed in the deepest data matrix by Skynet.

Except for a few designated persons, no one is qualified to consult the information on this battle.

These things may be kept in dust forever to prevent future generations from knowing that their ancestors have committed such terrible crimes.

The establishment of a community with a shared future for mankind represents Zhao Yu officially becoming the guide and leader of mankind.

Unlike everyone at the meeting, the common people celebrated for it.

In the process of fleeing, they somewhat resisted Zhao Yu’s high-pressure policy.

But Zhao Yu did help the surviving humans escape the threat of destruction, escape from one world to another, and establish colonies.

This is undoubtedly a powerful persuasion. Although people criticize Zhao Yu’s repressive rule, no one can deny Zhao Yu’s ability and his achievements.

After Zhao Yu became the consul, Natasha, accompanied by Shi Daqiang, went to Dawn One to relax.

The beautiful environment did make her a lot easier, far less depressing than when she was in the Ark.

A situation that no one thought of appeared.

According to the examination by the attending physician William, the baby in Natasha’s belly showed no signs of labor.

But when visiting the Dawn Star, there is a certain power to speed up the baby’s development.

After browsing the Frost River in the northern hemisphere, Natasha was in labor.

This incident made everyone out of reach, no one knew what was going on.

The baby, who only knew that there was nothing moving, became restless after entering the dawn galaxy, and finally went into labor directly.

The situation came so suddenly that the tour spacecraft did not even dare to move, and could only call on the Ark to bring the equipment.

Even with the best conditions, Natasha still suffered a dystocia.

After severe pain and heavy bleeding, he fell into a coma.

Only a scorching sun was seen in the dark, trying to get out of her body.

The importance of non-material life is far above other things, and Natasha’s birth caused Astor, Vader, and Zhao Yu to come personally.

“His psychic reading is very high, it has already exceeded one million,”.

Astarte held the data panel in her hand, and the corners of her mouth were shaking. It was the first time she saw such a terrifying psionic reading.

Even Cheng Xin, the highest, is only tens of thousands of readings.

The baby who is about to be born is as high as one million, and the readings are still soaring, seemingly endless.

The child’s psychic reading is not the most shocking, the most shocking is the back.

The golden light appeared in the production room, and it became stronger with the birth of the child, just like a real sun was born.

Even people who stay outside can clearly see the light.

Even the outside of the spacecraft was glowing golden light, just like the sun god car in the myth.

The more parts the child comes out, the more intense the light.

At the back, William, who was in charge of delivering the baby, felt like he was staying in a golden ocean.

This magical scene made Vader, Luo Ji, Hines and others who used communication to check the situation, all showed surprised eyes.

In many myths and legends, the birth of a great human figure often carries a vision.

These descriptions were once described as ignorance and superstition by scientists.

But now, a group of the most cutting-edge scholars of mankind are watching a scene of stupid and superstition.

They already had a certain degree of psychological preparation for the birth of this non-material life, and they thought that no matter what happened, they would take it lightly.

But now, they found themselves still shocked.

The movement of a child’s birth is so terrifying.

In the eyes of everyone in awe, with advanced medical technology, Natasha finally gave birth to the child without any risk.

When the child made the first cry, the golden light melted like snow under the scorching sun.

A small pink face appeared in front of everyone.

After three years of gestation, an immaterial life formally came to this world as a human being.

But in the investigation after the incident, Astart found a problem.

Everyone had different descriptions of children. Some people saw a child with blond hair and blue eyes, some people saw a child with black hair and black pupils, and even more saw a black child with a halo behind it.

All they see are their best imaginations of their children.

Controversy broke out among these people, and it was not until Zhao Yu ordered that no discussion about children was allowed.

A week after the child was born, Zhao Yu and Astarte stood outside the child’s nursery, taking care of the child through a glass caretaker.

*”々The previous deep sleep is a self-protection phenomenon. When the child was born, he absorbed a lot of psionic energy (of). This is the direction of the psionic energy of the Dawn 1 star at the time, and almost all of the psychic energy flows to For him. This child needs psychic energy to be born. Before that, オ has been in a state of gestation, has not developed enough psychic energy, and is in a deep sleep state.”

Astarte said.

This is why.

When the Ark appears in the dawn galaxy, the baby will move and develop.

This non-material life is closely related to psychic energy.

They had never thought of this before, only that the development of non-material life was special.

Who ever thought that babies need psionics to continue to develop, otherwise they will always be in a deep sleep state.

“What’s the matter with that kid’s face, why do people see it differently.” Zhao Yu said zero.

“I don’t know this. Nothing that can cause hallucinations was detected on his body.”

“What everyone sees is the most in line with the child in their hearts. Everyone shows a kind of affection for this child. This may be a kind of protection for self-growth, which inspires human beings to the greatest extent. Protect nature, protect its growth.”

“In all the investigations, only you and the soulless little girl saw the same thing, and both believed that this child is actually an ordinary child with black hair and black eyes.”.

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