Chapter 207 Enemy with immortality

Mara didn’t care about the other party’s nonsense.

He directly squeezed the opponent’s mental body with force.

Outside, the hunter’s body fell limply.

His consciousness has been destroyed, and his body has also died.

“Living long. Not necessarily useful.” Mara opened his eyes.

The environment changed again, he was still on the biological ship, and the enemy fell in front of him.

“Are you okay, my lord,” the guard next to him asked.

The first scene almost scared the soldiers, but fortunately Mara quickly recovered.

“Resolve them, I have got what I want.”

Mara said.

The surviving hunters were quickly defeated and controlled by the genetic warriors.

Originally Mara wanted to be executed directly, but these aliens have immortality.

No matter how much fatal damage the genetic warriors deal to them, these aliens can always recover.

Even if it is blown to pieces, a new body will grow.

The only one who died was because Mara shattered the mental body.

This method is too risky. Let Mara take a risk, and the other fighters will not be willing.

In the end, there is no way, only low-temperature refrigeration, and by the way, a static field is added to control these abnormal shapes.

The static field is the latest achievement of the Human Research Institute.

A true absolute zero speed of light can be achieved, and everything, including thoughts, can be trapped.

The static field is constructed based on the principle that the change of curvature can reduce the speed of light.

The lower the curvature, the lower the speed of light.

This is the principle of the low-velocity black area that humans in the solar system dream of.

There is also a dead line created by the Zero Zero civilization everywhere is also 23 this far away.

The dead line, as the name suggests, is the most representative thing of death in this universe.

The things in the dead line have reached the true zero speed of light.

Zero speed of light is death in the true sense, absolute death, 100% death.

In the dead line, every elementary particle, every quark is dead, without a trace of vibration, and there is no force.

Even if there is no gravity source inside the dead line, it is still a black hole.

A black hole with zero gravity attracts nothing.

But after anything goes in, it can’t come out again.

The static field possessed by human beings is created by this principle.

The speed of light is zero and everything is still.

According to the proof of relativity, speed can affect time.

The relative speed is zero, and the time is naturally zero.

At zero speed of light, even time will be stopped.

Everything will stay at the moment when it enters the dead line.

This is a very high-end technology, and there are not many manufactured in the consortium.

The cost is very expensive, and there is no price-performance ratio at all.

The huge fleet is only equipped with a few.

Used for some important people, used when encountering a crisis that the fleet cannot handle.

Put these characters into it and let them stay forever at the moment before being put in until they are rescued.

This technique is much more advanced than the hibernation technique possessed by humans.

The hibernation technique just reduces the physical activity of the human body. So as to achieve the effect of delaying aging.

The field can be stagnant, but the real time stops.

Even if a person is going to die in the next second and then put in, it is not considered a dead person.

Because time has completely stopped in that person.

Every atom that makes up the cell has been welded to the spot, there is no wave, and time has been completely deprived.

Now this technique is regarded as a prison by Mara.

He put the prisoner’s undead aliens into the stagnant field, allowing the opponent’s time to stay at this moment forever, making them unable to do anything.

Seeing those aliens being put in, after starting the stagnation field, those fixed expressions, Mara said, “I can’t do anything, it’s almost dead.”

Time is completely deprived, without any perception, nothing can be done.

What is the difference between that and death.

The space battle of the Oak Galaxy ended with the victory of mankind.

Several undead hunters were captured and sent back to the Ark laboratory to prepare for anatomical research.

It is known from the memory of the enemy that the invaders separated the troops and attacked different places.

The fleet must also decentralize and prevent the enemy’s invasion of mankind.

After clearing all the invading aliens, launch a counterattack against the enemy base camp.

There is already an irreconcilable contradiction between Skywalker and humans.

This is the life and death of civilizations, and humans cannot help but not fight this battle.

Even if humans do not want to fight, Skywalker civilization will never let humans go.

The best way is to cut weeds and roots directly.

Mara let him communicate with his father, explaining the basic situation of Skywalker civilization.

He requested the assistance of the Second Corps to eliminate the enemy as quickly as possible to avoid further expansion of the war zone, causing more civilian casualties.

