Chapter 138 - Black Silence

Liam gave eager punches to the punching bag, he gave kicks and punches as he grunts, he has been on this for hours, no stop or rest, he was lost in his head as he kept punching and punching. The memory of Genesis flashing in his head constantly.

"I'm told both of you are my parents," he said in a lifeless voice.

"What a joke..." he adds in an inhuman double voice as just his right eyes changed to that of a ghoul, black veins clustered around.

Liam shouts as he kicks the bag, the force of the impact made the bag slam the wall harshly causing a crack, His chest rose and fell in harsh breaths.

Ghost surges out of him.

"We have been apart from Riley too much, Ghost have been apart from Silver" Ghost began in a deep rough voice.

"I don't fucking care!" Liam snaps facing him.

Ghost gave a growl.

"I just..." he trailed taking a seat on the floor leaning his back against the wall.

"I need some time alone, I hope you can understand that" he adds with sad eyes.

"Ghost understand what Liam is passing through, Genesis is also Ghost offspring" he said with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"Then you must be angry too, Why would she keep such a thing from us" he said with wistful eyes.

"Ghost sensed Riley was pregnant, but it wasn't exactly Ghost's place to say anything".

Liam's head shot up at Ghost words.

"You knew?" Liam said feeling betrayed.

"Ghost sensed. Liam, it's in a past, it was in Riley's will to tell you whether she was pregnant or not, whatever she did, she thought it was right".

Liam sighs placing his head on the wall, his face lifting upwards slightly.

Ghost growled, walking towards Liam, each feetsteps making thud sound.

Ghost sat on the floor, giving Liam some space, his long legs raised, his long hands on his knees.

"Ghost has been waiting for more than centuries just to see Silver again, She's a very unique Claw, vessels to wield was somewhat impossible, not until Riley" he said.

Liam sighs.

"And why are you telling me this" Liam said running his fingers in his hair.

"No matter how hurt or angry you are, the connection is bound to break that, it is why both of you are destined as Silver and Ghost".

"Great, we just happen to wield beings that was once supreme" Liam said sarcastically.

"What did he even call you guys again, oh right he called you guys god's" he adds facing Ghost.

He scratched his bald head.

"For that, it's fuzzy, all Ghost knows is that Silver is Ghost's mate for a very long time".

"It's not just about the connection Ghost, way before all this, I have always loved her, and I still do" Liam said with wistful eyes, remebering how they first met at Drinks & Dine, how he got lost in those enchanting green eyes of hers, he still do every single time, he still drown in her beauty, in her boldness, the fire that burns in her, she was spitfire, his wild card, as well as his perfect angel, the one angel he would bring the entire city down for, he was still madly in love with her, he wasn't so sure that will ever change.

Ghost smiled as if reading his thoughts.

Liam sighs rising to his feet, grabbing a punching bag, hanging it against the chains.

In silence he formed his fingers into a tighten fist giving loud hard punches to the bag.

Ghost could sense it, he was still hurting.


Sean's Private Lab

"This explains everything, the weird power, the connection between Riley and Liam. They both posses supreme beings inside them, ghoul god's" Sean said going through the translated part of the ancient book, it was part of the package sent after Steve's death.

He closed the book, assessing the body, the body was faded brown in colour, but had some black colour to it like the original.

His fingers felt the name in the front as he tried to make it out.

"Omari" he read as his eyes shake.

"The first Ghoul, this must be his journal"

It had to because when he went through the translated part, it was written by someone and like he actually lived through it, this was the perfect explanation. Liam was Omari's forefather, his bloodline.

He had to find a way to translate the rest, more answers to all their unanswered question can finally be revealed, yes they have gotten some, they now knew they had supreme beings that ruled over them since ancients times, what Steve did was resurrect them, but why, why would Steve go that far just to bring back their Ghoul king and Queen.

He opened the book once more turning to the a page that had the drawing of the four leaf clover symbol, a mixture of black and white.

"The ghoul symbol" he said running his fingers against it in amazement.


Liam was at his building garage, it consists of several modern cars of different colour along with power bikes, he stood in front of one of the power bikes, typing something something in the transperant iPad he held.

"Whatcha doing?"

Iris voice sounds in the wide hall, she slowly strolled up to him, a smile against her lips.

"Nothing just checking the system, told Kayla to do it, but she's..." he sighs.

"Somewhat busy" he adds with a thought face, Kayla was never busy.

"Funny, Rory said he was busy too" Iris said in amusement.

"Seems like my brother is finally living, I wonder what took him so long" she adds.

"Rory and Kayla?" Liam said raising an eyebrow.

"So it seems" Iris said taking a step closer to him.

Liam faced his iPad back. 

"You have been locked up in your apartment for days, everyone is worried" she began.

"I'm sorry about what happened with your son, it's too much and I understand".

Liam tensed at her words, she placed a hand on his strong arm.

"But you need to get back up, you have an organisation to lead, Barbra and the agency wil pay for what they did, to you" she said softly.

Liam faced her with unreadable eyes.

"I'm here for you," she adds placing her hands on his chest.

Her eyes meet his. 


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