Chapter 225 Idea controversy

“We used to think that this world has things that are eternal, such as the sun rising from the east to the west, such as the speed of light, such as the universe.”

The sun will eventually be destroyed, the light can be changed, and the laws of the universe do not exist.

It seems that everything can be eternal.

In fact, I was too small to see the day of change.

Guan Yifan looked at the radiant armillary sphere in front of him, in which real particles and illusory particles were intersecting, transforming, swallowing each other-and relying on each other to exist.

They are like the front and back of a person, one side is a little bit more, the other side is less-a little bit.

Now that they have obtained preliminary observation results, they can submit the experimental results after the spacecraft arrives at the Ark, and apply for more sophisticated equipment to complete the follow-up experiments.

“Listen to you, it feels like human civilization was like a child at that time.” Nuriel laughed.

“You are a person born after the end. You don’t understand. I was born in an era of prosperity and advocated human rights and freedom. It has been at least 400 years since now. I have forgotten the exact time. At that time, human beings were like a human being. child.”

Guan Yifan said.

Nuriel nodded to indicate that Guan Yifan could continue speaking.

He is not interested in the history of mankind.

But there was a real ancient man standing in front of him and telling him the past history.

Nuriel was still very interested in listening.

“At that time we thought that we had entered a truly civilized society, and even abolished the death penalty, and only reformed those prisoners and encouraged them to reform and reform.”

Hearing this, Nuriel frowned slightly, “It sounds like the heart of the Virgin is flooding.”

“No, that is a manifestation of respect for human rights and self, giving up killing is a symbol of civilization and progress.” Guan Yifan retorted, trying to correct Nuriel’s statement.

“You are bullying the victims, not respecting human rights, and a civilization only has adaptation and change. There is no such thing as progress and backwardness.

Nuriel did not back down on the issue of principle, insisting on his bottom line.

“Then you think you are the same as those ancestors who adored and drank blood and didn’t have the slightest view of shame? Don’t you be more civilized and more advanced than them?”

Guan Yifan looked at Nuriel’s pupils, as long as the other party told a lie, he could detect it.

The technology of the consortium surpasses the starship humans, and it is reasonable to say that their superiority will be stronger, and they will never admit that they are the same as those of the ancestors who drink blood like Mao.

But what Guan Yifan expected was that Nuriel nodded and said calmly: “It’s nothing different. They have little knowledge, they don’t know how to weave clothes and barbecue food. But they still work hard to survive and tap all the resources they can use. .

Guan Yifan’s eyes were astonished and incomprehensible.

People in his time generally had a sense of superiority over the ancients.

He thinks he is more civilized and advanced than the people of AD who awakened from hibernation.

Consortium citizens with stronger scientific and technological capabilities do not have that sense of superiority at all.

Seeing the incomprehension in Guan Yifan’s eyes, Nurrell said: “Many self-proclaimed times have committed unforgivable crimes. On the contrary, the primitive times are the ones with the least mistakes. Many mistakes only hurt contemporary people, but In the era of AD, the era of freedom, generations have been hurt.”

“Ye Wenjie pressed the button to launch the coordinates, which caused humans to fall into a 400-year crisis. Even the arrival of the great trough has an indirect relationship with her. The reason why humans lost the solar system is even more unavoidable for her.”

“The blind arrogance of people in the free age led to the defeat of the Doomsday Battle. The Era of Thrones ended because of Cheng Xin, and humanity was almost extinct. After the era of broadcasting, the human elite deceived ordinary people, used pacifiers, and stupid people. , Build a spaceship privately to escape. Are these things more civilized than primitive times?

Nurel’s series of rhetorical questions made Guan Yifan speechless.

Think about it carefully.

What is the difference between primitive people and them?

The only conclusion is that there is no difference.

Even primitive people do much better than them.

The abandonment of the old and the weak generally occurs in winter.

The primitive tribes could not find enough food, so they could only expel them and let them live on their own.

When food is abundant, the primitive society of mankind seldom abandons the old and the weak.

The elderly are experience for the tribe, and even the weaker people can take on part of the work.

Guan Yifan didn’t convince Nuriel, but instead made himself a little shaken.

A science and technology level, scientific research ability, far surpassed their human branch, telling them that primitive people are not a symbol of backwardness and ignorance.

He wanted to make a rebuttal, but no matter whether it was the argument or the evidence, he had no confidence.

