Chapter 157 Planet life

The bx1201 is a standard colonial spacecraft with a hemispherical shape and a diameter of up to 70 kilometers, which can accommodate 100,000 humans for colonization.

Without using subspace, it can only sail at 30% of the speed of light.

After all, this is not a cargo spaceship, nor is it a warship. It doesn’t have much firepower on it.

The main purpose of the colonization spacecraft is only to transport population and colonization equipment for colonization to a planet in outer space.

The original intention of the design of the spacecraft is only to quickly build the buildings needed for colonization and the facilities to maintain the survival of mankind.

Each cabin of the colonial spacecraft is composed of multiple modules, and its architectural and functional aspects are based on survival as the primary goal.

Each living cabin is built with residences, agricultural facilities, municipal facilities, open spaces, and places for work and research.

Once the colonization spacecraft arrives at the planet that needs to be colonized, it can use the equipment on the spacecraft to directly complete the colonial expansion.

There is even a built-in stc collection development template on the spacecraft to ensure that the colonists can quickly manufacture related industrial facilities based on the materials of the colonizing planet.

The original plan of this colonial spacecraft was to go to the third planet in Taurus for colonization.

Obviously, the staff of the colonial spacecraft did not check the various parts of the spacecraft in accordance with the work process before departure.

The Geller shield generator had a short-term failure problem, which caused the spacecraft to withdraw from subspace navigation.

Subspace is illusory and does not exist relative to the real universe.

In order to maintain a real existence in the illusory world, the Geller Shield is indispensable.

After exiting the subspace, bx1201 did not immediately repair the spacecraft, because they discovered a world of life because of a blessing in disguise.

Under the observation of various observation methods, the bx1201 colonial spacecraft finally determined that there was a large number of life reactions in the second planet of the star system they came to.

It was extremely strong, as if possessing a large number of high-level lives.

Moreover, this star system does not have any spacecraft, and it seems that there is no threat at all.

Anflock, the controller of the bx1201 colonial spacecraft, this man is a mechanical fanatic.

In the process of human colonization and expansion, all kinds of thoughts about the evolution of the human body are also very intense.

There are genetic schools that advocate genetic intervention and transformation, and there are primitive sects that advocate the theory of human perfection, and even the mechanical school that believes that flesh and blood is weak and mechanical is eternal.

The struggle between different schools is very fierce, and there may even be mutual exclusion.

But under the supervision of the consortium, they dare not do too much.

Anflock is a complete mechanical fanatic who has undergone more than 20 mechanical transformations on his body.

Transformed most of his torso into machinery.

He even plans to transform his brain and replace it with a chip.

This kind of human reconstruction surgery is too crazy, and no one dared to promise him so far.

The consortium prohibits this even more.

“Take this world.” Knowing that this world does not have any spacecraft, Anflock is also very decisive.

He directly ordered the advance troops to explore and prepare the spacecraft for colonization.

No intelligent creatures have been found on this planet, and the structure of life is very simple.

It stands to reason that such a life structure simply cannot match the previously detected life reaction phenomena.

The previous detection found that there are a large number of high-level lives here.

But now there is nothing.

Everyone didn’t care about this small error, and found the joy of a world of life, which made them give up thinking.

After all, this is a huge wealth, whether it is developed by oneself or transferred to others, it is unimaginable wealth.

The colonization spacecraft landed on this planet and started the colonization process.

There was nothing in the beginning, but as time passed, weird things happened one after another.

In the process of exploration, members of the expedition will disappear from time to time.

No matter how they searched, they couldn’t find the missing team members.

An atmosphere of horror began to spread among these colonists, who were discussing the strangeness of this planet in a low voice.

“The Archon is here. We have lost 20 team members. If we continue like this, we will be crazy. We can’t see any traces of the enemy. The exploration spacecraft has flown all over the corner of the planet. Discover any trace of wisdom civilization,”

Anflock roared in the control room of the colonial spacecraft, completely ignorant of who the enemy was, only that the team members were constantly being depleted.

A technician stood next to him without speaking. No one knew what was going on.

