Chapter 110 - Black Decision

*Clock Ticking*

The sound was dominant, like the only thing she could hear amid other noise around her. Her palm wipes the steam off her mirror, staring into her reflection, her dark hair damped from the shower, her breaths slow and heavy. She backs away from the mirror, walking to her room.

Her eyes land on her phone on the dresser, reading the last message the drug king sent, making her mind race more.

'Do it at the Super Train'

The famous highway train, amazing speed, able to contain thousands of passengers, he wants her to do it there in PUBLIC, this man was leaving no room for mistake, how the fuck she was gonna get Liam in that train without him noticing anything, this was impossible. 

"Think Lorna think, nothing is impossible," she said to herself pacing in her room, Liam was a very careful guy, the cameras in the city didn't stand a chance against him he was vigilant, steadfast, and smart.

"There has to be a way, you at least know something's about him," she said running her fingers in her hair.

"What I'm gonna do," she said in frustration, it was few hours until dawn and she had until the end of the day to pull this off, if she can't, everyone in her agency will be turned to Claw walkers and this city is doomed. This game he was playing, she was losing, she could feel it, she had nothing on her sleeves.

She halts as a thought came into her head, Liam was a very strong-willed guy but what exactly push his buttons?

"Me," Lorna said as her eyes widen in realization, she knew how he gets when she's in danger or when she was threatened or when he has made his mind on something, he always goes for it, just like how bent he is on destroying the agency. 

"Danger, I could use danger," Lorna said.

"But how?"

She had to think, she had to think of a way to trigger that and that would lead to the train.

"Camera's, yes," she said pacing once more.

"The Silver-lining practically have the cameras in the city wrapped in their fingers, that means they have a hacker, yes," she said sitting on her bed in deep thought.

"But there's no way it's directed towards me," she said sternly.

"Unless" her eyes drift to her balcony.

'He always knows I'm at home, his timing is always perfect' she thought.

"Of course" she rose to her feet. 'There are camera's from the street leading to my balcony and more, the top, the top?' an idea struck in her head, she just knew what to do but she wasn't so sure he was watching like he use to, things didn't exactly end well with them, this was definitely a gamble, a gamble she was willing to take.

She got dressed.


Lorna shut her door close but gasp when she saw Sid opening her door.


"Are you okay? You seem jumpy" Sid asked worriedly.

"Yeah I am, it's really been one hell of a night," Lorna said sighing.

"What are you doing up?" she asked puzzled.

"Oh Melly went out," Sid said gently picking up her white cat adorable cat.

"She's cute"

Sid giggles letting Melly storm free back into the house.

"It's a he," Sid said amused. 

"Oh," Lorna just made a sound.

"It must be your job, it's tiring isn't it," Sid said with a skeptical look.

"Yeah protecting the city from ghouls is a tough job, I'm not even sure if I'm getting the job done," Lorna said with sad eyes.

"You're a good person," Sid said without a doubt.

Lorn huffs. 

"You don't even know much about me, we don't see each other that much", Lorna sighs.

"I'm not so sure I'm a good person, there see things" she sighs again, taking a deep breath.

"The things we do, don't make us a bad person," Sid said.

Lorna slowly raises her head to meet her eyes.

"It's what we choose to do or how we do it, you being an agent, there's nothing wrong with that, it's how you apply your justice"

"That's going against the rules Sid".

"Well, it's bullshit".

Lorna froze at her outburst.

"Lorna this city is chaos because of the rules, constant fear, constant pain, constant loses," she said taking each step towards Lorna.

"It's the rules, Lorna, it's not Justice that's being played here, because justice is blind, we are blind to do the right thing, it's the right thing that always matters, no matter what".

Lorna's eyes shake at her words.

"You do what's right, that what makes you different, whatever it is, there's always a path and choice" she adds.

The weight on Lorna's shoulders lessen, she could only stare at this amazing woman before her.

"Thank you," Lorna said with a genuine smile against her lips, her eyes drift to her stomach.

"Your child will be really lucky to have a mother like you" she adds.

Sid smiles.

"Next time I'm charging," Sid said amused.

Lorna blinks puzzled at her words.

"I'm a therapist' she adds.


"Good night Lorna, I hope you do the right thing," she said walking back to her door, stepping inside, she heard Melly meowing as the door shuts close.


On the rooftop, the wind blew harshly at the top, Lorna stares into the night setting of New York City, the night lights Illuminating every building in a far distance.

Lorna sighs bringing out a letter she held, rotating it around her fingers.

"A leap of faith," she said placing the letter at the edge, clipping it on the iron.

"If you're watching me... I know you're always watching" she said faintly.

She took a deep breath closing her eyes.

"Please," she said opening her eyes, watching the setting once more before walking back inside.


The harsh wind made the paper flip into the air, a claw hand grabs the paper before the wind wist it after, Ghost tilts his head to the side, facing Liam standing at the edge with an unreadable expression. He sighs.

"What the fuck am I even doing here," Liam said staring into the skies illuminating from the darkness.

"The connection is strong" Ghost said handling Liam the letter.

"As Ghost said, Liam not okay, without Lorna" he adds in amusement.

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