Chapter 185 - Black Mask

"I'm not gonna push you away from this anymore" Liam confessed.

"I thought that I was doing it to protect you but i was wrong" he adds with shaky eyes.

Riley stared at him wide eyes, she couldn't believe her ears, this was not what she expected after what transpire... but for some weird reason the mood was still on and she ever so wanted him badly.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for going out like that without thinking of the risk" she said placing her hand against his bare chest, she loved the feel of his hard ton muscles.

Liam placed his hand on hers against his chest..

"From now on we do it together, no more secrets, no more taking such risks" he states.

Riley nods impatient, seeing there were in an understanding, he let loose as he smash his lips against hers in a ravishing manner. Riley moaned deeply as her hands traveled up and down his chest wildly.

Liam grunted as he pulled her legs up to position himself properly, Riley wraps her legs around his waist tightly.

Her moans echoed through the walls nonstop, it lasted that day and all through the night as Liam showed her how much she mean to him and how much he loved her over and over again.


Operating Room

"Its gonna be a simple operation, all we just have to do is meet with Linda Sanford, without raising much alarm... which is why there have been a change of plans" Liam announced to the rest of the team.

"Riley and I will be up front followed by Iris and Sean" he states.

They both nodded in agreement.

"Kayla, Race, you will be our eyes and ears throughout the night" he states.

They nod in agreement.

"Lets hope nothing goes wrong when we try to talk with a fancy woman who hates us" Riley said sarcastically while forcing a smile.

Liam cleared his throat.

"Let's hope not" he said with a shrug of his shoulder.

Linda Sanford was the only one they needed to gain insight of the agency within.


From the outside a classical music could be heard playing, outside was packed with several cars, a limo stops in front of the wide entrance, the chauffeur opened the door as Liam steps out, he was dressed in a black expensive suit, he buttoned the jacket properly before adjusting the black mask he wore, that covered just half of his face. He then turned pulling his hand out, Riley grabs it stepping out, she wore a slender white silk gown that fit her body perfectly, all her enticing curves to the display. She adjusts the white designed mask properly, her long red hair was let down all the way to her waist, straight.

Her eyes studied the big building looking like an auditorium, but she was distracted when Liam grabs her by the waist pulling her body close to his.

"You look gorgeous" he said huskily.

Riley giggled at his words.

"That's the 5th time you're saying this... since the moment you laid eyes on me this evening" she said in amusement.

"That because i can't get enough of your beauty"

"Easy there tiger, we have a mission to complete" she states smirking.

Liam simply just growled making Riley giggle once more.

"Kayla?" Liam said faintly.

"On it boss, Sean and Iris are already inside as planned" Kayla's voice sounds from the small ear plug Liam wore.

"Perfect" Liam said pulling his arm out for his wife.

"Shall we?" he said with a dashing smile.

"Most certainty" she said winking placing her hand in his arm as they both walk into the wide building.

Inside was stunning and decorated majestically, the hall chatty with ladies and gentlemen all dressed fancy.

"Linda Sanford do love holding fancy parties" Riley comments.

"It's like she got all the higher up ghouls under her finger tips" Liam said looking around also, observing the elegance around.

"A strong woman with deep connections, are the ones you should fear most" Riley said.

"Riley" Liam said making her turn to the direction he was staring at.

At the stairs Linda Sanford was present ever so fancy, around her 60s, paled skin, her white hair matches the color of her skin, packed in a bun, she was on slender red gown, a black mask against her face.

She engaged in a conservation with another, a wine glass at hand.

"We have to meet up with her now" Riley said with haste.

"Everyone" Linda announced to the crowd.

The chatter died down as they all looked up.

"The show is about to start" she said smirking.

"A show?! There was a show?" Liam said puzzled.

"Seems like this isn't just a ball after all" Riley said.


An Hour Later 

At the wide stage, an opera singer was present, her long enchanting voice graced the hall, in echos and rhythm, she was dressed elegantly in a gold slender gown, her skin painted gold and her hair the same, her voice echoed and echoed, following the rhythm of the piano perfectly.

"This is getting longer than expected" Riley said getting bored, they were seated at the congregation, watching the performance.

"Sean?" Liam said.

"Yeah we're here keeping a low profile" his comm sounds.

"Linda Sanford is at the top" Sean said.

Their eyes drift there, she was at the edge of the curve pillar watching the performance.

"I could go to her" Riley suggested.

"No, we're doing this together" Liam said not liking the idea of her going out on her own.

Riley placed her hand on his.

"Relax Liam, I got this... it will just be a friendly chat, woman to woman" she shrugged.

Liam frowned, she leaned forward, their faces inches apart, luckily the hall lights were darken because of the performance.

"Trust me" she said.

Liam stared deep into her green eyes before nodding.

"I got this" she assured him before rising to her feet, walking out, Liam eyes on her the whole time.

The ghoul guys smirks while licking their lips staring at the beauty that passed them.

Liam growled deeply, they jump slightly while turning to Liam in awe that such a sound came from him, it was like a wild animal was in the seats with them.

They didn't dare to take their eyes off the stages again, no matter how alluring the lady was, scared that if they so much have turned their heads, it will be rip off their shoulder.

Liam was counting on it, he didn't care of the risk, he would rip their hearts off of they so much stared at his wife with lustrous stares again.


"And where do you think you're going?! This place is for VIPs only" a man on suit said, wearing a black mask.

"VIP, you say" Riley said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes and if you would, please go back down now"

"Riley O'Brien" she said abruptly.

He froze as his eyes widen.

"Tell Linda Sanford that Riley O'Brien wants to see her" she adds sternly.

The man gulps hard.

"The wife of the black ghoul" a voice came in from behind, it was Linda as she steps forward with a smile against her lips.

"Aka, ghoul Queen" she adds bowing slightly.

Okay Riley did not expect that.

"It's an honour, if you told me you were coming surely you're a VVIP" she states in amusement.

Riley gulps hard but then she composed herself.

"I believe a low profile is necessary" Riley said.

"Ah yes the hunt, we all heard" Linda said smirking.

"Come seat with me" she adds.

"I apologise ma'am" the masked man said bowing slightly, in atonement to his rudeness.

"It's okay" Riley said faintly before walking past him to Linda.

Riley took a seat at the chair set facing the stage, Linda at the other end drinking her champagne.

"Champagne?!" She asked.

"No I'm good" Riley replied.

Linda just made a hmm sound.

"Wonderful singer isn't she" Linda states referring to the opera singer.

"Is there something you wanna say" Riley began in a serious tone.

"Say it" she urged.

Linda huffed, dropping her wine glass on the glass table.

"You came to mine party and you ask such a question... I should be the one asking if you have something to say" she said in amusement.

"My husband killed your son" Riley said.

But she didn't fuzz a bit, strange.

"Surely you must have something to say" she adds.

Her smirk broadens.

"Sweetheart... my son was a fool to even think he could kill Liam and claim the title, I should have taught him better".

"You seem displeased with him, rather than angry that Liam killed him" Riley said skeptical.

"Why should I?!" She shrugs.

"You and your husband merely just defended yourself, when my son acted out on his own" she states.

Riley scoffs at her words... was she really a mother?!

Her lips still pressed in a smirk as she brough her wine glass containing champagne close to her lips.

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