Chapter 100 - Black Emptiness

A/N: Curious to know what happened to Jarvis Lake? Iris and Rory's uncle. Your Author here forgot to add it up so there have then a readjustment to 'Chapter 63' titled 'Black Silver-lining' there it will be explained, so sorry to miss out that detail until now just found out, so you can go back and find the added part in chapter 63 and find out what happened to Jarvis.

Yours Truly



"Oh poor child I knew the agents and ghouls will be looking for me and of course of Cain's betrayer," the drug king said in a pity mocking tone staring at Cain's numb body in the pull of his blood, he ticks his tongue.

"Poor thing he was my most valued customer" he adds facing them back.

"It surely will be hard to get a new replacement you know," he said in amusement.

"Then why did you come if you knew it was a trap?!" Lorna demands, she wanted as much answer as she can get before they kill him or it would all be a waste, and Lorna had a feeling his answer won't be a pleasant one.

"I came here because I would get a chance to meet the black ghoul in person" he shrugs facing Liam, who snarls.

"So that I can kill," he adds as instantly a long thick thread came out of the sleeve of his white jacket, coiling out like a snake, it beams red transforming to whip.

Liam growls sensing the danger, taking a step forward but that was a mistake on his part, before they could act, the whip rotated with the move of his hand, penetrating Liam's chest, blood splashing.

"LIAM!" Lorna shouts in horror with widen eyes, unable to process what just happened.

The whip gains weight increasing inside Liam's chest, blood spilling from his mouth as intense pain found his heart.

In anger, Lorna fires at him but he pulled his free hand out as a shell-like shield forms around him blocking the bullets, it was transparent with scales around it.

He retreats the whip from Liam's chest as he drops to the ground, the whip rotates grabbing Lorna by her neck, her guns dropping in the process.

Lorna growls as she was lifted off her feet, her legs wagging. The whip tightens more, she found it hard to breathe.

The drug king mockingly ticks his tongue.

"Wish I could just kill you right now," he said in amusement.

"But what better death than watching someone you care about die in front of you," he said releasing the whip, Lorna drops to the ground coughing, gasping for breath.

"Till when next we meet Lorna Hart," he said walking away his boots sounding.

"Liam!" Lorna gasps holding her sore throat, with tears streaming down her cheeks hotly she crawls to Liam in the pool of his blood unconscious.

"Liam," she said breaking in tears cupping his cold cheeks, her eyes drift to the blood gushing out of his chest nonstop.

"No, no, please Liam you can't die like this, stay with me" she broke placing both hands on his chest to keep the blood from spilling out but it didn't stop, his wound wasn't healing and Lorna panics more, she didn't know what to do.

"No" she cries pressing down on the wound, her hands and clothes painted red.

"Liam please, please" she sobs tapping on his cheeks hoping and praying to get a response but nothing.

She broke in loud cries burying her face in his neck, her heart felt like it was tearing apart into millions of pieces, she felt like she couldn't breathe like the life was being drained away from her.

"Please," she said her face inches apart from his, her tears dripping on his face, her world was blurry everything was seizing to exist, this man has captured her heart something she never knew could happen, right now it felt like her heart was dying, it was.

"Wake up" she sobs burying her head in his neck crying like a child.

Iris rushed in, paling at the sight.

"LIAM!" Iris screams as she rushed and held him.

"The drug king, it was him it happened so fast I-"

"Get lost!" she hissed as her eyes changed to her ghoul ones furious with tears in them.

"What?" Lorna said in a crackly voice, in confusion.

"Come in Iris, where are you? We have been trying to reach you guys".

Iris comm sounds.

"Get out now!" Iris hissed pissed, the tears streaming down.

"NOW!" she roars.

Lorna flinches at the sound of her horrifying voice as she slowly rose to her feet, walking out like a lifeless being.

"It's okay Liam I'm right here," Iris said softly before responding to her comm, she needed to get him out of there fast.


Lorna walk through the dance floor slowly, her body covered in blood but the dancing people didn't seem to catch notice, they were all busy having fun.

Lorna's mind replayed Liam's lifeless face in her head, the blood, the hole in his chest, everything.


It was like her soul left her body like she was just a hump of flesh walking.


The pain was unbearable.

"LORNA!" Jesse shuts spinning her around to face her, she was pissed knowing she has been calling her name at a close distance, but all that wash away when she saw Lorna covered in blood.

"Oh my God, what happened? Are you okay?" Jesse asked worried, checking her for any injures but funny enough it wasn't her blood, now Jesse had another different reason to be scared.

"Lorna what happened?" she asks once more placing her hands on her arms.

"Lorna please talk to me you're scaring me".

Lorna broke once more, crying, Jesse froze at her outburst watching her cry like a helpless little girl.

Jesse's heartfelt heavy as she pulls her into a tight hug, confusion flushing her features but the question will be answered later, cause right now she has to comfort Lorna who acted like a broken girl, what the hell happened? She couldn't wait to find out the cause of this state.

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