Chapter 122 - Black Pawn (Part 2)

Lorna's head ran with series of thoughts, Steve's words ringing in her head like a beacon. She reaches for her jacket pocket bringing out her meds, she gulps hard, she had taken this ever since her parents died because she has always had anxiety issues ever since that day. Her first tightens on the small plastic. Something didn't feel right, she could feel it in her bones and it chilled her insides.


She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her name, she raised her head meeting Chase's eyes.

"Chase" Lorna said stunned, wondering how long he has been standing there.

"Come on, follow me," he said firmly.

In silence Lorna followed behind like she was told, they both walked into an elevator, as he pressed the button for the Thirtieth floor.

"Why are we going to my Aunt's office?" Lorna asked puzzle.

"You will know in due time," he said not sparing her a glance.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone," Lorna said hurt, he faced her.

"Trust me, Barbra knows more than I do," he said as that moment the elevator doors slide open.

Lorna blinks at his words as he steps out first, she followed behind as they walked into her office, Barbra was seated not on her office chair as usual but at her relaxing chair set right at the corner, a complete chessboard on the table.

"Lorna, come seat" She motioned tapping on a seat beside her.

She heard the door slide shut, she turns seeing Chase has already left the office, leaving just her and Barbra. She gulps.

She turns back, slowly walking towards Barbra taking her seat.

"I'm sure you know how to play," she said amused.

"I'm not exactly that good, I'm not as good as Seth" she shrugs, remembering how she talks of Seth being an excellent player.

"Is that so, I remembered playing with you" Barbra said raising an eyebrow.

"Aunt," Lorna said puzzled.

"We have never played chess before" she adds certain.

Barbra smirks broaden as she made her first move since she was white. Lorna swallows hard as she played.

"You know don't you," Lorna said with shaky eyes unable to concentrate on the game.

"Know what?" Barbra said, her eyes fixed on the board rubbing her chin like she was thinking but Lorna knew she has already won.

Lorna drops her black king.

"Bad move Lorna, don't give up just yet"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Lorna said sternly. 

Barbra's eyes land on her.

"I have always known Lorna, why else did you think I got you transferred, coincidence? I think not"

She gulps.

"I have such a lovely piece that looks exactly like the black ghoul lover, a chance, yes"

"You were using me?" Lorna said with shaky eyes.

Barbra smiled placing a hand on Lorna's.

"No Lorna you were undercover, but I never knew you would actually fall for him, given who he is".

"Yes I fell for him, but I'm never making that mistake again, he was practically just using me" she spats.

"I know Lorna, that's the kind of man Liam O'Brien is, he uses people just to get what he wants, I'm so sorry you had to face all that, all alone, scared and broken," she said patting her head gently.

The tears fell from her eyes nonstop, she sobs.

"I want him to pay," she said sternly.

"And he will just do as I say, and everything will be alright, I will immediately request your transfer back to Los Angeles, back to your life, all this will be just a nightmare you woke up from, you should understand this Lorna, I never did any of this to hurt you, yes I was blinded because I wanted to kill the black ghoul not knowing I was driving you into the dark, I'm so sorry my child".

Lorna broke into tears hugging her tightly.

Barbra hush her patting her back gently as a smirk found her lips.

Lorna cried and cried feeling like her heart would break, she wanted to put an end to all of this, she wanted to put an end to everything and move on and she will do as her aunt says, because she trusted her and spent half of her life growing up in her care.

She sobs breaking the hug.

"What do I have to do?"


An unknown Location

An SUV parks in front of a wide wide warehouse in a secluded building.

A bodyguard in a smart suit steps down, opening the door for Barbra, she adjusts her jacket walking towards the warehouse with five bodyguards behind her.


Inside the warehouse was extremely wide, it was a drug factory, manufacturing G-st, the people working on the production of the drug were all covered in protective gears to ahead the harsh content.

On the up floor, Barbra walks towards a man, who turns adjusting his glasses.

"Steve," she said amused.

"I said I will help you achieve anything, turning humans to Claws wasn't part of it," Steve said sternly, not liking the idea from day one, but had no choice but to comply.

"Barbra" he adds in distaste.

She smirks broadly facing the manufacturing machine doing its job.

"I must say, Steve, you have done quite the job here, without you I wouldn't have set everything in place and now we are more closer" she faced him.

"To stopping your son" she adds smirking.

"I couldn't agree more," Steve said with an unreadable expression.

"It's all falling into place," she said with shaky eyes staring at her creation.


Section Six

Lorna's residence

*Heartbeats Slowly*

Lorna stares at her anxiety pills with a long thought, it was a hunch and she was gonna go for it and see the outcome, maybe it was time for her to skip the meds she has taken ever since she was little and see what happens next, knowing fully well she should be able to control her anxiety now because no one was ever stepping on her again, not even the black ghoul.

She threw the pills in the trash shutting the trash bin shut.

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