Chapter 165 Third Corps

The subject of future history did not receive much attention during the solar system federation period.

Even if the federal government established a relevant degree, it failed to attract any talents to study this subject.

But in the consortium, future historiography has extraordinary significance.

Thousands of psychologists and historians, as well as physicists, under the leadership of Chang Weisi and Xie Dun, predicted and carefully deduced the events reported by each colony, and deduced them into a model. In the evolution of the future history of mankind.

Use this method to predict the future development of mankind.

Sudden events encountered with alien civilization are also predicting the results.

Some people may be confused, so how many civilizations are there in this universe?

If you can’t know, how can you predict the probability of encountering other civilizations?

In the conventional field of speculation, this is indeed a difficult thing to solve.

But in the field of mathematics, this kind of prediction can be done.

In the middle of the 20th century, human beings were keen to find extraterrestrial civilization.

At this time, the Trisolaran organization was still undiscovered, and the activities of exploring extraterrestrial civilization proceeded like a fire.

Among the many organizations exploring extraterrestrial civilization, there is such a genius named Drake. He is an astronomer and is very famous.

He is the founder of the United States Extraterrestrial Civilization Search Organization.

At that time, the Trisolaran civilization had not been exposed to the world, and people did not know that there was a civilization more than four light years away.

At that time, searching for extraterrestrial civilization was a very hot thing.

This talented astronomer proposed a plan called Ozma to search for alien signals.

The plan is implemented at the Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia.

This plan has also received the support of many rich people.

In 0201961, the astronomer proposed the famous cosmic civilization equation, which is the famous Drake equation.

Use this equation to calculate the civilizations that exist in the galaxy.

There are a total of 7 elements in the equation, such as the level of stars born in the Milky Way, how many planets the stars have, whether the planets can adapt to life forms, and guess how long extraterrestrial intelligent life can survive.

More than five hundred years of development, coupled with the use of the super computing power of the Skynet matrix and various advanced surveying methods.

This equation has been perfected.

Within 500 light years of human colonies, the calculation results of the data model indicate that there should be more than 72 carbon-based biological civilizations alone.

If you count other forms of life, this number may be even higher.

Human beings are not alone in the universe. On the contrary, to a certain extent, the universe is very lively.

It’s just that all civilizations are trying to hide themselves and not communicate.

As mentioned earlier, emotions are only for survival.

In order to survive, different civilizations and races have different emotions.

Civilized races like humans whose emotional needs exceed their survival needs are not absent, but they are rare, and they may not be lucky for humans.

Destiny can be said to be very kind to mankind.

Human beings have such top-notch existences as Zhang Beihai, Shi Daqiang, Luo Ji, and Hines.

It is the hard work of these people that allows mankind to survive.

These people continue to remedy the astonishing mistakes made by their kind with their intrepid spirit and extraordinary wisdom, allowing the erect apes in the eyes of other civilizations to stay on the cosmic stage.

But not all civilizations are so lucky.

These civilizations with strong emotional needs will directly collapse when they encounter a larger disaster.

Emotions overwhelm reason, overwhelming instinct for survival.

This is very dangerous for a race.

The vast majority of civilizations that can develop into the space age are ruthless.

No matter how cold and cruel civilization is, survival must be the first element.

Otherwise, any cruel rule will fall apart directly.

Whether it is slavery or imperialism, if you abandon this element, you will be violently resisted and eventually destroyed.

So in the world of Trisolaran civilization, they deduced the idea of ​​the dark forest as soon as they discovered human beings.

At that time, the three-body system hadn’t realized that human thinking is opaque.

What humans say and think may be completely different.

They told Evans and Ye Wenjie this dark idea, and Ye Wenjie told Luo Ji in some way.

Then Luo Ji realized the idea of ​​the dark forest in the lake.

Out of fear, Sophon gave up the Trisolaran organization and let Evans die in Operation Guzheng, not wanting this dark idea to be known by humans.

Afterwards, the three bodies realized the existence of Luo Ji and tried to completely obliterate this idea before he discovered it.

When civilization enters the industrial age, it will wisely choose to hide itself and develop in secret.

In several civilizations that were destroyed by humans before, there were such hidden genes.

The dark forest idea and the Drake formula are important data models for future historians.

