Chapter 185 Bone scraping and detoxification

Never before has an army been so cruel.

Huggins underestimated the cruelty and determination of the union.

Those lunatics who are stamped with ideological stamps only serve the interests of humanity as a whole and ensure that the interests of mankind will not be harmed in any way.

Morality and humanity have long been abandoned by them, leaving only naked darkness and terror.

The children who were so confused by him were shot to the head, and the headless bodies were burned by a huge fuel flamethrower.

Billowing black smoke rose up. It was also mixed with crying-and painful sounds.

Over the luxurious mansion, fighter planes passed by, and the sound of howling shattered the glass, scared the servants to escape crying and crying, and then they were shot and killed by soldiers armed with guns.

There is no kindness at all.

The guns on the fighter planes fired in unison, causing a big explosion in the sky garden and several air corridors.

The rumbling sound shook the whole world.

Huggins, who had been arrogant and shouting that he was the law, stayed shivering in his mansion.

Where has he seen such battles?

Without any warning letter, without any paperwork, it is violent law enforcement.

Those bodyguards who asked and tried to figure out what was going on were directly killed.

“Damn it, those bastards, if I have a chance, I must kill them.”

Huggins hid in the air-raid shelter in the room, and his bodyguards all ran away.

No one wants to stay behind and wait for death.

He could do nothing but curse incompetence.


There was a violent wind in the sky.

This is always the case at high altitudes, with large temperature differences and large air currents.

No one dared to come out on the empty street built in the sky.

A violent explosion sounded, and the soldiers in military uniforms walked out of the darkness.

Everyone knows that something has happened. The united forces have been fighting outside and rarely appear in front of the world.

Now an entire fleet appears.

“It’s going to be messy,” whispered a man hiding behind the curtains and looking outside surreptitiously.

With the blessing of various individual equipment and armed with firearms, the joint soldiers violently broke through the doors of some people’s homes.

In the sound of gunshots and screams, some people were brought out, or some corpses were directly dragged out.

Some even their entire families were dragged to the street and shot, and some of them were children, one or two years old.

“Don’t look at it, it’s probably the Huggins thing. Those who were pulled out are all related to him.” The man’s wife walked over from behind.

“There is a lot of money. Those in Nikov are said to work for Harkins. In those days, they were very proud. They said that the boss of the Kata star area was the same. It has only been a few days, and it has become like this. ”

The woman’s voice sounded, causing the man to frown slightly, “But it was too cruel. Those soldiers killed women and children.

“Do you think people are still precious? Look at those bases. The lowest number of artificial people a year is one billion or ten billion. Those children are like the products of the assembly line, and they can harvest a batch in ten months. Social support institutions The building is full of children, and people are constantly sending genes and embryos, and they are constantly nurturing, without interruption.”

“This is not a reason to kill innocent people indiscriminately.”

The unqualified things will naturally be cleaned up. They could spend their entire lives honestly, but they are going to help Huggins. Everyone knows that he is broken. But those people want to talk to him, they feel that they have face, they feel very powerful.

The woman glanced outside, and a crying woman was crying with her baby who was just a few months old, hoping that the soldiers could save her baby.

The cry of crying is so pitiful.

The woman closed the curtains and pulled her man away.

She knew that woman, named Casey, who had only married a younger brother who followed Huggins two years ago.

I love to say how good my man is when I’m okay. He beats others like a dog, and no one dares to speak out.

Take the weapon and go to those management institutions, yelling.

Not only did the staff dare not scold him, but they also had to trot out to make a smile in a suit, so that her man would calm down and let go of those shivering with fright.

When he said this, Casey was very proud.

According to her words, Huggins is the boss of the Kata sector, and no one can help him.

“Don’t go see it, have you considered me and the child when you speak for those people?” The woman scuffled the man and told him to go back to sleep.

Finally, I couldn’t help but opened the curtain secretly.

It was found that Casey was dead, with her blond hair sticking to the blood-red ground. The child in her arms was also dead. A shot passed through without pain.

The other people were lying there, the blood stained the ground after a while.

A car threw their bodies on, and then washed the ground.

The woman recognized the cars, which were used for garbage cleaning.

Perhaps this is the price.

On the icy air road, a row of people who were defined as traitors was picked out by soldiers.

“Please, I’m just a cook.” An elderly woman was crying.

“I don’t know anything.”

“Let her go, she is still a teenage boy. Why should she bear his father’s sins?”

A group of women and children were ordered to stand in a row.

