Chapter 146 - Parent & Son

"I. Do. Not. Have. A. Father" he roars in a deep double inhuman voice, in a zap he came at Riley, his paws making a loud thud sound that shock the earth.

Her body went up in a white aura of lightning, a shield coming up in front of her, his claws colliding with it, the impact shocking the earth.

Riley shouts holding her ground, the ground beneath her feet shocking and cracking.

She growled pushing up, the impact making him stumble backward, growling.

Riley took a harsh breath.

He growled, before roaring, coming at Riley once more, suddenly something came from upwards, coming like a sharp bullet and then pushing Genesis away before he could reach Riley.

His back slammed the wall harshly, causing a crack, blood gushing from his mouth.

Liam lands on the ground, merged with Ghost fully, hunching, extended arms, and leg, bald head, pointy ears, pointy jaw, ash-like skin covered in bandages that were faded, deadly sharp claws, sharp claw-like teeth with extended canines, his eyes still covered in faded bandages. His vision, in gold color.

"Stand down, we do not want to hurt you," Liam said in an inhuman echo voice.

Genesis broke out of the wall, snarling loudly at him.

"Riley, get back!" Liam hissed as Genesis came for him.

"No please Liam don't hurt him!" she hissed on the verge of tears, she hated this, they weren't supposed to be fighting, this wasn't right.

Liam roared as they engaged in a heated battle, clawing and snarling at each other.

Tears filled Riley's eyes as she watch them fight. 'Please'. She thought crying. 'Stop'. She broke going on her knees, sobbing, watching as they clawed on each other, blood splashing, it was savage watching them and it broke her heart.

Liam roared, pressing Genesis down to the ground, locking him with both arms, while he tried to break free.

"STAND DOWN!" Liam roared, it pained him to fight with him but the boy wouldn't listen, he was on a serious rage rampage, like a mindless beast.

He turns seeing Riley on her knees crying, his heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces.

Seeing he was distracted, Genesis used his leg to push Liam off him, Liam lands on the ground hard.

*Sounds of Chopper*

That was their cue, in a cloak of darkness, he zaps towards Riley in speed grabbing her and then flying up to the rooftop with back wings spread out, zooming into the skies.

Genesis roars pissed as he then slowly shifted back to human form, his clothes torn, several wounds from the fight but it closed up all at once, he stared at where they exited with furious eyes, taking hard uneven breaths, his fist clenched tightly.


Section Five

Ghoul investigators Headquarters (GIH) 

Chase in his office lost in deep thought, he heard the news, just a wimp of it, about a warehouse attacked and destroyed by the black ghoul. But why? Why did the black ghoul so suddenly destroyed a warehouse and what's confusing, he heard it was a drug house, producing some kind of drug and what's... more the building belonged to Barbra, something was off, he could feel it in his bones and worse he suspects the woman he claims to trust, Barbra Jones.


Section Eighteen

Choppers around, moving in circles around the destroyed warehouse, everything was gone, in ruins with nothing left.

Barbra's fist clenched hard, almost drawing blood, she look pissed.

"So that's how you wanna play it," she said with clenched teeth.

"Bring it on!".


Two Weeks Later

"As of now, the drug G-st capable of turning humans into Claw Walker have stopped selling on the black market, we don't know how it so suddenly stops as the city is no longer in threats by the hands of the Claw walkers as it was before and surprisingly enough there are rumors about a cure, capable of turning a claw walker back to human. It's a shocking discovery as claw walkers so suddenly reduce by an anonymous savior" the newscaster said in the news.


"Rumors have it now that the black ghoul is responsible for stopping the drug market and also for the cure, millions of questions are being asked about whether ghouls are the threat we thought them to be and more what is the agency during all this time?"

Sid's eyes shake on hearing the news, she quickly changed the channel, her baby boy in her arms cooing.

"Shh," she made a gentle sound.

"It's alright Oliver, we are gonna be just alright," she said as a smile graced her lips.

"Someone is finally fighting," she said rubbing her nose with his tiny ones.

He giggled while sucking his thumb.

"Honey, I'm home" Trent's voice came in from the door.


Outskirts of the city

Silver-lining manor

"Take it easy Riley don't overdo it," Sean said worriedly.

Riley was seated on the chair, her green long sleeve rolled up to the arm, she placed cotton on the small hole, it then healed. She was paler than usual, her lips pale also, slightly weak.

"Will it reach the rest now?" she asked weakly staring at the big jar of blood.

Her blood was being made as an antidote for the claw walkers.

"Yes, that should be enough," Sean said.

Riley gave a slight nod.

"I'm sure Liam is crazy pissed at this" he adds.

"Very," Riley said rolling down her sleeve.

"Since we're done gotta go," she said rising to her feet but stumbled, Sean quickly held her firm.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," she said repeatedly as she closed her eyes groaning. 

"No you're not," Sean said with sad eyes.

"Both you and Liam aren't" he adds.

Riley sighs as Sean helped her back to her seat, he took his in front of her.

"How are both of you holding up?" he asked.

"With Genesis"

"Not good" she admitted.

"Not every parent wanna see their genetically made son a berserk beast," she said sarcastically, her voice holding no humor.

Sean gulps at her words.

The tears threaten to fall but she held it back in with a sob.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't be-"

"It's okay Riley I'm here, both of you don't deserve to feel this way," he said rubbing her shoulders, she nods.

The doors slide open as Liam walks in, they turned to him, he held an unreadable expression.

Riley blinks puzzled.

"Is everything okay?" she asked worried.

He gulps hard, unable to find the right words.

"Liam, what happened?" Sean asked puzzled.


"Kayla went through some encrypted file... She found out something" he began dryly.

"Liam what did she find out?" Riley asked puzzled.

"Your mother, she's alive".

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