Chapter 190 - Black Wrath (Part 1)

'RILEY GET OUT OF HERE NOW' Silver shouts in her head.

Riley was puzzled by her words, there was no way that being or most likely her husband would hurt her right? Well she thought wrong as with one plunge of the staff he held, it came at Riley with lightning speed, she didn't almost see it come as it plunged the wall behind her, the force slit her cheek... she was lucky it was just that or it would have taken her head.

"What's happening?!" Riley said widen eyes.

'That's not Liam... that's Omari!' Silver hissed.

"What?" Riley said stunned.

'He has taken over his body he's not in his right senses, he will kill anyone in sight' Silver hissed.

"No" Riley shakes her head unable to believe it.

Omari growled deeply, he stretched his hand forward calling his staff, it shakes.

Riley's eyes widen in realization as she quickly duck, the staff coming for her head from behind.

She raised her head but all air from her lungs left her as she was smashed against the wall hard, his fist around her neck tightly as she struggled to break free. She would have fought back yes... but how can she bring herself to.

"L-L-Liam" she said in a struggle, her hand tightly against his hand crushing her wind pipe. Tears filled her eyes.

Omari's smirk broaden more, he held up his staff with his right hand ready to pirece her head, as he drew it back.

"L-L-Liam" Riley said as the tears fell more, hoping and praying that his name got to him but it was like she was speaking to a wall, he didn't flinch, he didn't stop, he was ready to plunge her head to pieces with that staff.

Omari growled deeply moving.

"My, my... I didn't expect this to happen so soon" a voice came in.

Making Omari freeze his action of plunging his staff at Riley's head, Omari's head snaps to where the voice came form.

A man was present, on a black tux, his hands behind his back covered in white gloves, his face could not be seen, it was hidden behind an Anubis mask, it almost seemed like his head, maybe it was.

"Least be careful Omari or you will strangle your wife to death" the man said.

Omari growled.

"Ges tes rastin verina gos ris" Omari said in a demonic double voice, but also had a male voice to it.

"Res fres et des runa tin Omari" the strange man said.

"ANUBIS" Omari roared.

"Ah you remember me now... then there's no need for reintroduction... so I will ask for the last time," Anubis said in calm tone.

"Let. Her. Go. Before you do something you will regret" he said.

Omari's smirk broaden.

Riley still struggling for breath was unable to keep up with what was unfolding, all she needed right now was air.

But Omari didn't seem to move an inch.

"Ah as stubborn as ever... as you wish then you asked for it" Anubis said as an unknown wind blew around him.

"Omari!" Anubis hissed.

In flash of speed Omari was pushed off away from Riley, slamming to the wall hard.

Riley gasps for breath as she coughed holding her sore throat, his claw marks still evident on her neck... it didn't seem to heal.

"Take a deep breath Riley... you're gonna be okay" Anubis said now in front of Riley.

Still holding her throat, she raised her head staring into his masked face.

"Who... who are you?!" She asked in pain from her sore throat.

That moment Omari broke free, roaring dangerously.

"Your question will be answered in due time... for now I have a seal to tighten" he said, even with his mask face, Riley could tell he was smiling.

"Let's get your husband back shall we" he states standing upright while cracking his knuckles.

"The longer he stays in that form the longer he will be consumed in Omari's essence, and that won't end well for any of us" he said.

Riley's shaky eyes fixed on the strange man that seem to know more than them, who was he? Her eyes then drifts to her husband, going on a rampage with his deadly roar that shock the very earth they stood on.

Riley shaking in extreme fear at the mere sound... Anubis didn't seem to flinch at the sound.

"After centuries of slumber... its only neutral his bloodlust is as high as this" Anubis said, his tone laced with seriousness.

The thunder strikes as the skies darken instantly at something ominous, the lightning flicker around, the cloud pitch black.

