Chapter 209 Extinction weapon

[Help us. 】

When the Orc planet was redeemed, the Yit galaxy fell into an unimaginable nightmare.

At the last moment when the world was destroyed, an email was sent out.

The female governor of the planet who pressed the launch button looked at the colonial world at the launch center and burst into tears.

The beautiful face was distorted by fear.

The unevenness is enough to inspire any man’s beautiful body to conquer the mind and tremble because of despair.

With a sound of electromagnetic noise, the female governor fell down.

The small laser pistol in his hand also slid to the ground.

The world is dead, and there is only despair and pain here.

Countless wailing and screams were mixed together, and drifted away with thick smoke.

A bloody battle, or slaughter.

Countless huge, disgusting, slime monsters surrounded those civilians who had not had time to leave, completing the final destruction.

Crushed stones were scattered everywhere, and the scattered glass fell in the gravel, reflecting a burning city.

This is a world that is ready to die.

The building overturned, and the rubble fell like hail, stirring up countless smoke and dust.

Traffic was paralyzed, and there were a large number of corpses on the street, and each one was broken.

A sign is still standing on the edge of the ruins, and the charred surface reads in large letters “Welcome to Yit City.”

The defense of mankind in this world has completely failed.

All kinds of distorted and disgusting monsters wreak havoc in human cities, turning them into ruins.

People who are still alive have nowhere to hide, screaming and running around, crying for help.

Some people madly override reason. They brandish weapons and desperately want to protect themselves and their families.

Some people shed tears alone in the corner, unable to face the collapse of this world.

The remaining few people hid in hiding, and escaped at 067, dreaming of escape from this terrible hell.

Lohr is a staff member of the emergency center of the Oak system and holds the rank of captain.

Now he is reintegrated into the army and is responsible for intelligence work.

He is the one who received the information of the Eter galaxy.

In the attack of the Skywalker civilization, all the detection satellites in the Orc galaxy have been destroyed.

Fortunately, the Mara’s 3rd Corps brought new satellites.

The performance of these satellites is superior, and the detection array can detect more subtle moving targets.

In a few days after the war, they were quickly adjusted and dropped on the edge of the galaxy in large numbers.

A huge number of satellite arrays simultaneously monitor any subtle fluctuations in real space and subspace.

Make sure that the enemy is not close to the Orc galaxy before it will be discovered.

Lore once hoped that the ruling officials would give him a bit of magnificent, ups and downs, and irritating flavors for his prosaic life.

But after a battle that was nearly extinct, he faced such tragic war wounds.

He would rather return to the peaceful life of the past.

People are like this, sometimes, they always think of other things.

If you don’t have it, you know to cherish it.

When adjusting the satellite pulse to synchronize it.

Lohr received an email from floating in the subspace, which was a peculiar psychic format for human beings.

Only a slight warning made Lore feel the seriousness of the matter and immediately reported to it through the emergency channel.

After several changes of hands, the information was sent to Mara’s database.


The War Court is the fastest building to be built in a colonial city.

Mara will hold the first combat briefing and tactical discussion here.

This building maintains the consistent style of the consortium, simple, practical, without any fancy and useless design.

Even the seats for the war officers were made of stone, and they were cold and hard to sit on.

No extravagant things are allowed to appear in this place that represents coldness and efficiency.

Large banners hung from both sides of the room, representing the various combat companies of the Corps and the flags of the vassal troops.

The officers who received the summoning order filed in, found their own troops’ flags, and sat in corresponding positions.

Because of the difference in size, the positions of the officers of the ordinary troops and the officers of the genetic warriors are different.

Diderot, Chas and other senior officers of the genetic warfare regiment sit on the right, while the officers of the general army sit on the left.

This does not mean any discrimination or unequal status.

What determines people’s status is only their commanding ability and wisdom, not simple position.

After everyone was due, Mala walked slowly to the center of the chamber.

The light in the hall dimmed, and a bright ball of light floated above his head, floating in the air.

The shining sphere in the middle of the hall became clearer, and the surface gradually showed continents and oceans, as well as fine topographic features, plains, forests, mountains, and cities.

