Chapter 132 - Black Aura

The floor of the white room was now drenched with Liam's blood.

The Warden ticks his tongue.

"Surely you're a tough one, you aren't called the black Ghoul for no reason" he comments impressed.

They had been on this for days and Liam haven't said a word consigning his organisation, going and coming back only to meet him stronger for the next torture.

"Gonna take a little more than that to break me" Liam said weakly, his body and face held cuts and bruises, they healed but very slowly almost like he wasn't healing at all and the pain was unbearable, it was like he was back to being human again.

"The sound of your voice isn't so convincing" The Warden said in amusement, knowing he at least weaken him but not enough for him to talk. He sighs, knowing very well no matter what he does to him, it won't hold any effect. 

"If you won't say anything then you will be sentence to death as per plan" he states.

Liam flinched at his words.

"You're still gonna kill me even if I rat out my organisation, that bitch leaves no room for mistake, I'm the agencies greatest enemy, my death was inevitable from the moment I was captured" Liam said in amusement.

The Warden ticks his tongue.

"You truly are what meets the eye" he said in wonder.

"For meeting my expectations, I shall reward you with a gift" He began.

Liam gave him a puzzled look.

"I'm sure you have heard the rumours about Project Genesis" he said smirking.

"I've heard" Liam states.

"I'm sure what you don't know is the project is carried out by a very talented scientist rumoured to be a ghoul"

Liam's body tensed at his words

"Ah yes, of course you know him" he said moving close to Liam until his face was inches apart from him.

"The infamous Steve O'Brien" he said laughing.

Liam growled as he pulled on his chain to futile attempt. The Warden pulled away.

"I heard he's working on something rather terrifying, something bigger, unlike anything we have ever seen" he said in wonder.

"I'm sure you felt it, the sinister power" he adds.

It was true, since the moment Liam stepped into steel, he felt this unusual aura around, it was dark and cold, almost familiar, and worse it chilled his insides, he was sure Ghost felt the same way even though he had been awfully quiet because of the Steel around his neck.

"What's inisde project Genesis?" Liam demands.

"Even I don't know, it's rather a mystery even for someone my status" he said with a shrug.

"And beside my gift for you is over".


Liam was thrown inside his cell as the iron door shut close, Liam growled in pain against the floor as he forced his body to seat up, leaning his back against the edge of his bed.

"Project Genesis" he said stern.

His curiousness overwelmed him, but he knew whatever was down there was defintely not good especially if his dad was involved, because nothing good never came out of that man's hands.


Section Five

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

"Hey Lorna, its me for the 30th time for days, haven't heard from you for three days, I keep calling and now I have to resort to voicemail, you know how much I hate doing that. Checked your apartment a couple of times but your neighbors said they haven't seen a glimpse of you for days" Jesse said sighing.

"I'm worried call me, we all are" she said ending the voicemail, taking a deep breath.

"She haven't answered any of my calls or texts too" Peter said, he was seated on a desk close to Jesse's.

"Don't worry I'm sure she's okay, maybe she just got caught up with something" Peter said certain.

"But not like this Pete, she has never gone radio silence, what if something happened to her" Jesse said beyond worried.

Peter's eyes shakes knowing she was right.

"Still no word from Lorna?" Chase said walking towards them.

"No sir" Jesse said with sad eyes.

Chase just have gave a slight nod, as he frowned.

"Any word you let me know" he said walking away.


Thirtieth Floor

The doors slide open as Chase marched into the office.

"We haven't heard from her for days" he began with a stern look.

Barbra was seated in deep thought.

"Do you think perhaps she has gained her memory?".

"That's not possible" Barbra said with clenched teeth.

"Then what is!" Chase hissed.

Her gaze finally met his.

"You said she was will never regain her memory, you said she will forever be Lorna Hart".

"The black ghoul did something to her" Barbra said certain as she recalled what happened that day.

"So now what, the secret we spent years hiding will be exposed?"

"Not if we do something first" she snaps.

"So what now, you're gonna erase all evidence?"

"No Chase if she actually did remember, then she's Riley Leah, she's back to being the agency enemy, siding with the black ghoul" she states.

Chase gulps.

"Then we are back to hunting her down like any other ghoul" she adds.

"But she's not a ghoul anymore, she's human".

"It still doesn't matter Chase, Riley is a very dangerous woman, have you so sudden forgotten the things she's done".

Chase looks away.

"You have really fallen for her, haven't you" she adds.

Chase fist clenched tightly.

"The almighty Chase who so despice ghouls, falls for one" she adds in amusement.



Steve threw a stick of cigarette to the ground, he sighed adjusting his briefcase, watching the chopper slowly descend, the harsh air from the spinning fans, flapping his clothes.

The Warden steps down from the chopper, a signal for Steve to move and he did, climbing inside.

"It's been so long doctor Steve" The Warden said, as the space shut behind.

"I was beginning to think you have shut down Project Genesis" he adds in amusement.

"Much work to do" he said adjusting his glasses taking a seat.

"I'm sure you're aware your son is being held at Steel"

"I know" Steve said with a stern look.

"What you don't know is, he's sentensed to death tomorrow".

Steve fist clenched tightly almost drawing blood.

"I know".

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