Chapter 238 New task

Soulless troops rarely appear in front of the world.

They are only active around the Ark, or in those psionic experiment bases.

When going to other worlds, they often sleep in the hibernation cabin.

So as not to interfere with the normal navigation of the subspace spacecraft.

Few people in the world know that the Consortium has such a special force. They serve the human leadership meeting and are an insurance against psychic evolution.

Possessing power unimaginable by other troops.

Gentia returned to her sisters.

But soon, she was assigned a task.

The soulless need to be stationed in various psionic laboratories to ensure that these dangerous experiments will not create something harmful to the whole of humanity.

It also ensures that certain psionicists will not have unrealistic ideas.

The power of psionic energy is very powerful, if used well.

A psionicist is enough to fight against a well-equipped and well-trained team.

Magic, witchcraft, mind manipulation, mind reading and so on in myths and legends.

Psionic people possess all kinds of incredible abilities.

In front of them, ordinary people can be said to have no power to fight back.

But all psionics are carefully controlled, and each has a fortune teller. All psionics can only use psionics within a prescribed range and under prescribed orders, otherwise it will be regarded as illegal.

Once the law is violated, terrible punishment will come.

Any resistance will only lead to more serious consequences, once it is confirmed that a psionicist cannot be subdued, and it may cause great harm.

The soulless will be dispatched. When they appear, they only represent killing and death.

Any etheric power will be directly deprived, and the offender will be subdued and executed.

After completing the mission, they will fall asleep again and return to the Ark, ready to perform their next mission.

Only in the training ground of the Ark, they don’t need to fall asleep. What they have to do every day is to train, rest, relax, and then train again.

The military base belonging to the soulless is located on the edge of the ark, and there is a special channel connecting the ark, so that it can follow the orders of the leaders at any time to suppress all psionics who try to make trouble in the ark.

Zhentia walked through the slightly gloomy steel corridor. From this place, you could see the transparent porthole, and the light of the engine in the distance was reflected from the glass.

For the magnificent buildings outside, Zhentia didn’t pay any attention to her. Her expression was very focused, and she would not be disturbed by any irrelevant things.

This is a necessary quality for them. They will not be subject to any external interference, focus on the things in front of them, and ensure that no enemy can escape.

The armor on her body has been repaired, and a new mission is waiting for her.

Fallen angels, who are especially soulless ones, coiled around her, becoming her errand letter, conveying instructions from the top.

Go through the simple, undecorated halls.

No so-called artist is willing to paint or sculpt these soulless people.

They can’t even work in the base of the Soulless.

Just entering the base of the soulless has already caused them to mentally collapse and face despair.

After the identity check, the door slid open silently.

Zhentia strode in, which was also a simple hall.

The first time she stepped into the hall, she saw another soulless man in a black robe.

She is watching the virtual screen floating in front of her.

Above are the various decisions from the leadership meeting.

This soulless man is Chantia’s boss, Atalin.

She is responsible for the defense of the Ark’s psychic experiment base, ensuring that those scholars will not poke any headaches that even the consuls are troubled by.

“Long time no see,”. “Seeing Gentia coming in, Atalin said.

“It’s been a long time indeed.” Zhentia said respectfully.

The pursuit mission lasted 50 years.

Gentia was hibernating during the long journey, and the passage of time was not terrifying to her.

But Atalin and others have been training and fighting. They have indeed spent more than fifty years of time.

The group of sisters who had been with Gentia had already been promoted along with the expansion of the Soulless.

The scale of the soulless is extremely large, with nearly 100,000 full members, and a large number of members waiting to pass the test.

Relative to the scale of billions of planets at every turn, it may seem a little sparsely populated.

But their characteristics are destined to not be too exaggerated.

“There is no need for this posture. We are all of the same kind, and the friendship of sisters turns into a bond to connect each other.

Atalin said: “Forgive me for arranging such a boring and tedious job for you when you just came back. But you will be compensated accordingly, and your military rank and the corresponding medal will come down.”

“You have driven us out of a huge threat and destroyed the fragments of an alien god with your own hands. The Archon wrote a pennant of honor for you, and you have become the pride of all of us.

“I arranged a job for you so quickly, just want to prove to others. The soulless will not lie on their own honor and hold back. We stick to our mission and fulfill our duties. I hope you won’t be because of this. I feel resentful.”

“No, I feel happy about it. Only when I serve the great cause of the consul can I feel that my life is alive.”

Gentia didn’t do any rude behavior because of her honor.

She bowed her head respectfully to Atalin and expressed her thoughts clearly.

“I’m glad that you have no complaints. Let me introduce you to the mission.”

“The defensive psychic laboratory is not like other tasks. This task needs to detect at any time whether those scholars have bypassed the security mechanism without permission. Some scholars are crazy, they are eager to get more results to prove them. Better than others.”

“Sometimes they will try to bypass the security mechanism set up by the consul. In order to get better data for their scientific experiments. What you have to do is to prevent such things from happening.

“Bypassing the security mechanism requires the approval of the consul, otherwise you have to stop them. It is best to find out before the experiment, if not, you need to report directly to the leadership meeting or the consul, the difference is up to you to grasp.

“If you need higher authority to mobilize the Corps to suppress developments, report to the consul. If it is not necessary, report to the leadership meeting.”

Atalin mentioned to Jane the requirements of the defensive mission. They are the monitors of psionic-related experiments to ensure that the development of things will not deviate from the original track.

For example, if a laboratory tries to combine psionic energy with living things, once it bypasses the safety mechanism and creates a monster with infinitely dividing cells and possessing psychic energy, it is a nightmare.

The powerful psychic impact can paralyze various electronic equipment, causing unnecessary casualties and property losses.

What’s more, like the laboratory where Cheng Xin fled, even more so.

In an accident, the entire laboratory was blown up, and an important fragment was stolen by Cheng Xin and merged.

If it is not dealt with, it will be a hidden danger in the future.

In order to prevent errors in various psionic experiments.

Zhao Yu personally wrote and formulated a safety mechanism to prevent such incidents from happening.

The soulless are arranged as the supervisor of this security mechanism, and no one will try to bribe these beautiful girls who look quiet and taciturn.

With genetic modification and years of training, soulless people have a heroic and brave demeanor. Just by looking at their appearance, they are very attractive.

But the soulless nature makes them cold in the eyes of ordinary people and cannot be touched.

It is very difficult for normal people to speak coherently in front of them.

“~I will abide by every rule.” Gentia said.

“That’s the best. You have to know that even with the support of human leaders and archons, our situation is not very good. Those scholars and officials hope that we can leave the ark. For many people, the soulless Existence is very eye-catching. They want us to relocate to other places or invest in the battlefield, anyway, at least leave their sight.

Line, leaving their range of perception. ”

Atalin showed a trace of sadness. Without the help of consuls and many human leaders, the situation of the soulless would be very miserable.

Most of the soulless were created, and some came from the colonies of the consortium.

Even if the Archon does not take the initiative to create the soulless, with the popularity of psychic energy in humans, the soulless will be born.

Humans have evolved from single cells to erect mammals on the earth, which has gone through billions of years.

In this long evolution, there have been countless crises, and those adapting lives have survived.

The information on how to survive the crisis is contained in the genes and left to the human beings behind.

When mankind encounters a crisis again, it will be activated.

And the soulless is one of them.

It is the opposite of psychic energy, and it is the best weapon humans use to fight psychic energy.

Their existence is to maintain the survival of the human group.

The existence of the soulless is inevitable.

Without the presence of the Archon, humans who escaped from the solar system may embark on another path.

Maybe they will build a so-called democratic society.

But Atalin believed that those guys who shouted for democracy would never show any good looks to the soulless.

Most human beings are stupid, and they always show the most terrible malice for things they don’t like.

When the crisis broke out, they would kneel and beg these special girls to save them.

But once the crisis is over, they will be alienated again because of the disgust in their hearts, and all kinds of targeting this special group.

A visionary existence like a human leader can’t get ahead in a world without a consul.

These people have wisdom, but they are often dragged into the quagmire and trampled by those mediocre people.

Mankind has proven Atalin’s speculation countless times, stupid and will kill those who try to save them.

Leader Luo Ji can live to this day, but the trisolaran civilization is unwilling to wait for one more day.

Leader Vader can live to this day only because the Archon saved him.

Atalin has always been an evaluation of many of her compatriots, and it is hopeless. .

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