Chapter 187 The vicious methods of advanced civilization

After discussion in the group meeting, Zhao Yu decided to let Bi Gaofeng go to the four-dimensional ruined universe to preside over the exploration work.

Zhao Yu himself is undoubtedly the best candidate, profound knowledge, strong physique, and reason beyond ordinary people.

But let Zhao Yu go, the others would definitely not agree.

To rashly allow one’s top leader to do such dangerous things will undoubtedly appear to be very wasteful of his subordinates.

Luo Ji is studying cosmic sociology, and doing research is also embarrassing him.

Vader is an activist, work first, scientific research last.

Curvature research depends entirely on the two big cows in physics, Bi Gaofeng and Cao Bin.

Astarte is a biologist, Cao Bin is in charge of the sub-universe, and there are several scientific research projects.

Mara is presiding over the army and is currently investigating a civilization relic.

Finally, after some screening, among the many leaders, only Bi Gaofeng met the requirements.

In this regard, Bi Gaofeng has no opinion.

He was a man who built accelerators on the earth in the AD era.

Three centuries later, he built an accelerator orbiting the sun in the solar system.

Five centuries later, he plans to build a giant accelerator for the universe.

Going to the four-dimensional ruined universe is an opportunity and a challenge for him.

After the results of the meeting came out.

Bi Gaofeng went from the parliament hall to the three-dimensional sub-universe built by mankind.

It is impossible for him to reach the four-dimensional ruined universe at once. He needs to go to the four-dimensional ruined universe through the three-dimensional sub-universe.

There has never been an entity, just like 23 is a light gate of projection across.

What you see is all kinds of magnificent tall buildings.

There is also a huge platform, and you can’t see the edge at a glance.

The soldiers of the First Corps in gold armor waited for him on the other side of the door.

When Bi Gaofeng came out, the soldiers immediately stood up and saluted.

Where he walked out, the atmosphere has been fixed.

Although the air is a bit cold, there is no problem with breathing.

The marble platform is six kilometers long and wide, and there are various buildings used for research in Jiali.

Soldiers in golden power armor were stationed around the platform.

This is a platform specially prepared for human leaders, and security cannot be relaxed.

Bi Gaofeng strode forward, and several fighters followed him closely, presenting a seemingly loose, but tight formation.

Before several engineers passed the relevant data panel of the four-dimensional ruined universe to Bi Gaofeng, they had to be checked by soldiers before they could be submitted.

As a physicist, Bi Gaofeng has not given up on studying these years.

With his own study, although he rarely devoted himself to research, he still mastered the most cutting-edge theories.

The discovery of the four-dimensional ruined universe is an opportunity for mankind, and it depends on whether they can eat it.

With the support of everyone, Bi Gaofeng walked towards a spaceship.

He needs to go to another platform building in the three-dimensional sub-universe before he can go to the four-dimensional universe.

At this time, the sub-universe was still empty and there was nothing.

A huge light gate is suspended in the emptiness, dark, and cold space of the sub-universe.

Countless transport ships come in and out, and some tall Titan mechas are building many huge structures that can be used for human life and research.

A large number of engineers control small mechas and issue various commands in space to help the mechanics correct errors.

Sitting on a spaceship is cumbersome to command, and wearing mecha is the best way.

Pass underneath the busy transport fleet.

Bi Gaofeng checked the progress of the universe project and nodded slightly when he saw the result.

The achievements of mankind over the past hundred years have far surpassed the accumulation of millions of years before.

The passage to the four-dimensional ruined universe was built at the Universe Observation Department in charge of Kane.

The Universe Observation Department is like a giant continent suspended in the air. There are countless tall towers, and the sharp tops of the towers are pierced into space.

The continent is rotating slowly.

The overall structure of the space observation department is already large enough to generate gravity.

Under the impetus of various forces, it will also rotate on its own.

The gravity is very small, but it also proves how majestic the quality and structure of the building are.

Kane and the others were already ready to welcome them.

When the spaceship fell, he hurriedly led people to greet it.

“It is really an honour for the Universe Observation Department to have Leader Bi Gaofeng come here.” Kane said with a smile on his face.

Bi Gaofeng looked at Kane up and down and nodded, “It’s really scary to be born later. With your own power, you have created Kane’s theory. You are equivalent to Einstein in the new era.

“Shallow wisdom like me, I really don’t dare to get such praise.

Kane said sincerely.

“Anyway, you have done a good job. Work hard and strive for more results. Human leaders need more new blood.”

Bi Gaofeng said.

As soon as this word came out, Kane was immediately excited.

The human leader is the highest decision maker of the consortium and the escort of mankind.

