Chapter 231 War Corps

In the first year of Interstellar, mankind suffered the first civilized blow.

It is also the most sophisticated attack method in the universe, dimensionality reduction strikes.

Human beings simply cannot resist this approach to the gods.

At this critical moment, everyone scolds the devil, shameless person.

Zhao Yu, once known as the savior of the world and called the careerist by capricious children, was forced to flee with the millions of surviving humans.

Mankind’s final fantasy about the universe is disillusioned.

Although the starry sky is big, it can’t tolerate the beauty and kindness that human beings think.

In that desperate journey, mankind has almost nothing.

As embarrassed as the dog of the bereavement, he fled anxiously from the earth where he had bred and raised him for hundreds of millions of years.

The people who survived were crowded in the Ark, lost in confusion and grief.

Where is the vast Xingyu to settle down and rebuild its homeland?

Hope disappears, and all that remains is pain and grief for the deceased.

At this time when everyone is pessimistic and desperate, and their hearts are full of chaos and pain.

A group of ordinary heroes, led by a man with endless infamy, resolutely spanned 20,000 light-years, and led the surviving people to a remote corner of the galaxy to recuperate.

Here, they opened up the first colony, named Dawn.

Mankind found the first two-lithium crystal vein here, thanks to this “sixty-zero” magical mineral.

The lightspeed spacecraft has entered the folk, universalized, and popularized, and a new era has begun.

Then, under the leadership of these heroes, the second planet was conquered.

Innocent humans have completed their dark baptisms here.

Powerful genetic warriors and mechanical soldiers destroyed a civilization.

Erase it completely, and mankind has established another colony of its own on the ruins.

This world is called dawn.

Dawn, dawn represents the rebirth after the destruction of mankind.

After conquering the dawn world, human beings formally established a management system headed by consuls and supplemented by many human leaders.

During this period of time, human psychic research has officially entered the right track.

After the Battle of the Dawn Galaxy, mankind entered a stage of crazy expansion that lasted for more than 100 years.

Numerous fertilized eggs were cultivated in cold laboratories and sent to social support institutions.

Natural fertility no longer occupies the main way for human beings to increase the population.

Various genetic laboratories have sprung up, and social support institutions have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, just to rapidly increase the human population.

In this period of rapid expansion, mankind has suffered a lot and has encountered crises again and again.

Those fierce aliens were discovered one after another.

A careerist within human beings around the corner.

All kinds of people who try to divide human capital interests for profit.

Peace fanatics chanting justice and peace.

For this reason, the consuls and human leaders were forced to pick up butcher knives again and again, cruelly slashing at those traitors who tried to subvert humanity just to satisfy their own self-interest.

The Consortium sends out various powerful armies to wipe out the aliens that hinder the expansion of mankind.

The Battle of the Dawn Star, the Talos Incident, the destruction of human rights organizations, the supreme law of mankind, the Nifeli extinction plan, the cleanup of the Kata star area, the transformation of human thought, the improvement and cleanup of capital, and a series of events.

After tragedy, suffering and disputes.

After more than one hundred years, the consortium finally walked out of the abyss of despair under the leadership of the archons and human leaders.

Today, mankind has been liberated from the fear of flight.

They already have thousands of colonies, countless compatriots, and various weapons capable of destroying the stars.

The arrival of the Skywalker Hunter once again made mankind alert.

Those who killed their mother would not let them go so easily.

The fruit of hatred has already grown on the ancient tree of war. Only when one party dies will the blood feud between each other cease.

Several galaxies were completely destroyed, tens of billions of humans were killed, and unimaginable property losses were caused.

The hatred will be remembered and will be returned to the other party in the same cruel way.

Human hatred is eternal like the coldness and darkness of the universe.

Driven by hatred and anger, countless troops gathered in the Gamma Galaxy.

Everything will be repaid at the cost of blood.

The dawn of dawn will appear here, and the name of mankind will be spread in the galaxy.

With a large amount of manpower and materials flowing into the Gamma Galaxy and its surroundings.

Faced with such a huge manpower and material resources dispatch.

Mara once again demonstrated his talent, proving that he has the ability to fulfill the consul’s expectations of him.

For each battleship that arrived at the assembly, he ordered multiple supply ships, fuel supply ships and casting barges to prepare for it.

For this war, the consul granted Mara great power.

Allow him to bypass the existing management system and create his own team of collaborative elites.

The responsibility of this team is to ensure supplies on the battlefield and organize each ship and soldier.

This new organization was named the War Logistics Department, and it was even called Mara’s Hand by the commanders.

This organization has hundreds of thousands of people, and its members are drawn from the internal affairs, legal affairs, military affairs and other departments of each constellation,

Hundreds of thousands of people are just barely competent to build more large logistics services and can maintain the basic logistics policy.

Mara formulated strict guidelines and strategic goals for the deployment of the fleet that is about to go to the battlefield.

Avoid going into the vortex of defeat before the war begins.

This huge army is not a huge fleet like a rough siege hammer that breaks through the stars.

On the contrary, Mara split this huge team into dozens of fleets.

Just to efficiently and effectively accomplish the strategic goal of the rise of mankind.

He split the huge fleet into the first fleet, the second fleet, the third fleet, and so on.

Each fleet is governed by a supreme officer who has been granted the all-powerful rank of fleet commander.

They are responsible for conquering and destroying alien civilizations along the way.

Under Mara’s order, each fleet has a unique mixed unit.

Including Skynet Terminator, Gene Warrior, Human Soldier, Titan Mech Corps and other troops.

These forces are balanced and coordinated with each other and can exert a stronger force.

At the same time, they each carry powerful weapons to ensure that when they fail to achieve the goal of conquering, they will destroy the target area and resolutely not leave hidden dangers to mankind.

The huge corps was split up and formed a mixed team.

It is intended to fight in different ways and with different strategic objectives.

The fleets vary greatly in size and composition.

Even so, the smallest fleet has hundreds of powerful warships and a huge number of logistics supplies.

In the vicinity of human territory, most of the active ones are low-level civilizations, in order to be able to devote themselves to the civilized battle with Skywalker.

Before the official war begins, they must first clean up the low-level civilizations nearby.

In this way, it can prevent those weak civilizations from taking the opportunity to retaliate against humans, and it can also open up a large number of star fields for humans to emigrate.

At the same time, it can also test this huge army, so that they have a clear understanding of the upcoming war.

With such a large-scale fleet, it is impractical and a waste of resources to fight with a single force.

Bringing together such a huge military force is only to ridiculously overkill and strike a weak civilization.

This kind of rejoicing, just to show off force, is meaningless at all.

The duty and task of each fleet is to clean up the civilizations near human territory and completely destroy them.

Most of these civilizations have not been able to get out of the galaxy, and can only move in the galaxy at sub-light speed.

There are also some low-level civilizations that can walk out of the starry sky, but only master the light-speed spacecraft.

Civilizations that can face humans and use fleets to fight against are too rare to be a problem at all.

Each fleet has a powerful military power that can conquer the entire star cluster, destroy alien civilizations, and launch wars in multiple galaxies at the same time.

In order to efficiently use these forces, Mara delineated an area for each fleet.

After the official war begins, these fleets must clear their own theater as soon as possible.

Prepare a stable rear for the upcoming great war.

Many civilizations that only master light-speed spacecraft are inadequate, and humans have many means to clean up and destroy them.

But they have nothing to do with human beings.

This is the difference in size.

Mastered the means of super-light-speed navigation, mankind was able to build a normal functioning colony, expanding like a snowball.

Turning the entire galaxy that seems out of reach, leaving is equivalent to parting life and death, is transformed into a place that humans can reach in the rest of their lives.

When mankind wins the battle of Skywalker, a magnificent portal across the galaxy will be established.

At that time, human beings will have the ability to cross the universe.

The prerequisite for all this requires that mankind win this war, otherwise everything is just empty talk.

As long as Skywalker is defeated, mankind will have the qualifications to dominate the galaxy.

Humans will rob resources and space like the weeds that wantonly grab the territory, and drive all alien civilizations to death.


Stellar base, the heart of omnipotence is still building war weapons belonging to mankind.

0.2 A huge war machine driven by a star, the attack methods used are even more unbelievably terrifying.

They are equipped with super weapons capable of destroying one star or several star systems.

Diderot hurriedly walked through the noisy, crowded base passage.

Avoiding those crowds, he went through several safety checks and was finally able to pass unimpeded.

I met the man he served, the supreme commander of this war, the future consul, Mara.

“The army has been assembled. According to your order, the spacecraft tracking the enemy is looking for the traces of the opponent in the subspace, and follow the opponent to return to the lair.

Diderot’s report did not make Mara have any mood swings.

The escaped Skywalker spacecraft is now fleeing to their area in the Milky Way, and when the other side’s position is exposed, that is the time for revenge.

“Summon all commanders here, ready to warm up for battle.

Mara looked at the screen and said.

The Mara who was cynical for a civilization has disappeared.

Just as human beings grew up in the past, Mara understands that this is the case in the universe.

Any so-called peace and kindness in exchange for exchanges are nothing but self-moving things.

The true flower of peace will only bloom in the fertile soil watered by the blood of war.

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