Chapter 195 - Black Darkness

Section 25

New Agency Location 

Medical Facility 

Vincent covered the sheets over Seth lifeless body.

"He's dead" Jade said gulping hard.

"What are we gonna do now?" She ask as her eyes drifts to Vincent unreadable ones.

"You said it was unlike anything you have ever seen" Vincent said as she walks to the wide tube in a corner... a gold fluid inside, the Beast within undergoing treatment with several wires connected to his coil like body.

"Yes" Jade said with shaky eyes as her mind relieved what she saw. She saw the presence of Omari before he flew out of the building.

Making sure Riley and the strange masked man were nowhere to be seen... she then approached Seth but it was already too late.

"It was like I was in the presence of some kind of demonic being" she said in a shaky voice.

"Get some rest" Vincent said turning to leave.


Vincent sit on his chair, running his chin, he then turned it to face the window staring at the city of night lights of New York.

The lights in his office suddenly flickered. He smiled turning his seat.

"Anubis what a pleasant surprise" Vincent said in amusement, seeing the suited man wearing an Anubis mask, before him, his white gloves hands behind his back.

"I believe there's no need for introduction, as you already know who I'm" Anubis said sternly.

"Really there's no need... I know what you are and what you're capable of" Vincent said smirking.

"You appear to know more about ghouls than I thought" Anubis said.

"Is that why you purposely made Lord O'Brien go berserk" he adds.

Vincent's smirk broaden more.

"It was your plan wasn't it... you predicted all this will happen... the Jones family never seem to amaze me"

"Isn't it fun? I get just seat in my office and watch as Liam destroys everything he loves while I watch" