Chapter 187 - Black Beast (Part 1)

"Liam and Riley should be done by now" Sean said checking his watch.

"Relax Sean, let's enjoy the evening, you're too uptight" Iris said drinking her champagne, she knew Liam and Riley have everything under control, they always do, they were the power couple after all, together they were like a tornado hitting a city, together they were able to eliminate any target, she envied the both of them but in a good way, she longed to have a relationship such as that.

"Uptight huh?" Sean said raising an eyebrow, his eyes traveled to her body, she was stunning as always, the gold dress she wore brough out her light skin colour along with her mask.

She smirks.

"Why did you say I'm too uptight?" He asked curiously.

Iris rolled her eyes.

"Because Sean Carlos you hardly go out, always locked up in your lab, you spent months on that book trying to translate it, you hardly have time for yourself or anyone" she said.

"Well I'm close to translating the other half I just need more time... Iris I'm this close to discovering ghouls history, isn't this more important than anything?" He reasons.

Iris frowned.

"Yes it really is" she states looking away.

Sean was puzzled by her actions.

"Iris" he began.

"It's very important Sean" she said haste as she faced him with a forced smile.

"Riley and Liam should understand their powers better along with their history" she said and then she sighed.

"I need a minute" she said turning to leave but Sean grabs her arm, making her turn to face him, they stared into each other eyes for what seemed like forever.

"There's someone I hold in first importance more than anything" he said.

Iris rolled her eyes.

"First importance... then your life's work is second?" She said skeptical.

"You" he said bluntly.

Iris froze at his words as her smile slowly fades.

Sean smiled charmly as his eyes lands on the dance floor that played a slow beat, the couples dancing, it then drifts back to Iris.

"I believe I shall give you at least one dance... to prove to you I'm not so uptight" he said in amusement.

Iris gulps hard.

"How can I say no to that" she said as a small smile found her lips.

She never took her eyes off Sean as he lead her to the dance floor.

His hands straddled on her waist, hers on his shoulder as they both moved to the beat slowly, not taking their eyes off each other for a second.

"Tell me Sean" Iris began as their bodies moved to the slow beat.

"Do you really mean what you said?!" She asked blinking.

A smile found Sean's lips.

"Why would I lie" he said his eyes laced with seriousness.

He stops moving, so did Iris, their eyes lingering in each other.

"I meant every I said... i never realize it until now" he adds cupping her cheek with his hand.

"Iris I-"

*Loud Crash Sound*

The sound, it came from above at the glass ceiling, they all looked up in awe.

Something penetrated in... no someone, as the bones from his back penetrates the glass smashing it in an instance... revealing Seth Judson wearing a smirk against his lips as he slowly descend.


Where Liam and Riley were, the alarms went off, alerting of an intruder.

"Someone is here" Linda said in realization.

"The agency" Riley said certain.

"Impossible... this maybe a party but this location location is highly secured... it couldn't be" Linda said fearing for the worst.

"Sean and Iris" Liam said haste as they both rushed to the other side of the building.


They both barged the door open, the lights flicks, they froze when they saw.the scene before them, blood, bodies on display on the floor. 

Some struggled to move while some stayed still, dead.

Liam and Riley looks around for Sean and Iris.

"SEAN!!!" They heard Iris shout in horror.

They rushed towards the location.

Iris, kneeling on the floor close to Sean body, turned her teary eyes to meet theirs.

"He's not breathing" she said with a deep sob, her hands applied pressure to his chest, but the blood kept gushing out.

Riley gasp as her eyes shakes at the scene. Liam stood still his mind unable to process what was unfolding before him, his best friend was the floor bleeding to death and there was nothing he could do about it.

"The ghoul killer, he came out of nowhere" she cried and sobbed.

"Sean he... he protected me and now he's gonna die" she cried

"Iris, Iris... look at me!" Riley hissed going on her knees beside Sean's bleeding body. Her teary eyes met Riley.

"Do not take your hand off" she warned.

"Or he will die" she adds.

Iris nods applying more pressure.

"Liam we have to get him out of here, now!" Riley said but no answer.

"Liam!" She turns.

Liam stood still as a wind but Riley knew fury burned his inside, his ghoul eyes present staring at a distance. Riley eyes followed the direction of the gaze seeing Seth Judson.

Seth stood there, wearing a smirk, about 10 of the spider leg bones behind him, swaying back and forth, covered in blood.

"Black Ghoul... there was a party and you didn't even bother inviting me" he said in beaming amusement as his red eyes beamed more.

"Liam" Riley began.

"Leave" it was a simple order that left no room for question... she knew Sean was his best friend and he was angry... but there was something off, he wasn't just angry, his intent to kill was high.

He took off his jacket, handling it to Riley without even sparing her a glance.

Riley took it in silence, turning back to Sean using it to apply pressure more on his chest.

"Signal the rest" Riley whispered to Iris who nods.

Liam took off his mask flinging it to a corner.

"Isn't the power couple gonna face me this time? I was hoping for it" Seth said in amusement as in a flash he was beside Liam, he looks down, hoping to find them but they no where to be seen, like they just disappeared.

"Seth Judson" Liam said sternly not sparing him a glance as his whole body erupts in black shadow.

"You made a big mistake coming here" he hissed.

Seth growls using his claws to dug in Liam's chest, he smirks at his accomplishment but it fades when Liam grabs the hand connecting to his chest, blood splashing. Liam's dangerously ghoul eyes lands on him and then he shift, his body increasing in height, in Ghost form, extended arms and leg, bald head, with a black spiky crown around his head, black aura around it, his body wrapped in black black bandages, his body erupting in black aura, he stood high and tall no longer hunching. His eyes covered with black bandage.

Seth quickly drew back, as fast as he could, the bone retreat back inside him.

Liam growled deeply... it shock the earth around them.

"You really aren't the Black Ghoul I faced three years ago" Seth said in amusement.

Liams claws extended, ready to rip Seth to pieces without blinking.

"Good thing I brought backup...let's say someone who can match up to your strength" Seth said smirking.

As suddenly like a sharp bullet a being lands beside him, Liams body tensed on seeing it... it was unlike any ghoul he has ever seen.

It stood high and tall the same 10 feet as he was, the body covered in something like a coil, dark brown in colour, a horn at the center. It looked more like a beast than a ghoul, having no eyes but sharp deadly fangs for a mouth.

'That thing is unlikely anything we have ever seen' Ghost said in Liam's head.

'Wouldn't be the first' Liam replied not trembling a bit, but there was this odd feeling he felt when he saw that being.

"I present to you The Beast... amazing isn't he?" Seth said admiring the piece of art before him, Vincent Jones really was a prodigy at what he does.

"I wonder what innocent human you had to disect to create such Beast" Liam said in a deep demonic voice.

"Why Don't we see what's he's capable of then... I might interest you on a story of how it came to be" Seth said smirking.

Liam stood on high alert.

"Let's dance!"

The Beast zapped towards Liam in lightning speed that he almost didn't see him coming.

'LIAM LOOK OUT!" Ghost shouts in Liam's head as in a flash the Beast was behind Liam, the claws fused with gold substance slits Liam's back, he roared in pain but that didn't stop Liam as with one kick the Beast was sent flying across the wall, breaking them instantly, waving backwards as the sound kept fading from the constant crashes it had to endured.

Liam went on one knee, the pain on his back was excruciating.

'The substance is the same with the bullet that hurt Silver and Riley' Ghost snarled.

He heard tongue ticks... it was coming from Seth.

"Pity" Seth said tilting his head to the side.

"I waged the Beast's claw wouldn't pirece you.... too bad" he mocked.

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