Chapter 154 Heart of All Machines

The bright lights came on, and Mara sitting in the corner frowned slightly looking at the approaching Makado.

“What are you doing?”

Makado shrugged, “Come and see you. Maybe I can give you some fun, King Chess.”

He took out the chessboard and chess pieces from his arms.

Look at the greasy black wooden box and its vague signs.

Mara knew that this was a product of the age of the solar system.

It may be something older than that era.

Only those ancient times would use such chess pieces.

People in later times prefer virtual battles instead of such chess pieces.

“I’m not interested in playing games with you. If it’s okay, then leave.”

Mara said.

Makado looked up and down the horse. He was so big that he was comparable to a genetic warrior even without genetic surgery.

That strong body, knotted muscles, and broad chest all prove that he has extraordinary power, enough to easily defeat everything.

Macado can feel the great power contained in that tall, strong body, but now this power is sleeping, and Mara is not ready to control it.

Mara looked like a consul, with a pair of black eyes with as deep wisdom as a starry sky.

His short black hair was messy, even his beard was so decadent.

Under the light. Mara looked very tired.

The Talos incident dealt a huge blow to him. He has been in the room without dripping water for a month.

If it weren’t for his strong body, I’m afraid he would have died hungry long ago.

“What chess piece do you want, 23 red, black?”

Makado saw that Mara did not reply, “Then you use black, I like to use red, I think that color is festive.”

“Why don’t you say that it is the color of blood?” Mara said mockingly.

“That varies from person to person. In my eyes, red is a festive color. I like this color.” Macado said. “The world is so bad, you have to learn to look at problems from different angles.

“Deception,” Mara said.

Makado did not respond, he put the chessboard on the table in front of Mara, “Set it up, let’s start.”

It may be that Makado is annoying and wants to accompany him to the next one, and then drive him away.

It may also be due to other reasons that Mara moved his own black chess.

The two sides quickly entered the state, Mara has incomparable wisdom, but he is not calm enough.

He can always push Macado into desperation, but he can’t end the battle.

It was finally killed by Makado.

Looking at the chessboard, Mara irritably asked for another game.

But the second game is still the same. He still lost.

“Your mind is too irritable, you can’t use your wisdom.”

Makado took the black king and he won again.

“One more game.” Mara said irritably, “I will beat you.”

“It’s useless to play any more games. The anger is meaningless and it will only make you lose your ability to think. If you can’t suppress the anger in your heart, you can’t use the wisdom of your mind, and you can’t control the game, then all you get is failure. Horse. Pull, why are you angry?”

“Because of your father’s deception? Do you also think that he has dreams of glory and ambitions for earthly power.”

Mara shook his head, “No, I’m not that stupid. I can see every step of my father. If it’s really just like that, I might not be so angry.”

“It sounds like a story, I might be your audience.” Makado put all the pieces in place, ready to play another game.

“He is planning a grand plan to take mankind to the sacred utopia, and he plans to create a world without threats for mankind. Those people don’t see me in the long term, but they believe him, Vader, Luo Ji, Asta This is especially true, even my mother Natasha. I also want to learn how they trust him, but I find that I can’t do it, I

I can’t tolerate those lives being ruthlessly given up by him. I doubt whether he was a little sad when he made a decision, and whether he could see the struggles and pleadings of those lives before they were dying. ”

“I’m asking him, but I’m actually very scared. I hate his cold and ruthless appearance and use everything as a tool to accomplish his goals. But I can’t deceive myself. My mind keeps telling me that he is right. If it doesn’t matter, Is it to create a human utopia or to stop the endless war in this universe? His approach is the best.”

“My reason recognizes what my father did. This is what makes me most angry. Do we really have the right to kill those lives? Or maybe we can let them go, expel them from human society, and let them leave. Far away.

“Can’t we let them go their own way? After all, the universe is so broad, and the known universe alone is tens of billions of light-years away.

