Black Four-Leaf Clover: From Check-In

Chapter 245: Being Greened By The Fire Elf (Please Subscribe)


Fana's expression was stiff, and she glanced at Rhya, who was rushing in from a distance. A trace of madness flashed across her face, and she roared hysterically again.

"I am one of the three magic eyes. A great elf and a despicable human being have no chance of being my opponent. Kill him for me."

"Salamander's Roar!"


The purple-black magic eye brand bloomed violently on the forehead of the fire elf Salamander.

The steaming flames all over his body surged up and down, and the hot flames burst out and rushed towards Kuroba.

Seeing another fierce attack, Rhya's face flashed with a hint of urgency.


With a simple hesitation of two words, Kuroba's clenched Ryūren Wakahu was immediately unsheathed.


A knife came out! 14 The air flowing throughout the space seemed to be stagnant, and was quickly torn apart along the way.

Endless flames surged out from the snow-white simple blade.

Along with the movement of Kuroba's hand, the speed of swiping increases.

The huge wave of blazing flames exploded like a furious wave.

At this moment, everyone felt that what Kuroba was wielding was not a sword at all, but a huge wave of flames like a tsunami.

With an overwhelming attitude, he shot toward the sky.

Everyone just felt that all their vision was taken away, and they felt as if they were in a sea of ​​hell fire.


Thunderous explosions echoed, and the attack from Salamander Salamander was like paper, and was directly rolled over by the waves of flames in the sky.

The distance of hundreds of meters is just the blink of an eye.

Wait until Fana's face filled with stiff hatred showed a hint of movement.

The sea of ​​​​fire that fills the sky has completely occupied the entire pupil.

"don't want!"


Under the violent sea of ​​fire, the endless waves of fire instantly swallowed Fana.

As the explosion sounded again, the fiery air waves swept through the entire Witch's Forest like a hurricane.

Looking from a distance, it feels as if dazzling fireworks are blooming in the void covering the entire sky.

The pillar of blazing flames soared straight into the sky, directly penetrating the lead cloud accumulated in the void.

From a distance, it seems as if the entire Witch's Forest is enveloped in flames.

"No, it's impossible. Fana also lost?" Rhya quickly stabilized her body under the impact of the endless air waves.

Looking at the distant void, the ripples of the flames spread around, causing Rhya's pupils to shrink suddenly.

"No...I can't die, I hate you humans!"

The huge mouth suddenly opened and closed towards Fana.

Salamanda roared angrily, spitting out blazing flames from her mouth.

The pretty figure in the void that should have been torn to pieces by the attack came into view first.

As the sea of ​​​​fire rolled back, Fana's expression suddenly became stiff.

In full view of the public, the sound collapsed.

The endless firelight regrouped in the void and once again transformed into Salamander, a giant salamander more than ten meters tall.

The strange scene made Fana couldn't help but open her eyes.

The blazing waves of air rushed towards me.

The demonic eye on the forehead used for suppression flashed rapidly with purple-black light, followed by a trace of scarlet flame.

She was betrayed by the fire elf!

There was no time to think about it, so the only thing he could do was to hurriedly raise his hands to block, roaring hysterically, and subconsciously closed his eyes767.

The huge wings suddenly fluttered, and the scarlet eyes erupted with an unprecedented fierce light.

This is betrayal!

Looking at the flames that spread all over the sky, like fireworks, and the cheeks full of hatred, there was a trace of confusion.

Salamanda, whose intelligence was originally suppressed and controlled.

The first scene that caught her eye made her pupils suddenly shrink.

They have never heard of someone being chosen by their own elf to bite them.

His eyes quickly became clear, and looking at Fana who was so close, a fierce light flashed in the depths of his pupils.


However, she should have suffered a backlash and fallen into the sea of ​​fire, but instead she felt an inexplicable coolness.

Not to mention Rhya, even Fana is no exception.

A slightly thin figure stepped in front of her.


Is this considered a mess?

If the other party is a woman, this absolutely means that she is cheated. .

The sound of dragon roar suddenly sounded.

As a person with two souls, she should be very aware of the burning pain in her body.

Seeing the bloody mouth that quickly enlarged in pain, Fana woke up with a distorted expression on the faces of everyone present.

The violent scene shook everyone's nerves.

It should be said that Hei Ke mentioned it himself just now.



The fire elf Salamanda, who was originally arrogant and restless, and even turned against the host, was shrugging his head, and was being rubbed on the head affectionately by the other party.

At this moment, a ridiculous idea flashed through Fana's mind.

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