Chapter 205 Grief of war

The genetic warriors face down, watching the ground getting closer and closer, and the howling wind and flames are isolated outside the shield.

The visual device helped them automatically receive the situation of the planet.

In less than two days.

The planet Oak has become a hellish world.

Countless buildings made of flesh and blood, bones and organs-stand on the ground.

Eyes are full of boundless bones and flesh and blood-architecture.

There are also various pulsating organs inside the building.

Monsters are nurtured and formed from these organ constructions.

Just like an assembly line, the monster keeps coming out of the organs with a body that is flowing with slime.

They converged into a huge wave and swept across the colonial cities of mankind.

The mankind’s parachuting was huge, and all the monsters stopped rushing to the human colony of the city.

They raised their heads in confusion, and they were still walking around the human beings falling like meteors, and they didn’t know what was going on.

They have lost the control of the biological mothership, and all activities are driven by instincts embedded in genes.

I don’t know which monster made the first roar. Stimulated all the monsters.

They roared together, and the terrifying roar echoed in the air.

Some giant monsters fired plasma balls into the sky, trying to prevent humans from taking the spoils from their hands.

The surface contours of this world are rapidly expanding, and the peaks and various buildings on the ground like black spots are also rapidly growing.

As time passed, the space gradually receded to the edge of his field of vision until it disappeared completely.

“The target area is locked. Let’s go to the colonial city to see if there are any living people. Release the drone and let us do a good job.”

Cha Shi ordered.

A smaller cross mark was locked in the colonial city underneath by him.

A flight trajectory appears on the display panel, showing the speed of descent, wind, and possible attacks.

Baseball-sized swarms of bees were released to survey the city for the soldiers and lock down the enemy.

After evading several attacks using the propeller behind it, the buildings on the ground were clearly visible.

In a few seconds, the city has grown from the size of a child’s toy to a huge building with rising flames.

“The jet is on fire and the battle continues to retake our city for victory.” Chas yelled.

“For humanity.”

“For the Archon and Mara.

The voices of other soldiers also sounded in the communication channel.

The experienced fighters reversed the direction of the fall, and accompanied by the blue flames, the huge thrust transmitted shaking on the armor like a heavy blow.

The fighters flew in the air with their propellers, and began to clean up the monsters that ravaged the human city.

[Survivor found]

With a single shot, Cha Shi executed a monster who tried to make a gesture with him, and drew out his shock molecular sword to directly dismember a monster who wanted to sneak attack.

In the stinking rain of blood, he saw the message from the released drone.

Two green spots of light were not far away from him.

He directly activated the thruster and went to the place where the green dot was.

The city has lost hope.

Keyang protects the girl and doesn’t know where to go. He is just a conscript, and it is pure luck to live until now.

But the moment when luck will eventually run out.

The roar of countless monsters came, and Keyang took the girl to escape into a ruined building. He held the laser gun to guard the only passage.

Along with the crimson light, one after another monsters fell in front of the passage.

The trajectory of the laser gun is straight and will not be disturbed by wind or other things.

As long as the holder shoots according to the shooting sight, it can basically hit.


With a loud roar, rubble flew across the passage.

A monster with a humanoid head and a height of ten meters wearing a thick exoskeleton smashed the tunnel.

The heavy body makes a huge rumbling sound every time it takes a step on the ground.

The broken stones are constantly shaking because of the monster’s pace.

The monster directly destroyed the upper building, and was about to dig out the two little mice and crush them completely.

“How can I win this monster?” Keyang could clearly see the terrible face of the monster through the cracks.

A huge mouth occupies the entire face, and the sharp teeth are arranged like a spiral, which rotates when roaring.

Are there any boot fragments on those teeth?

That is unique to the soldiers of the United Planetary Defense Force.

Presumably some poor bug was chewed to pieces by this monster directly.

The monster stretched out his hand to try to destroy the last barrier, when Keyang raised his gun and tried to fight back to his death.

A scene that he will never forget appeared.

The ten-meter-high monster was divided into two directly from the middle, and the cut body fell apart, and the blood also sprayed out.

A steel giant floats in the air, his scarlet eyes with a cold killing intent, and his body exudes an icy atmosphere of destruction, like an extinction angel descending on the world.

The jet behind the giant brought up a scorching air current, which distorted the eyes of Keyang and the girl.

“Is it all right?”