“In other words, you are not angry with the Archon, but angry at the battle between reason and conscience. You approve of what the Archon does, but your conscience doesn’t approve it.” Makado moved He took his own pawn and killed the horse-drawn pawn.

“You can say that.”

Mara moved his car to avoid it falling into a circle of Makado’s chess pieces.

“If you are seeing a person’s hand caught by a machine, and you know very clearly that you must chop off the arm to survive, otherwise the machine will swallow him and grind it into fleshy meat, would you chop it? ”

“Of course I will chop.” Mara said.

“If that person doesn’t see the danger, and only sees you want to chop his arm? He may ask you why you don’t shut down the device, why don’t you help him go to other people for help. He can’t see the time is tight, nor can he see A critical crisis. He is cursing you, humiliating you, making you go away, and asking what qualifications you have to chop his hand. Will you still chop? Cut it down

Later, you will become a wicked person scolded by others. Will you still chop?

Makado looked at Mara and fixed his eyes closely to make sure he couldn’t tell a lie.

“I will.” Mara said firmly.

When Makado heard this back, he nodded and moved his soldiers smoothly.

“Subject to many conditions such as knowledge, life experience, etc., the general public cannot see things that are too far away, and they don’t have the ability to think. You can make two choices. The first is to indulge their current misconduct until despair falls. , Those people were destroyed in weeping, just like the solar system of the past. The second is to control them, with a superb

Wisdom guides them and burdens them with the sins they don’t understand. ”

“There is nothing wrong with pursuing freedom, but once it spreads, it becomes depraved and stupid. Your father is avoiding this. You think he has no conscience and no humanity. In my opinion, this is precisely because of his humanity and conscience. Performance. It’s just that his conscience and humanity are not completely placed on the human beings of this age. He focuses on the present and the future, for those who return

Unborn humans are responsible.

“Many people who seem to have a conscience will pursue peace of mind. They can’t bear the world’s suffering in front of them, and make indulgent decisions, but they often backfire and bring bad consequences. Humans have paid a huge price for this. .”

Makado arched his horse forward, blocking Mala’s retreat.

“You’re still too confused. I’ll come to you to play chess next time. If you still feel confused, I recommend you to go to a place.”

Mara frowned slightly, “Where?”

“The Legal Archives, there are countless trial files stored there. After reading those files, you will understand the human race and why your father did it. Human nature is more complicated than you think, and worse than you think. Look. After finishing those files, you will understand that not every life is worth saving.”

After Makado finished speaking, he stood up and said, “I should go back. There is still work to be done.”

“Archives.” Mara chewed in his heart.


At a distance of 120 astronomical units from the Ark, there is a deadly void.

There is nothing in this place, only cold and dark.

A huge combined space stands in this endless cold and darkness.

There is no light on the fist logo above.

The space station has absorbed all the radiation, and its existence cannot be observed by any conventional means.

Even if a person stands in front of the space station, all he can see is darkness.

The space station is very bright, and countless engineers are busy here, immersed in various electronic display screens.

The buzzing of various machines kept ringing, and the recorder recorded every number symbol that jumped, and refused to let go of even a punctuation mark.

One by one charged photospheres were bound in the flask, twisting the shape, and emitting tiny lightning.

In some flasks, there was even a rolling white mist, which was unpredictable and appeared in various forms.

An aboriginal man from the Middle Ages entered this space station.

He would definitely think this was a dwelling place for gods, these engineers were gods, and they were coordinating strong winds and thunder and lightning.

Unfortunately, there are still no natives in this world.

These engineers are not gods either. They are just the most ordinary human beings. The only thing worthy of praise is that they have mastered knowledge.

“After calculation and transformation, the experiment was very successful. If possible, the Heart of All Machines can carry all the mechanical knowledge and ensure that the inheritance of human knowledge will never be cut off.”

A staff member said next to Qiu Xiangxue.

The girl who was once is now the top supervisor of a scientific research base, responsible for one of the most important scientific research projects of mankind, the Heart of All Opportunities.

This project and another human genetic project, the original parent, are both important projects concerning human future plans.

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