Mara raised his arms, as if the sphere lifted from the bottom to the top, like the Titan in ancient legends on the earth, shouldering the entire world.

“This is the Eter galaxy.” Mara repeated. “This galaxy was included in the sphere of human domination 75 years ago, and it is in a good state of development. According to the population statistics of five years ago, the population of this planet has exceeded seven billion. But now this human planet has fallen into Skywalker. In the hands of civilization, this is the last message we received.

The holographic projection sphere spread out in response.

The sphere becomes a sheet, and then forms a giant virtual screen, which floats in mid-air.

The screen was almost completely dark, with only a slight vague movement, looming.

Then an outline entered the range displayed on the screen.

Diderot recognized that it was a face, a female face.

The only lighting provided for it is the faint light of lanterns, which is a retro craft for the pursuit of romance.

Studies have shown that weak and dim lighting can promote the warming of the feelings of men and women, and make them more involved in the work of reproducing offspring.

The image is very vague, and you can vaguely see the woman in a small space surrounded by steel walls.

This must be a high-end shelter.

Diderot could see that the woman was in extreme panic, her eyes widened, her breathing was rapid, as if drowning, and her face was shining with sweat.

The woman on the screen adjusted her audio and video equipment to make it clear.

The chamber suddenly became noisy, the crackling of flames, the shouts from a distance, and the sound of gunshots mixed together.

“This world is dead.” The woman said in horror, “Those monsters, they fell from the sky, carrying flames and thunder and lightning, and killed every human being. Our escape route was cut off, and those ships that had not had time to leave were destroyed. I beg you, whoever it is, see this message, please come and save us.”

The woman suddenly turned around and looked at something outside the range of the screen.

“No,” she screamed desperately, raising the laser weapon in her hand and firing.

The flashing red light from the muzzle illuminates her beautiful face.

The screen shook for a while, and after a while, a few bloody and scarred soldiers ran over.

The woman’s voice sounded weakly off the screen, “Take it away and send it to the launch center. There should be surviving psionicists there. Even if it can’t be saved, let them send someone to end it all.”

Then the screen is completely dark.

Many officers of the war dispute court fell into a silent silence.

“Judging from the information, this is the information at least three days ago.

Our last information about the Eter galaxy is 4 days ago.

It was the message from the last escaped spacecraft. They didn’t know that the planet had been attacked.

In the information they gave us, it is stated that the evacuation of the planet is still in progress.

I thought that the evacuation ship encountered some accidents and failed to get out of the subspace in time, but I didn’t expect that the entire planet had been destroyed. ”

Lor, who is in charge of intelligence work, spoke and introduced the basic situation.

“Leave this to us. The soldiers of the third company are enough to easily destroy all the monsters on the planet.”

The third corps, third company commander Zalukin spoke.

“There is no need to send genetic warriors for this kind of battle.”

A commander of the space force named Aidorun said.

“Without a genetic warrior, how do you deal with the monsters on the surface that are like waves?” Diderot frowned.

“According to the situation of the Oak Galaxy, three days are enough for those monsters to kill all humans and digest them. There should be no living people on this planet.”

Aidorun paused, “In other words, there is no need to save the planet. It can be cleaned and then rebuilt again. We should use a more economical and faster way to complete the cleansing of this planet. For example, high-density orbits. The bombing or consortium has recently developed a virus bomb.”

“All we need is the minerals on this planet.”

Aidorun’s words silenced the company commanders of several genetic warriors.

This is indeed a good way.

Mara also fell into a brief silence, he was thinking about the latest virus bomb developed by the consortium.

It is an extermination weapon developed based on organic organisms.

According to the experimental data, the virus bomb is enough to wipe out the raging monsters on the planet Eter.

“In this case, it is enough to send a fleet to perform orbital bombing, and ground combat is not necessary. Skywalker civilization releases war spores and must have biological spacecraft. For safety reasons, it is better to send a genetic warrior company to avoid appearing. Errors can also be investigated and cleaned up afterwards.”

Mara directly made the decision to consider all aspects.

Everyone has no opinion on this.

After confirming the plan, we started to select the right person to complete this task. .

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