The voice of greeting came from the body of the steel giant.

Keyang watched this scene dumbfounded. He didn’t know why his mouth said something directly: “We’re all right.”

“It’s best to be fine, go over there, we have cleaned it up over there.”

The steel giant pointed a direction, activated the thruster and left directly.

“Is this the genetic warrior?” The girl clearly recognized these genetic warriors who are often seen on news broadcasts.

Keyang nodded, these are indeed genetic warriors.

With their arrival, the regular troops representing the coalition have been put on the battlefield.

Helping the girl to walk out of the ruins, the sky radiated light again.

The light of the stars shines through the gap into the colonial city.

The overwhelming monsters were quickly cleared by the regular army.

Keyang looked in the direction that the soldier had left. The opponent had already gone, and there were only flesh and blood remains in the place where it passed.

The bodies of some monsters even twitched unconsciously.

Before their torn wounds spewed blood, the soldier had already rushed to the next target.

That iron-gray figure easily shattered the flesh of all monsters, just like the god of war in human mythology, no enemy can stop it.

An airship whizzed past, then turned back and stopped not far away.

The huge engine propeller ejects a large amount of high-pressure airflow, which is the circulating exhaust gas that maintains the anti-gravity device.

Cough cough cough!

Cough cough cough!

Both Keyang and the girl were choked by the dust raised by the airflow. They had to squint their eyes to make sure that the dust would not enter their eyes.

……For flowers………

A soldier jumped from the airship. He was wearing a military uniform with a fist symbol unique to the Union.

The body is equipped with a set of standard infantry equipment, individual protective clothing, helmets, goggles, walkie-talkies, grenades, tactical backpacks, and replacement energy magazines.

“Are you a survivor?”

The soldier ran to the two of them and asked.

“Yes, sir.” Keyang said.

“Let’s go, get on the airship. We are responsible for sending the survivors to the designated area. Do you know the other survivors?”

“I don’t know, my team is dead. This is the girl I found in a building.” Keyang said.

“It’s okay if you don’t know, you can go up first. It’s still quite dangerous here.

The soldiers did not ask about the other survivors, nor did they care.

In such a battlefield, the chances of surviving are indeed very small.

With the help of the soldiers, Keyang climbed onto the airship and pulled the girl up again. After the soldiers came up, he saw the scene inside the airship.

Seven or eight survivors looked up when he came in, and then bowed their heads again.


They have no strength to ask a stranger.

A child was lying in a woman’s arms. Looking at the child’s cold and white hands, it was obvious that she had lost her breath for a long time.

Several young people looked sad and sat aside, unable to say a word.

Seeing these people, Keyang felt that the pain caused by the war was oncoming.

Realizing that she was safe, the girl also cried in a low voice.

I didn’t dared to cry before because I was afraid, afraid of monsters, and also afraid that Keyang would abandon himself.

Until this moment, the long-repressed sadness was finally released in a safe environment.

“It’s okay, you are safe.” Keyang comforted the girl, but thinking of the children who were killed by the ruins and the mechanical dog that bit the thunder and rushed towards the monster, his words were a little pale and weak.

Realizing that he might change the subject, Keyang asked, “Is the robotic dog your pet? What’s its name?”

“Xiao Bei.” The girl sobbed. “Xiaobei is my family member. When I was six years old, he accompanied me. The dean said that Xiaobei would take care of me and let me treat him well. But now the dean is gone, so is Xiaobei, and other things. My friends are gone.”

Hearing this, Keyang was also a little sad.

He is also a child who grew up in a social support institution.

When he was young, the dean was still a young scholar, and his face was very old-fashioned, like a marble sculpture.

At that time, no one liked a strict dean.

Keyang even harbored a grudge because he punishes himself. He vowed to be a college student and embarrassed him every day and asked him to write a review.

But now…

“What’s your name?” Keyang stroked the girl’s head.

“My name is Laila,” the girl said.

: :: :.

“It was a mistake that you came here.”

When Mara walked inside the biological ship, he found the opponent easily.

It can also be said that the other party has waited for a human being.

Obviously, the horse-drawn squad’s behavior on board the ship offended them.

Let them not hesitate to give up escape, but also to teach mankind some lessons.

“I don’t think so.” The horse drawn without a helmet, watching the Skywalker hunter walking out of the dark corner, said calmly. Several,

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