Chapter 16 - Black Memories

One Year Later

The Year 2021

Wailing Sirens






Heart Beats Slowly






"Am leaving Riley"

"I will make everything right. Everyone's death will not be in vain. I promise".

Her body was paralyzed once again, unable to do anything, she wished she had stopped him but Riley knew even if she did he won't come back, she could see it in his eyes. She could only stand watching, her heartbeat the only sound she could hear as Liam walked away from her, that moment it was all gone.

She watches as he kept walking further and further away from her until he was gone.



Riley gasped opening her green eyes. She met with her room window, the rain poured harshly from outside, she sat up staring at it for a while before turning away from it, she found her Claw standing in the dark, it stepped forward tilting its head to the side.

"Just go back in," Riley said getting off her bed. Her Claw reversed back inside her. Riley walked into her small parlor, she opened her fridge taking a bottle of water, she drank it once taking a deep breath.

"Pull yourself together Riley," she said to herself as she looked back at the window. The thunder striking.



Riley prepared for school, she stood in front of her mirror combing her now long curly red hair, she packed it in a messy ponytail, her eyes drifted to her clock.

"Shit" she cursed grabbing her coat jacket putting it on and grabbed her bag, walking out.


Riley walked into the streets of New York City, sirens wailing but she ignored it as she waited for her bus. It came and she got in.


Section Four

Hilton College

Riley walked into the gates of the busy school, Riley went through her books walking her way to her lecture hall.

"Riley!". Her head shot up.

"Cindy," Riley said as a dark blue-haired girl ran towards her.

"Finally you're here, always late" Cindy said making a face.

"Sorry I couldn't sleep last night so I slept in this morning" Riley shrug.

"You always do that" Cindy growled out.

"Come on". She drags Riley with her to their class.

The faculty hall was already filled. Riley and Cindy made their way to their seat, Riley brought out her laptop.

"Let's just hope Mr. Keith doesn't give an unexpected essay test again". Cindy rolled her eyes.

Riley laughed at her antics, so did Cindy.


Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

The agency undergoes its various duties in and out. In the training section, Nicole flipped a trainee to the foam ground.

"And that's how you deal with an assault" she demonstrated, the agent on the ground groaned in pain.

"Any question?" Nicole asked, they shake their head negatively.

"Good" she smiled walking out.

She walked into the cafeteria to grab a bottle of water. She sighed taking her seat.

"The trainee getting to ya?" Chase said walking towards her.

"You have no idea," she said stressed. Chase just smiled taking his seat beside her.

"Sorry I missed Rex's birthday," she said guiltily.

"Well you could get him a late birthday present," Chase said bringing out a picture, Nicole's face lit up when she saw it.

"He's so cute" she pouted. It was a picture of Renee and her son Rex, celebrating his one-year birthday.

"He looks so much like his father but has his mother's eyes," Chase said.

Nicole's smile faded slowly as she turned to him, she could see the pain in his eyes.

"I wish Max was here to see this" he adds.

Nicole placed a hand on his shoulder, in the console.

"Well, I better get going," Chase said standing up.

"Where to?" Nicole said amused.

"Well has unit leader I have something's to check up on, right before I get my car at the repair shop" Chase shrugged. Nicole chuckled.

"You best do," she said. He nodded leaving.

Nicole faced front, her smile going away, she looked around before bringing out a picture, it was a picture of her and Liam during winter season outside. She swallowed as her eyes lingered on the photo.

Barbara was seated staring out the window, she heard sounds of chess on the board.

"You should be resting Seth," she said turning, so did her chair. Seth was seated on a resting chair, his legs crossed, one of his hands was connected to a red drip, his other hand played chess.

"I have rested for a year, I have had enough" Seth said focusing on his game. The doors slide open as Chase walked in.

"Well hello, Chase it's about time you came," Barbra said amused. Chase's eyes drifted to Seth who turned to him, he smiled.

"Hi, Chase," Seth said amused.


One Year Ago

Section One

Former Ghoul Underground

Seth slowly opened his eyes as Rath reversed back inside him, but his body went stiff when he saw Chase pointing his gun at him.

"What the hell Seth. What the fuck is going on?" Chase demanded clicking his gun ready to fire. Seth sat up slowly as he smiled.

"No need be stirred up Chase," Seth said.

"Shut the fuck up!" Chase hissed.

"You got all that blabbering saying you despise ghouls when you're one" he adds.

"Am not a ghoul Chase".

"Then what are you?" Chase demanded.

Seth slowly stood up, Chase never pulled down his gun, he was sure as hell ready to fire.

"Ghouls are born but I was made," Seth said sternly. Chase froze lowering his gun.


"When I lost my parents I was taken in by a group of scientists who experimented on ghouls" he began.

Chase swallowed at the shocking discovery.

"Day after day being injected and tested on.

They wanted to create their own ghoul and they succeed" he said looking away.

"It was hell until Barbra found me and saved me from that nightmare". His eyes landed on Chase.

"And the lab?" Chase asked.

"Destroyed of course" he shrugs. Seth walked towards him standing right in front of him.

"Where the others?" Chase said sternly.

"I was the only one who survived the procedure, the others died during the experiment. Painfully".

"I despise ghouls as much as you do, becoming one is only different, I hope you understand that and make the right choice here," he said.

"Am not the enemy" he adds.


Present Day

"Any news on the black ghoul" Barbra said, Chase's eyes drifted to her.

"No, still nothing, it's being a year now," Chase said.

"He just vanished in thin air," Seth said as his fist tightens around his black king pawn.

"You mentioned something about two others," Barbra said.

"Yes, I didn't see their faces," Seth said sternly.

"But they were tough" he adds.