The atmosphere of the planet Oak is similar to that of the earth. From a high altitude, it is all azure blue with some white clouds dotted with it.

The disturbing air currents are like big invisible hands, stirring the clouds, making beautiful pictures and pinching out cute animals.

Or gather them together to form a dark cloud, releasing thunder, and shocking those tiny organic creatures.

These are things that can only be seen in ordinary days.

Now there is only blood red in the atmosphere, and there are also various types of lasers, plasma balls, and the light released when missiles explode.

In the thin clouds, medical shadows flew.

Countless fighters fought with flying monsters, shooting hot beams or plasma balls with their respective weapons.

The explosion of light has drawn short-lived and unknown shining constellations.

Outside the colonial cities, the wide plains and mountain peaks were also flooded with bullets.

The united forces controlled heavy machine guns and launched counterattacks on the enemy on assault boats.

The torrent of bullets merged into iron pythons, crushing all monsters.

The roaring guns vented human anger.

The straight beam of energy is fleeting, leaving only broken flesh everywhere.

The dense electromagnetic cannons resembled a hailstorm, tearing everything obstructing to pieces.

The colonial cities have been regained, but the surface of the planet is still a terrible battle.

The dark military Titan was thrown directly on the edge of the battlefield by the bulky transport ship.

These giant combat machines belonging to Skynet also undertake important combat tasks and are responsible for clearing out the monster lairs.

The Titans moved with slow, heavy steps.

Accompanied by the sound of booming, across the wreckage of human buildings.

To the earth covered in flesh and blood.

Every time their artillery strikes, it will cause a sea of ​​fire on the ground, shredding the flesh of countless enemies.

The silhouettes and postures of the titans are like giants in heavy armor.

They are the pinnacle of the art of human warfare, and they are also the steel guardians built by mankind for survival.

The warship that entered the low-Earth orbit also began to respond to the calls of the ground forces to clear out stubborn targets.

Piles of smoke mixed with flames rose from the ground and went straight to the sky.

Each explosion shook the ground, tearing apart a large area.

The mud mixed with the flesh and blood of monsters, as well as the wreckage of distorted buildings that were torn apart, fell from a high altitude and scattered on the ground in the gap between explosions.

Fighters whizzed and galloped over the soldiers’ heads, passing low above the heavy Titan who was striding forward, and suddenly stirred the slowly rising smoke cloud into a frantic vortex.

The mechanical forces and the human soldiers cooperated with each other, following in the footsteps of the Titans, strangling every monster that once wreaked havoc on the human territory.

The recovery of the planet Oak is already an inevitable thing.

The remaining biological weapons resisted the counterattack of mankind and are being destroyed little by little.

The survivors of the war were also rescued in an orderly manner and placed in designated areas.


All the colonial cities of Oakstar have become ruins.

Rebuilding in a short period of time is already an impossible thing, after all, the enemy has not been completely repulsed.

In order to better coordinate the war, Mara used the power of his military commander to declare Oksam a military planet.

A large amount of materials, war machinery, and soldiers will be transported to this place.


Planet Oak became a military powerhouse.

Some unimportant people were also evacuated to other planets.

Laila was sent away.

Keyang was stayed. He is a soldier and needs to stay here.

It’s not just the young people on the planet Oak.

Several other galaxies nearby, and even the entire consortium, have begun conscription.

It is initially estimated that one billion new recruits will be added to deal with this war.

This time the invasion is just a small appetizer, and the big head is still in the struggle between humans and Skywalker.

In order to stimulate population growth, grab more land.

The consortium promulgated a new bill to allow some heavy equipment and the latest biotechnology to flow into the private sector.

At the same time, let the major colonies increase their population reproduction.


Human leaders conference hall.

Zhao Yu looked at the holographic images of those Skywalkers, and then looked away.

Skywalker is a powerful civilization.

Through the understanding and transformation of cells, the members of this civilization already have immortality.

Perhaps this ability can also be used by humans.

“How about the original mother’s plan?” Zhao Yu asked.

“Like the Heart of All Machines, the first version has been completed.” Astarte said.

“Go to the second phase, by the way, gather a group of psionic scholars, we need to be prepared.”

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