Chapter 112 - Black Desperation

"I didn't come here for goodbyes" she began sternly.

"I came here to kill you" she adds with a shaky voice, the hand holding the gun trembling but she used the other gripping the gun tightly with both hands.

"Who put you up to this Lorna?" Liam asked surprisingly calm, he definitely knew this wasn't her doing, there was someone behind this, he could tell, was it Barbra Jones? his blood boils by just the thought of that bitch, there was no one more cunning than her.

"No one" she replies sternly, he could tell she was shaking from here.

"Drop the gun" he warns darkly.

Lorna still stood her ground despite his cold glamour, she hated when he does that.

"Really Lorna? in front of all these people" he adds with a skeptical look.

"He said he wanted it public"

"He?" Liam said puzzled.

Lorna took a deep breath, he was gonna find out anyway.

"It's the drug king... the drug king wants you dead"

The moment she said those words her phone rings, she used her left hand to bring out the phone, answering, still making sure she points her gun at Liam.

"Yes," she answers shakily.

"I was beginning to wonder when you're gonna pull the trigger" the drug king's makeshift voice sounds.

"That means you're watching then," Lorna said certain, she knew there were inbuilt cameras inside the train in case of incidents or robbery, only higher authorities such as the agency and most likely Liam's Organization could make use of it.

"You must be close," Lorna said.

"Or not" she adds certain.

"As I said, Lorna Hart, I have eyes everywhere, you underestimate me so much that it's hurt," he said in a mocking tone.

"Now pull the fucking trigger!" he hissed.

"And if I don't"

"Don't test my patience Lorna, I'm sure you know what's at stake" he hissed pissed.

"Is there now?" she said lowering her gun.

"You got me thinking, your threat and timing were slightly odd" she began.

"Yes I'm quite aware of what you're capable of, but I know one thing, you don't have it in you, got any advice you know, the rules are bullshit and you play by those rules, this is all a sick game to you, your main focus has nothing to do with the agency, it's the black ghoul you want, you wouldn't go as far as destroying the agency, because you know aside from you, your best chance of appending the black is the agency," Lorna said sternly, she was able to see the bigger picture, his threat was just a bluff to pull the strings he needed, she believed and had faith in herself that she was right, he wouldn't go as far as bringing down an agency that hunted his enemy for him when he's busy selling drugs.

Liam stood silent, observing, he heard every word the drug king said due to his enhanced hearing, she was threatened by the drug king? What the hell has she been through? that was the eager thoughts in his head and he was amazed she was able to corner the drug king, freeing herself from his clutches, she was smart, he would give her that.

"I had a feeling you will figure that out Lorna Hart," he said in distaste.

"I will not kill for you," Lorna said darkly.

"Seems like you once again underestimated me Lorna Hart, a very very bad move," he said.

"You're on the famous highway train just like I told you, amazing speed I'm sure, able to contain thousands of passengers".

Lorna was puzzled by his words.

"Below it is another civilization I presume, so tell me Lorna Hart what happens when the train drops down 50 feet to the ground, destruction don't you think?".

"That's impossible that super train was built for years, there's no-" she halts as her eyes widen in realization.

"Yes, Yesss now you get the picture, you fell right into it"

"What did you do?" Lorna demands fearing the worse.

"A bomb"

Lorna gasp as panic filled her lungs, this man was insane, there were hundreds of people here, he was talking total mass destruction at this point.

"You can't do this, there are women and children in this train, thousands will die".

"And you think I care? You already had your chance!"

*Loud Boom Sound*

The train tumbles, screams, and shouts could be heard, everyone went unbalance, the train lights flicking. Liam held unto the iron for support as his eyes land in a distance, his eyes widen, 40 feet from the train, where the explosion happened, the rails breaking and crumbling making a loud crank sound.

"Oh my God" Lorna said in panic seeing the upcoming disaster that was about to unfold.




Panic filled everywhere, but the train was on auto-drive and hyper speed, they were gonna make that fall no matter what.

"LIAM WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING" Lorna shouts amid loud noises around.

Liam turns to her, panic in his eyes,

"I chose you" she began with tears in her eyes.

"And I will do that over and over again" she adds.

They were all near death, the panic, the screams for help when there was no one but Lorna believed.

"You're not just a ghoul, you're more than that... and I believe we can't just die like this," she said.

Liam's eyes shake at her words.

"I know you have the power to save everyone in this train, I believe in you," she said, the tears falling down her cheeks.

Rex cried as his grandma held him tightly.

Liam took slow breaths looking at the panic around him, the cries and the shouts, some holding their heads in horror, some holding unto their loved ones for the last time.

"Liam" her voice called to him as his gaze drift to her.

The train is only 2 feet from the broken rails.

"Save us!.

His eyes changed to his ghoul ones, her words guided him, it sparks something in him he couldn't quite explain, it set his body ablaze, a hidden power he never knew he had, he backs her, as his body transforms, yes it transforms, something he never knew he was capable of doing, black aura erupts around him, as his height increases only taller than Ghost and bigger, he transforms to Ghost appearance but bigger, hunching, extended arms, and leg, bald head, pointy ears, pointy jaw, ash-like skin covered in bandages that were faded, deadly sharp claws, sharp claw-like teeth with extended canines, his eyes still covered in faded bandages, he was merged with Ghost, merged for the very first time, as one.

With a burning sensation in him to save everyone on this train.

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