Chapter 156 - Black Guest (Part 1)

Genesis watch as they engage in a conservation with the three, either asking questions or relieved they were okay.

"It's like we have an unexpected guest"  a Deep voice sounds.

All attention drift to the big man before them.

"Mayor" Heather said with a smile against her lips.

Big Guy smirks.

"A familiar unexpected guest" Big Guy said never talking his eyes off Genesis.

Genesis gave him a stern look.

Big Guy approached him, each footstep made a thud sound, he was indeed a Big Guy.

He stops right in front of Genesis looking down at him, signifying how tall he was, he smirks, taking another whiff of air around him.

"You smell very familiar, almost like my buddy Liam O'Brien" he states.

Whispers filled among the others. 

"We found him inside the agency, he was trying to escape" Heather began.

But Big Guy gaze never left Genesis, as did he.

"And?" Big Guy urges.

"He's part of the experiment we believe is held within the agency, he's the prove we need" Heather said bold. 

"Project Genesis, well I'll be damn" Big Guy said as his eyes shined in amusement, this was interesting, the very glorious experiment, Barbra's experiment was right in front of him.

"You seem to know a lot about me" Genesis spoke up.

"Not a lot but enough, I was in Steel when rumors were going on about a project, one of Barbra Jones puppet".

"I'm not a puppet!" he snaps.

"I see" Big Guy said in amusement.

Genesis gulps hard.

"Maybe I was" he began with clenched teeth.

"But I'm not anymore" he adds his eyes laced with seriousness.

It took a minute of silence and piercing gaze before Big Guy spoke up.

"Follow me, the rest of you go back inside, it's cold" he orders walking ahead.

It took a minute before Genesis followed behind him.

"I Hope Big Guy let him stays" Heather said nervous.

"Why do you care" Dale said rolling his eyes.

"If he's a threat Big Guy will know and send him out immediately before he can endanger any of us, let's leave it to him" Josh said with a shrug.

"What's with you guys!" Heather snaps facing them.

They froze at her outburst.

"He saved us okay, isn't that enough to see he's not a threat" she hissed.

"Yes he saved us, but one action doesn't justify the rest" Dale said with a stern look. 

Heater growled walking past them while making sure she bump Dale's shoulder as she left.

"What's with her, she's been defending that kid since the moment she laid eyes on him" Dale said practically growling.

Josh just shrugs, having no idea.


Big Guy and Genesis walked into a house, inside looked like an office, but a worn out one, the walls peeling, the table and chairs looked old.

"I apologize for the space, it's not much but it's where we live" Big Guy said taking a seat in front.

"I'm not bothered" Genesis said.

"Of course you're not, take a seat" he motioned.

Genesis did in front of his desk, seating, a bit uncomfortable.

"So" Big Guy began.

"Tell me why you came here".

"They asked and more importantly I came here because the human girl said she will help me find my parents"

"Heather you mean" Big Guy said raising an eyebrow.

"My parents Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah, I want to find them" Genesis demands.

Big Guy eyes widen at his words.

"You're Liam's son?" he said in shock, that explains the unusual familiar feeling he felt.

"No one seems to believe me except the human girl" he said.

"Heather you mean".

"I don't care, look can you help me or not" he hissed.

"Look kid even if I wanted to I can't, the Silver-lining isn't exactly a hot line you can dial, they exist like a ghost that's why they are untraceable, even when the cure for the Claw Walkers were distributed, they were still untraceable" he said.

Genesis fist tighten.

"Heather might have said we can, but she doesn't understand the way the world works, we may support the Black Ghoul but we are unknown and we prefer to keep it that way".

"Then why risk the others getting into the agency to find a leak" Genesis hissed.

"That was Heather and her team idea, I strongly opposed it but they insisted claiming they wanna find evidence, Heather is a strong head sometimes I wonder what's going on in that head of hers not to talk more of Dale" Big Guy said sighing like he couldn't keep up with the kids, it was surprising for someone of his size and wit to be out smarted by teens. 

"Teens" he said.

"They never seize to amaze me".

"So there's no way I can find them" Genesis said breaking Big Guy out of his dilemma.

"I'm sorry kid but that's the truth, their signal is untraceable as well as locating their organization" he said firmly.

"You can stay here with us, you're safer here, as long as you escape from the agency, you're on their red list" he adds.

"Actually I did something worse" Genesis spoke up.

"I marked Barbra Jones"

Big guy froze at his words, what he said gave him the chills, this kid was as good as dead if he step foot out of here, he did something no other ghoul have ever done, and knowing the bitch very well, she was never gonna let this go. 

Big Guy smirks broadly.

"Now this caught my attention".


Section Five 

Ghoul Investigator Headquarters (GIH) 

Barbra stood in front of the wall mirror in her office. The right side of her face covered in bandaged, she just stood staring at herself in the mirror.

The door slide open as Chase rushed in.

"I heard what happened" he began haste.

Barbra slowly turn go him, he froze seeing the bandage.

"It appears I have a lot of enemies, even to the point a ghoul will try to assassinate me in my own office" she said.

"I heard" Chase states.

"But in your office? There's no blood or anything" he adds.

"Cleaned up" she said, a small smile found her lips.

"Are you questioning me now Chase?".

He gulps.

"Why shouldn't I?" he reasoned.

"I mean" he gave a heavy sigh.

"The very city I gave my life and heart to protect is against us, everyone thinks the agency is the enemy, and the black ghoul their savior".

"And you think this is my fault?" she said sternly.

"There are rumors going on about the warehouse attacked by the black ghoul months ago, I looked up the building and found out it belonged to you" he states.

"What rumor?" she demands.

"That you're dealing drugs in that exact place, thus the reason for the attack" he said.

Barbra huffed.

"They say it's G-st Barbra".

"Call me Captain!" she hissed facing him, fury burning her insides.

"The question I have you  Captain, are you the drug king?" he asked with a stern look, it was a foolish question but he had to ask, even though he knew he can't fully trust what comes out of her mouth, he just had to, maybe he was just finding a way or a reason to still trust his Captain.

"It's doesn't matter what I say Chase, you already have your mind made up, I'm the villain here" she said.

A small smile found Chase lips.

"You know the only reason I joined the agency was because I wanted to keep the city safe, later on it was all about making the city a better place for Rex... And then he was trapped in a building filled with V-ghoul's, he barely made it out alive and then he was stuck in a train falling thousands of feet to the ground, and where was I?" he states with wistful eyes.

"I have done nothing, absolutely nothing to keep him safe, not even the city, we are still on the verge of tearing ourselves into pieces and the very woman I serve..." he sighs heavily.

Barbra's lips pressed in a thin line. 

"Keeps so many secrets that I'm not even sure I can keep up with, the very woman who told me we can achieve peace together but what we achieved was no less  chaos".

"What are you saying Chase" Barbra said faintly, not meeting gaze with him.

Chase slowly walks towards her, he stops right in front of her, he brought out his badge and then his registered gun, placing them on the table.

Barbra froze at his action as she faced him with shaky eyes.

"I'm saying I can't work for a woman whose heart is not in the right place" he said firmly.

Barbra's lips went apart lightly in shock the words hung in her throat at his statement.

"We are not the savior in this city" he states.

"No. One. Is" he said final before turning to walk away.

Barbra placed her palm on her table for balance, she watch as Chase Wyatt walks away right before her eyes.

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