Chapter 214 You guys are opening up

After solving the rats in the consortium, Makado left for the planet Taibiya and continued to deal with the 124 incident.

No. 124 was a vicious mass murder incident one year ago.

A group of humans who originally went to colonize discovered an alien ruin under the planet Tybia.

They believe in a mysterious religion in a certain ruin.

These distorted doctrines have killed a large number of innocent people in secret, and are used to complete the blood sacrifice that human beings have only had since the ignorance period.

This incident caused a huge panic at the time because it involved too powerful psionic energy.

For the sake of safety, the local legal department applied for a psionic investigator and asked the consortium to intervene.

Makado took over the matter and used psychic means to find out a religious organization called the Heart of Emmon.

It took a month to completely smash this organization and execute 1,600 people.

But this is not the end.

All evidence points to an alien ruin deep beneath the planet Tybia without exception.

According to the information obtained from the interrogation, the alien relic covers a large area.

It is not caused by geological activities, but the builders deliberately built it below.

Makado wanted to mobilize a team of Marines to investigate further.

However, they were arranged to clean up the corrupt personnel in the Kata sector. In desperation, this task could only be shelved.


Makado came to the planet Taibiya through a ship of the Ministry of Justice, transferred through the space station, and entered the atmosphere by a special shuttle of the Ministry of Justice.

The pilot adjusted the flight parameters, adjusted the elevation angle, and entered the atmosphere.

The orbiting space station is generally on the side of the planet that welcomes the star’s rays, so that the solar sail can obtain enough energy to ensure the relative motion between the orbiting station and the planet.

The detailed coordinates of the capital of Tybia are 753.707 degrees north latitude and 5907702.182 degrees west longitude, which is relatively close to the planet’s equator, and it is at the edge of rotation at this time.

Adjust the elevation angle, you can use relative movement, save a lot of time.

Dawn came with clouds and clouds, in the soft amber morning light.

A shuttle dashed out of the clouds with a white trail.

Makado stared at the planet he visited a year ago, watching the darkness of space fade away from the edge of his vision, and the shining stars slowly disappeared.

The dark space background is gradually replaced by the blue sky.

The indicator light of the gravity device keeps jumping, and the degree of the meter above is fine-tuned under the control of smart ai to ensure that the gravity is always at a comfortable level.

When the shuttle rushes into the atmosphere, it will often cause passengers to fall down due to the planet’s gravity, and it will also affect some precision instruments.

In order to deal with this situation, the shuttle is equipped with an anti-gravity device, which produces an opposite force to counteract the planet’s gravity, ensuring that passengers will not be pulled by the planet’s gravity.

Macado opened his own virtual screen, and the data panel in his hand opened simultaneously.

The data board shows some recent events in the consortium.

The genetic warfare troupe is cleaning up those civilizations that have invaded the human world. Mara is already preparing an army to attack the planet Gamma and regain the world lost by mankind.

Only those aliens with immortal bodies would be a huge threat.

Another news is that the consortium adjusted commercial taxes, increased working hours, required various commercial groups to pay more taxes, and could not increase the price of their own products.

This measure caused protests, but it was implemented under the strong force of the consortium.

Makado carefully checked the information on the data board and stored useful things in his database.

Many things in life seem unrelated, but if you carefully sort out the context, you can find that they are related to each other.

So the biggest fun of Macado is to collect all kinds of data and store it.

The storage space of personal biochips is enormous.

Even if you store all the things you have seen and heard in your life, it will not take up much space.

Biochips help humans remember. People transfer the knowledge they are interested in to the database to form their own knowledge base.

In the federal era, the responsibility of biochips is not limited to this.

At that time, most people used it to communicate, receive information on the Internet, communicate with people, and even use it to order meals in restaurants.

After the consortium era, the consuls discarded most of the functions of biochips, leaving only basic functions such as storage and memory.

For things like surfing the Internet, people nowadays use data boards.

In more cases, biochips assume the role of people’s personal computing and database, and no longer become a repeater for people to connect to the Internet.

The biochip minimizes the energy needed for people to learn, no need to remember, only need to understand and know how to use it.

No time is wasted on the information.

After realizing that I can no longer absorb any useful information and knowledge.

Makado deflected his head to observe the scenery outside through the seamless round glass.

A sparse white cloud floated away.

The wide field of vision is not obstructed at all, allowing him to see clearly.

The shuttle was flying over a canyon at this time, and the steep red rock walls fell straight down.

At the bottom of its deep rift valley, it is hard to see sunlight even at noon.

There are many block-shaped vineyard terraces on both sides of the rift valley.