"And the girl you said the black ghoul was protecting, we have searched every database since the past year and yet nothing," Chase said.

"I didn't see her face either, but" Seth smiled.

"I think she's pretty important to the black ghoul, we find her then we find the black ghoul," Seth said certainly.

"With her face not seen it's nearly impossible," Barbra said.

"Not entirely impossible for me" Seth shrug.

"Release me from my rehabilitation then I will get you the ghoul" he adds. Barbra sighed.

"But then, do not risk using Rath, your ghoul regeneration is not as strong as the normal ghoul abilities" she reasoned.

Seth's eyes drifted to Chase.

"How about it Chase, let's go catch ourselves a ghoul," Seth said amused.

Section Four

Hilton College

"Ugh am so tired, four lectures in one roll I feel like my head will burst," Cindy said stressed out, she and Riley walked out of the hall.

"Yeah me too," Riley said amused.

"How about some drinks to get us up straight," Cindy said sneaky.

"As far it's not alcohol" Riley warned.

"Don't worry strictly coffee" Cindy smirked, Riley just rolled her eyes.

"Hi, guys".

They turned as a young man approached them.

"Hey, Edward" Cindy said huskily. He smiled his eyes drifting to Riley.

He had dark hair kept neatly and blue eyes.

"Thought I would see you at the first period," Edward said.

"Well I slept in again," Riley said forcing a smile.

"Okay, then I was wondering when I will get that drink I asked you for" he shrugged.

"I don-".

"We are heading towards the cafè right now, wanna come with us?" Cindy said smirking, Riley secretly shot her death glare.

"Aright that's awesome I will go grab my bag," Edward said leaving.

"Cindy" Riley hissed.

"Come on Riley you know Edward has been on to you for months now, you can tell just by looking at his eyes. He really likes you, just give him a chance" Cindy reasoned.

"I don't know Cindy, I don't thin-".

"Come on Riley what's with you and relationships," Cindy said raising an eyebrow.

"Since the past year I have known you--you haven't dated anyone" she added.

Riley sighed.

"Cause I don't have time for that" Riley groaned walking past her.

"Oh no you don't," Cindy said dragging her back.


Section Two


"One cappuccino please," Edward said, the waitress nodded.

Riley just silently zipped her coffee making sure her eyes were fixed out the window.

Cindy rolled her eyes at her action. 'Great she will never get a boyfriend in this situation. Cindy thought sighing.

The waiter brought Edward's drink, his eyes drifted to Riley. 'Why does she keep avoiding me, did she have a boyfriend who was mean to her? I just hope she doesn't push me away.

Edward thought, his eyes never leaving her.

Cindy noticed his stare, her head spark. 'Great I have an idea'. She thought deviously.

"Riley oh I forgot," Cindy said forging a surprised face.

"What is it?" Riley asked worriedly.

"Oh am suppose to take my kid sis to her dance class, am so sorry but I have to go," Cindy said. Riley's worried face instantly faded.

"Really Cindy? Your sister only goes dancing classes on Monday and this is Wednesday" Riley said.

"Right," Cindy said laughing nervously, her eyes going back and forth the two of them.

"Got to go," she said rushing out of the cafè.

"Well Cindy is quite the character," Edward said amused.

"Believe me she is," Riley said rolling her eyes.

"I didn't know you have a sense of humor," he said raising an eyebrow.

"Well, not all the time," she said.

They both chuckled.

"I know this may seem out straight but am really into you Riley," he said seriously.

Riley's smile slowly faded, she swallowed hard as she felt uncomfortable.

"Am sorry Edward but I can't" she said softly.

"Don't get me wrong, you're a really nice guy and easy going but I can't" Riley sighed.

"Why because you're a ghoul?" he said.

Riley froze instantly, he saw her expression but then laughed out loud.

"Am joking don't take it seriously?" he said amused but Riley didn't buy that.

"Look it's just a joke me and my friends are in, if a girl doesn't wanna date, I assure you it's just a joke don't take it too serious okay" he assured her.

Riley took a deep breath of relief then composed herself.

"I really do like you Riley I mean it," Edward said certain, his eyes not leaving hers.

For a minute Riley looked behind him and saw an empty seat rolls away from them. Riley felt her heart flutter, she instantly remembered when she met Liam, how their eyes met, she tore her eyes away, her head hazy.

"Hey, you okay?" Edward said worried placing his hand on hers, she was back as she turned and face him.

"Yeah just remembered something I shouldn't have" she forced a smile.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" he said softly.

"No. I think I have to go" she said rising to her feet about leaving.

"We are having a party this weekend," he said standing up. She halted turning to face him.

"It's more of a frat party actually" he shrug. Riley was about to protest.

"Please will you come? It would be nice if you do" he said. Riley took a deep breath.

"Yeah I will," she said leaving. Edward smiled brightly.

Riley walked along the pedestrian lane along with others. She was lost in thought, she adjusted her bag walking further as she sighed. She halted when she saw the big screen showing news of ghouls captures and attacks. She looked away, her eyes drifting to the alley that leads to section one, she swallowed walking towards it.


Section One

Former Ghoul Underground

Riley stood in front of the ruins, a red caution line kept her from reaching further. Her eyes fixed on the burnt building made the tears fall, she imagined when they were there, together with Sean, Paige, and Evan as they laughed over something. Then her father walked in, she turned to him and smiled, he smiled back at her warmly.

The tears fell uncontrollably, she held her chest as she cried out her heart, only her cries could be heard, every moment, every day, every month, for a year she was drowning in pain, she was putting on a mask in her new normal life but that was a lie, this was her, a girl in pain, a girl who lost her home, a girl who lost her friends and family, she was a girl who was broken with only pieces to pick.

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