“Why do you deny your progress?” Guan Yifan thought about it for a long time, but couldn’t think of anything, and finally asked helplessly.

“Because we have not made progress, but are only changing. The wooden spear in our hands has become a more advanced weapon, and the horses have become various vehicles. Is there any change in other? We are still working hard for survival, and primitive people care about it. It’s food, we care about the enemy.”

“We didn’t deny our progress, it’s just that your starship humans are too arrogant. I don’t know where you can come to the argument that you are more advanced than primitive people. We are all the same, adapting to survive.

Guan Yifan was so shocked that he had nothing to say, the other party did not have any sense of superiority, and arrogance could not be seen in the body of the consortium.

All citizens of the Commonwealth have been taught to be equal since they were young. The past, the present, and the future are all equal.

No one is better or worse, only who is better able to adapt to the environment.

“We still don’t talk about this matter. I admit that we are too arrogant. Starship humans, including humans in the solar system era, are like this.

Guan Yifan did not struggle with this issue.

He could not speak to Nuriel, on the contrary, if he continued to argue, he felt that he would be persuaded by Nuriel.

“Why do you want to abolish the death penalty? In that case, your society must be very chaotic. Everyone does different things and fights for their own interests by all means.’

Nuriel did not entangle, on the contrary, he cared about another matter.

He just studied history roughly and briefly, but didn’t study it in depth.

“Because the country does not have the right to deprive a person of life, and we are born as a human being, what right do we have to deprive others of life? This is a manifestation of respect for life. Moreover, at that time, science and technology were advanced, and even serious injuries could be saved. .”

…Seeking flowers 0…

Guan Yifan gave a detailed account of the situation at that time.

What if those people endanger other people’s lives?” Nuriel said.

“Then catch them, transform them, and let them learn to respect other lives.

Guan Yifan said

“Where are those killed?” Nuriel asked.

“Why do you always talk about the death penalty? Do you think the death penalty is good? What do you think of the Talos incident?”

Guan Yifan couldn’t answer, so he could only change the subject.

It can’t be said that the dead are gone, the living ones are even more important.

Wouldn’t it be laughed at again? The so-called respect is just a joke.

“It’s just a bunch of fools. They shouldn’t come into contact with alien civilizations. That would be too dangerous.”

“But they are also kind. Subjectively, they don’t have any idea of ​​harming people. But don’t you think it’s cruel why the consortium wants the entire planet to declare the death penalty? The consortium has all the means to distinguish which are monsters and which are humans. But what about you? Without doing it, it directly destroyed that world.”

“The consortium just ignores human lives, the Kata star area, the Talos incident, and the cleanup of those commercial fleets. I heard that some people were even executed for pushing big data. This is really incredible.”

Guan Yifan was very excited. The time he didn’t want to be born was devalued to nothing.

He found a point and began to attack.

Try to tell Nuriel that the consortium you support is nothing more than that.

“The times are different. In the past, it was people-oriented. Naturally, personal interests were inviolable in consideration. But the association is based on civilization and emphasizes the inviolability of collective interests.”

“The consortium is only concerned about the basics, the poor people. They work, pay high taxes, have children, and even hand over their children to the consortium to serve as soldiers and researchers. Businessmen can support them if they die. Officials can be selected from younger generations if they die. Those poor people are unwilling to pay any more, who will maintain this huge society?”

“It is necessary for the consortium to execute people who break the rules. Honest people have given everything, but in exchange for a world of oppression, unfairness, and being perverted by others, why don’t they join those people to destroy it? The execution of those people is just to show that fairness is still there and those who violate the rules need to pay a price.”

Nuriel explained that value equality and fairness are the core concepts of the consortium.

A person who hurts others but still needs to protect him because of human rights and ignores the suffering of a victim who abides by the rules is undoubtedly the biggest violation of fairness and rules.

All regulations must be enforced without any hesitation, so that everyone can abide by the rules.

Guan Yifan was silent, and he admitted that he had lost this kind of conceptual struggle.

The strength of the consortium is not only in terms of science and technology, but their minds and spirits have been baptized and transformed.

Nuriel took a look at the time, “We will get to the Ark in about half a day. Let’s have two glasses. By the way, think about how to deal with the leaders in your heart.

“You should know a few of the leaders, Vader and Luo Ji, you should be familiar with them.”

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