"Ha curse it Omari... its time to go back to sleep! Don't cause trouble for the mortals!" Anubis hissed, he knew Omari wasn't on his right mind right now, Liam O'Brien the present black ghoul simply just tapped into his rage.

"Bress ses des fig gos res" Omari hissed.

"Don't stand in my way, dog!"

Anubis flinched at the name he called him, getting slightly pissed, this was definitely Omari on a rampage.

"What is he saying?!" Riley said trying to keep up with the language but didn't seem to.

"It's ghoul language, too bad the present society of ghouls has dropped it" Anubis said.

Omari rotates the staff he held around his hand an unseen force coming around him. The dark aura coming more around him in a most dangerous way.

Anubis made hand signs Riley couldn't keep up it.

Anubis murmured some words as he did like a chant.

Omari's pitch gold eyes widen in realization. He growled as his wings spread dangerously, he zoomed off to the air, clashing into the ceiling flying out.

"Liam!" Riley called.

"Ha curse it... we have a more menacing problem on our hands... its not just about him going berserk now" Anubis said.

Riley rise to her feet.

"What do you mean?!" She demands.

Anubis turned to Riley.

"His appetite isn't exactly pleasant in this age" he states.

Then Riley eyes widen in realization.

"Oh my God!" She claimed.


Screams and shouts could be heard, on the road in a hold up of cars, everyone exited their cars as they ran from the most terrifying human being they have ever seen.

Omari roared dangerously as he bust through a car front window... the man inside screaming for his lips, Omari rips the window out.

"NO PLEASE DONT HURT ME! PLEASE DON'T!" he shouts with tears in his eyes.

Omari tilts his head to the side, before smirking, his mouth widen as he devoured the man whole, leaving bloody mess.

A woman close to the car screamed in horror.

Omari's head snaps to the woman, her eyes widen as he turned to dash out but she was caught instantly, living the same fate.

More screams and panic could be heard also.

"Mummy" a girl around the age of 5 cried, lost in the panic. She sobbed and cried searching for her mom.

Omari growled deeply turning to the little girl, smirking.

The girl turned seeing the monster a few distance away, she gasp drawing back slowly.

Omari approached her as his bare black feet made loud thud sound as he walked.

Uncontrollable tears gushed out of her eyes her body now paralysed in extreme fear, she lands on her butt, her hands behind her back as she took heavy uneven breath.

The monster that would hunt her dream for eternity was before her.

She screamed as Omari lashed at her.

"G.I AGENTS STEP DOWN NOW!" one of the agents shouts as about 30 of them clustered the scene.

Omari's attention snaps to them, the little girl used the opportunity to run, meeting at mom at the far end, who had tears in her eyes as she grabs her dashing out of the place.

"OPEN FIRE!" an agent shouts as they did, shooting at Omari with countless bullets.

Omari just stood high and tall with a smirk against his lips. Watching at the lowly beings firing an unusual weapon at him. The bullets unable to pirece his coal skin as they drop flat to the ground.

He caught now bullet assessing it.

The agents instantly seized fire seeing nothing they did cause even the faintest damage.

"Per ras tins restin gresint beus seu" he said in a loud demonic voice tilting his head to the side.

("Is this the weapon the mortal have built to destroy us now?")

The agents stared at the being before them, nothing they did penetrated his body.

Omari flings the bullet he held to a corner.

"Tesrin" (Pity)

"Jo's ros tes frin gest" (I expected more, mortals)

The agents panicked as Omari lashed at them devouring... leaving nothing but blood trails the rest panicking a they ran.

"I call upon the Surrey of Bind, hold thus that have awakened from his slumber... amin tin bes".

On hearing towards words Omari head snaps at Anubis in a far distance, making hand signs as he chants.

In a flash of lightning Anubis zapped towards him, before Omari could blink, Anubis white claw now present dugged in his chest.

"Go back to sleep!" Anubis hissed.

Omari's head shock backwards as he roared loudly, it could be heard throughout the whole city, it shocked with the menacing sound.

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