If there are ghosts on this planet, Zhantoyi will also issue a warning.

Whether it is a scientific problem or a metaphysical problem, human beings have enough means to deal with it.

But now it is completely impossible to find the problem.

At the beginning of the attack, many of them thought that there was some kind of ghost or psionic creature in this world.

But after careful investigation, it was discovered that the planet was completely isolated from psionic energy.

In other words, there is no psionic vision on this planet.

“The life reaction phenomenon surveyed is far stronger than the ecological structure we discovered. The simple ecosystem of this planet alone cannot emit such a strong energy response. There must be hidden life here.” A technology The staff member said.

“Where is this life? We have tested every place on this planet, there is no hidden space.” Anflock shouted loudly.

Hearing Anflock’s roar, no one responded.

Everyone kept silent, because no one knew where the strong life energy response came from.

It seems to be everywhere, but it can’t find any source.

When everyone in the conference room could not find the problem, as the circuit repairman of the colonial spacecraft, Richard was going deep underground to check the location of the generator shaft.

The colonial team caused the disappearance of more than 20 exploration team members, but mankind will not abandon this planet.

A planet with its own ecology is also invaluable to mankind.

It means that human colonists don’t need to spend a lot of time to modify the environment.

After Richard went underground to investigate and confirmed that there was no problem.

A large number of cables were laid down from the ground, and some nuclear fusion devices were also delivered in batches.

The nuclear fusion reaction is the most energy reactor currently used by mankind. It is cheap and suitable for the stage when a colony has just begun and has little benefit.

……For flowers………

Nowadays, many colonies are not developed by the consortium. It is only necessary for the colonial team to declare allegiance to the consortium and pay the corresponding taxes on time.

Such a loose policy encourages people to go to the stars and seek their own wealth.

If you successfully establish a colony on a planet, and complete the minimum population, technological development, education and many other requirements set by the consortium.

Then the developer will get management rights and have certain autonomy rights.

The equivalent of a developer becoming a planetary governor.

This is an act of decentralization that can’t be helped.

The consortium must ensure that mankind expands as quickly as possible and occupy planets with precious metal resources as much as possible.

Commercializing a colony is a helpless measure. Only in this way can desire drive those gold prospectors to run to the stars desperately.

No colony is allowed to have over-spec armed forces, and can only have civilian armed equipment at most.

There are no military units in the stc, they are all mechas used for logging, there are also robots and Titans used for building buildings.


Such force is sufficient to protect them from being attacked by alien beasts.

As for stronger force, no one can have it, so as to avoid someone playing with self-respect.

The construction of a fusion reactor is not very difficult.

A cylindrical reactor weighing several thousand tons was built underground.

There is no problem in the detection of all the steps, but the semaphore is found to be disordered when it is turned on.

“Damn it, what’s going on?” Richard grumbled angrily while looking at the machine screen with garbled characters in front of him.

The relevant staff checked all of them again, and found no problems on the line. They used the detector to detect them, and they did not find any abnormalities.

After several hours of testing, there was no result at all.

Until the break, Richard made an unintentional move and discovered the main cause of the malfunction.

Among the signal cables connected to the underground nuclear fusion reaction, a waste wire lays on the rock wall underground.

This waste line is not connected to any signal source, but garbled characters are indeed caused by it.

This strange phenomenon attracted Richard’s attention.

After an examination with a nerve device, Richard’s team found periodic nerve signals on the stone wall.

It is as if the planet itself is a life form.

Its brain waves affect the signal transmission of nuclear fusion.

“Damn it, isn’t this planetary life?”

Richard looked at the display, and the nerve signal curve on it represented an intelligent life.



Archives of the Legal Department.

A tall figure is reading the information here.

He looked attentively until someone opened the door and walked in, calling his name softly.


The figure turned around, the fatigue on his face could not be concealed.

“Mother, why are you here?”

“They said you have been here for more than a month, so I’m not relieved so take a look.

“I’m fine, I just want to find some answers.”

“Still worrying? Child?”

“Well, I’m thinking, what kind of human beings are like?”

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