On the sloping roof, solar panels spread out like black sails of a sea boat.

A trellis frame several kilometers wide extends out from the edge of the canyon.

The emerald green vines attached to it, in the morning breeze, waved waves, like a rush of emerald frozen in place.

With the help of a visual enhancement device built into the eyeball, Macado can see many farmers and machinery covered in ceramics, walking between trellis and harvesting grapes from the vine network.

The colonial history of the Tybian world has reached eighty years.

This was originally a barren world, with no special minerals, only yellow sand in the sky, and a green, poisonous atmosphere.

Human beings appear with machinery and work hard in a barren world with nothing.

They combed mountains and rivers, leveled the land, planted various crops for self-sufficiency, and mined ore to supplement the economy. After decades, they have opened up a paradise for themselves.

In areas designated as forests, trees are thriving, just like human civilization.

Such a world must never be destroyed by war or folly.

The speed of the shuttle was very fast. It passed high above the sky and went straight to the tower of Xinggang in the capital of Taibia.

Legal personnel have privileges and do not need to be parked on designated platforms like civil aircraft.

The pilot cleverly let the shuttle pass between the two cargo spacecraft and stopped on a piece of reinforced concrete that was not much wider than the shuttle.

Makado and two other legal staff have just stepped onto the gangway where they landed.

The airflow of the shuttle’s engine converged into a hurricane, causing the shuttle to soar into the sky again and return to the sky.

Makado stretched out his hand to block the whirling dust and fallen leaves, and watched the shuttle leave with a white trail.

This kind of cold nuclear fusion thruster is more suitable for use in the atmosphere than ordinary fusion thrusters.

The former will not eject plasma jets as high as tens of thousands of degrees, and there is no need to have too troublesome landing and take-off procedures.

“Sir.” A group of Taibiya legal staff who had been waiting in Xinggang for a long time walked over quickly.

“Hmm, long time no see, Skarta.” Makado looked at the pale and serious young man in front of him.

This young man is very ambitious. It took a few years to climb from street police patrol legal affairs to a higher investigative position.

If he is given enough time, Makado feels that this young man can even become the Minister of Law in the sector.

“According to your orders and instructions, we mobilized fifty people with combat experience and armed them with a batch of combat uniforms applied for. Now during the war, many military materials have been dispatched to the front lines. It’s the best.”

Skarta pointed with her hand, and there were men and women with weapons standing outside Xinggang.

Macado nodded. He originally wanted to apply for a Marine Corps.

But the sudden outbreak of war disrupted the plan.

He could only bite the bullet and lead these people to investigate the ruins.

“Is the spaceship to be used ready?”

Skarta nodded, “It’s ready. In addition, on the ground of the ruins, I also let someone build a camp. In the past, we can directly use the equipment and facilities in the camp to survey the ruins.”

Makado looked at Skarta again, this kind of workmanship should have a greater future.

He decided to recommend this young man to Director Shi when he returned.

“Come on, let’s go and see what happened to the ruins.”

Makado walked to the spaceship that Skarta had prepared.

Others followed suit.

In the outer ports of the Ark, the spaceships transporting goods were as busy and lively as the ancient shipping.

People from various colonies come here to communicate with each other and bring specialties of various worlds.

At various stalls in the port, everyone is peddling what they have.

A spaceship with a fist logo flew out of the subspace.

This is nothing unusual, a large number of spacecraft come here from subspace every day.

In the beginning, no spaceship owner paid attention to this spaceship.

It was not until they discovered that the other party could directly enter the port without queuing up, and they talked a lot.

“Who is that? Why don’t you have to line up.

“Complaints, complaints, it must be the back door.”

We are not convinced. Why, I have been in line for a few days, and when it was my turn, I was robbed by others.

The spaceship owners talked a lot and exploded with anger.

A voice sounded slowly, are you stupid, have you seen the signs on the spacecraft? That is a special team of the Second Corps.

As soon as these words came out, many spaceship owners seemed to have been cast dumb magic.

Well, I can’t afford it.

The chaser spacecraft docked at the designated port in accordance with the tower’s instructions.

Guan Yifan and the others looked through the porthole of the plane and watched the huge transport ships dock in the harbor, their mouths not being closed for a long time.

It took several hundred years for the humans of Lenovo Starship to develop the curvature spacecraft.

Up to now, four colonies have been opened up.

There are only a dozen spaceships, and they are not as large as the tonnage of a civilian transport ship here.

Are you on the hook?” Guan Yifan said, looking at the densely packed spaceships, unable to see the end.

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