No matter from the perspective of power, from the perspective of mission, from the perspective of world worship, human leaders are everyone’s lifelong pursuit.

From Bi Gaofeng’s words, as long as you have more achievements, you can enter the meeting of human leaders.

With excitement, Kane took Bi Gaofeng and the others aboard the aircraft in the building to the four-dimensional passage.

The space observation department is extremely large. When it was first designed, it was as long as 300 kilometers in diameter.

After Kane introduced Kane’s formula, he continued to protect and expand several times.

Walking such a long distance is a bit impractical.

The aircraft sent everyone to the four-dimensional channel.

It was a huge pipe with a diameter of five hundred meters. The construction was very rough. You could even see the bare wires. A lot of building materials were piled up in the corners.

Taking into account the problem of lighting, several lights are also placed in the pipeline to provide visible light for the human field of vision.

At the end of the pipe was a light hole emitting a dark light, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

A group of people walked directly along the pipeline.

The construction style of the pipeline does not seem to have a sense of technology, and it can’t even compare to the era of deterrence.

During the Deterrence Era, human walls were always smooth and tidy, and various screens could appear at hand.

With a stronger technological consortium, this pipeline was built like it was in the 1930s and 1940s.

Those who don’t know the inside story will inevitably feel that the Deterrence Era is much more advanced than the Consortium.

Those who tout high technology pay more attention to the so-called sense of science and technology, that is, all kinds of bells and whistles, sparkling, and having some functions, which can make them feel tall and magnificent.

Unfortunately, the consortium never considers the ideas of these people.

Those useless lights and tall-looking things will only waste money.

Things must pursue practicality.

The entrance of the four-dimensional universe is a smooth and shiny mirror, showing a dark black.

Kane took the lead and walked in first.

Others followed closely behind.

Bi Gaofeng was surprised to find that they were still in a sealed steel environment on the four-dimensional universe.

“This is a closed space built with four-dimensional technology to resist the floating war debris.” Kane said.

Dimensional technology is not a problem for current humans.

Dimension technology, light speed spacecraft, these are the performance of low-level civilization to the extreme.

It is a better vanguard on the cosmic battlefield.

Guan Yifan once said in the book that the dimensional attack is the top attack method, which is equivalent to the type of nuclear bomb that all ends up.

But this is a conclusion that is limited by the level of science and technology of starship human civilization.

To some extent, Sophon is the product of Dimension Technology.

At that time, the Trisolaran civilization, which could only reach one percent of the speed of light, could build sophons, and initially got a glimpse of the secrets of dimensions.

That is to say, the advanced civilization does not want to hide the secret of the dimension, but allows those low-level civilizations to research and develop, and then harm each other.

They are artificially enhancing the cruelty of the dark forest, ensuring that all civilizations are wandering and fleeing, and there is no time to develop their own technology.

Technology has a lot to do with population and resources.

In the later stage, the scale of research will become more and more ambitious. Without enough population and enough resources, it will be difficult to make progress.

With the emergence of Kane’s theory of cosmic uncertainty, it has become even more clear that there is no population without a population to become a high-level civilization.

The universe is changing, because of the interference of civilization, because of the influence of other universes, everything is changing.

A law can remain unchanged for tens of thousands of years, tens of millions, and billions of years.

Because the universe is too big, when the influence expands, it also appears to be slow.

The movement of the earth’s plates is too slow to be noticed, a few centimeters or even a few millimeters a year.

But it is still moving.

Since the birth of human evolution, the continent has been constantly changing, but for millions of years, no one can perceive the subtle changes.

Everyone feels that this is how the continent was originally. After the earth was born, the continent became like this.

This was the case before, and it will be the same in the future. There has never been any change.

It was not until the emergence of the theory of continental drift that scientists began to observe the drift of continental plates.

If you are not aware of the drift of the plates, I am afraid that humans still hold the old thinking that the continental plates are fixed.

The same is true in the universe. Before Kane’s theory came out, everyone believed that there must be eternal truth in the universe.

From the birth of the universe, it continues to the end of the universe.

But this idea has now been falsified.

The universe is changing. To accurately grasp the changes of the universe and make changes in real time, is the survival of a civilization.

Without such a large population, it is simply impossible to withstand the loss caused by this change.

Low-level civilizations are always low-level civilizations. They can only study the old laws, but cannot adapt to the new era.

Population and resources are the most important things in this universe.

Only with a large enough population base can there be a steady stream of geniuses and make scientific research more prosperous.

The dark forest is one of the vicious methods of advanced civilization.

Even if it can’t really destroy the low-level civilization, it can also make the other party into exile.

Let them have no time and energy to develop technology. ,

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