In front of her, a group of soldiers in combined uniforms were holding powerful laser guns.

A man with the appearance of an officer, looking at the data board in his hand.

“Nicole Mia is out.” The man shouted.

A woman with a bruised face came out timidly, her face full of horror.

The man was taken aback when he saw this scene, and then put on a smile.

“I’m really sorry, we made a mistake. You married a man named Babos six months ago, and this man was convicted of betraying humanity. You should be implicated. However, you told each other three months ago. Divorced and did not have any children of the other party, so according to the law, you should not be implicated.

The sergeant’s attitude of admitting his mistake was very sincere, and even took the initiative to help Nicole Mia.

The man’s attitude is completely different from the demon a few minutes ago.

“We are extremely sorry for the good citizens who accidentally injured the consortium. This time the operation was carried out too quickly, and the scope was wide, and there were a few errors in the data.”

“The relevant medical unit will come soon, and we will make compensation in the future to make up for your mental loss. I am extremely sorry.

The man apologized again, let Nicole Mia leave the team, and summoned a female soldier to calm her emotions.

Seeing the gentleness of the non-commissioned officer, the others began to cry.

“Why do the things my men do involve me and my children?

I was wronged too.

“Please, let my child live.”


The non-commissioned officer checked the data board again and made sure that no one made a mistake, his face turned back to the coldness before.

…For flowers…

A woman tried to run in front of her, but was kicked out by him.

The huge force made the woman fly a few meters directly, and she had already lost her half life without execution.

“Traitors are not worthy to live, and so are family members and offspring. They must all be eliminated. Choosing to die twice is better than betraying humanity.”

The non-commissioned officer’s words were extremely cold, without the tenderness just now.

Their duty is to protect mankind, not to protect the enemy, the traitor is the enemy.

The Interstellar Age is different from the past.

As the population increases and the number of colonies increases, the time flow rate of each planet is different.

The magnitude of gravity and the speed of revolution will affect the flow rate of time.

For various reasons, the consortium could not manage all colonial worlds.

What’s more, there are still a lot of things to be handled by Ark.

So there are regional management, state management, planetary management, galaxy management, stellar management and other multi-layered institutions, and at the same time cooperate with Skynet to manage each world.

Basically, the Ark only arranges the governor of the constellation to manage and monitor the local situation.

Responsible for supervising the colony to hand in all kinds of resources and talents required by the consortium on a regular basis.


The plan to ensure the continuity of mankind will not be affected in any way.

To a certain extent, all colonies are fertilizers planned by mankind. Regular provision of materials, seeds, soldiers, etc. is the fundamental reason for their existence.

This is not to say that the consortium does not have its own rights.

On the contrary, the individual rights and interests granted by the consortium are perfect, and the relevant basic systems are perfect.

From birth to completion of schooling, if it is not artificially distorted, the citizens of the consortium can enjoy all kinds of help.

Even if it is a small bullying, there will be related penalties to the guards and instructors.

The Ministry of Justice is stationed at every campus to ensure that human seeds will grow and grow.

Ensure that the physical and mental health of all children will not be harmed.

These protections will last until you are twenty-five years old, with the help of biochips, until you finish all the courses.

The qualified seeds will be sent to the Ark, and the unqualified will be put into the society, replenishing fresh blood for the operation of this huge society.

Following the noncommissioned officer’s words, all the soldiers raised their guns and shot, killing the first group.

Then came the third batch, the fourth batch, and batch after batch.

This is a thorough bone scraping, from Hudgens’ team to the management system of the entire Kata star area.

From above to the grassroots level, millions of people were executed and millions were arrested, deprived of the right to be a human being, and used as consumables for human experiments.

It also includes the wives and children of Huggins team members, parents and so on.

According to the normal way, this kind of matter should not involve so extensively.

But the Kata sector is only one of the most serious corruption and chaos, and other sectors have more or less such problems.

As long as there are benefits, some people dare to trample on the rules.

With such a huge piece of cake in the starry sky, everyone’s heart is moved, and all kinds of darkness also breed.

The consortium didn’t have time to clean up step by step, and directly took the knife on the Kata star area.

From those involved in corruption, to those who provided places to play and serve for corrupt people, all were executed.

The workers hired by Hudgens are also inevitable.

Just one night.

Huggins, formerly known as the eldest brother of Kata, was unplugged.

Other major business teams have related personnel to check on their doors, and many wealthy individuals are directly dragged out from the middle mansion. Several,

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