Using these two special models, scholars can predict not only the future of mankind, but also the situation of the enemy.

Although the quantum uncertainty state makes the universe full of randomness like a dice roll, makes the occurrence of events full of probability, and also complicates the macroscopic universe.

But through the calculation formula of the central limit theorem, the probability shrinkage can be calculated.

With the huge computing power of Skynet matrix, future historiography will be infinitely close to correct.

It can even accurately predict the crisis that mankind is about to encounter.

More importantly, the future historiography model can be expanded again with the expansion of human scale and special factors of development, and the results will be continuously revised.

Zhao Yu didn’t make any waves with Erica’s report, he just nodded and said he knew it.

After a while, he spoke.

“Relocate the Third Corps.”

Erica nodded without questioning.



Mara adjusted his breathing.

The blood rushed through his majestic body to dissipate the air, traveling back and forth to his lungs at a speed four times that of ordinary people, and the curled breath seemed to carry moist power.

Even without any genetic surgery, Mara is as tall as a genetic warrior.

“This is an honor.” Whenever Diderot saw Mara, he would thank the consul’s wiseness in his heart.

If anyone is most suitable to command the genetic warrior, it must be Marathi.

Regardless of his bloodline or his abilities, Mara is the most suitable existence to command the genetic warrior.

Mara has the blood of the Archon, and is born with such a strong body and strength.

It is also said that the Archon transformed his child in order to help him complete the great cause of the rise of mankind.

There are also some rumors that Mara was created after the Archon stole the power of God.

No matter what kind of statement it is, it shows the speciality of Marathi.

When Diderot found Mara with the order of the consul, he was watching the battle between genetic warriors.

The training uniform, which was tougher than iron wire, had been torn apart, and the strong bodies of the two fighters slammed together like a bull.

The blood and sweat blended, and the fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce.

Every punch made the air blast, and the blow hit the knotted muscles they both had.

Those terrible muscles move like snakes and pythons under the skin.

These muscles are not obtained through nutritious and healthy meals.

The genetic warriors take high-calorie foods. In order to relieve the wounds caused by war, they also need a variety of meat and wine.

With such a huge intake of meat and wine, an ordinary person will become a fat man in one month.

Every inch of their muscles is obtained through frantic training and fighting.

The combat power of genetic warriors is naturally terrifying.

The strong self-healing ability, the steel-like bones, and the tough skin are enough to make them kill a genetically modified beast with one punch.

You can even tear a five-centimeter-thick steel plate with your bare hands.

If they wear CNC power armor, their combat power will become even more terrifying.

Mara watched the fighting of the soldiers, but what she thought in her heart was the meeting with her father in the past.

Father seemed to have anticipated the change in his thoughts when Mara knocked on the door and entered the consul’s office.

Father happened to stamp a letter of appointment, which stated that Mara became the Third Corps.

“You figured it out?” Zhao Yu didn’t look back, he was sorting out his documents.

The affairs of the entire consortium are weighed on him, and there are many documents.

With the development of holographic technology, many things can no longer use written records.

Zhao Yu still insisted on using it. Some important decisions related to the integration of things are usually made in electronic version and a paper copy.

“At least we should leave a bit of history for future generations.”

Zhao Yu explained this to the complaining clerks.

The electronic version only needs to be deleted gently, and there is nothing left.

At least some dust can be found on the paper.

And I have to leave something for posterity in the future.

Otherwise, it will be the same as the solar system, except for the description of a few paragraphs, there is almost nothing.

The Federation of the Solar System has always admired holographic technology, thinking that paper recording is backward.

Even the works of the artists are online.

As a result, with the destruction of the solar system, nothing was left.

The exhibitions of the Museum of Humanity are all the tombs left in the AD era and even ancient times.

There are almost no civilization products of the Solar System Federation, which is really sad to the extreme.

Five hundred years of civilization development, nothing was left, and disappeared with the destruction of the solar system.

Looking at his father’s back, Mara didn’t say much, he just took over the commission and took over the 3rd Corps.

The original head Diderot became his deputy head.

Diderot has no complaints about this.

The arrival of Mara made the genetic warriors of the 3rd Corps extremely excited and regarded it as a glory surpassing other Corps.

“The consul has sent a new order.” Diderot said. .

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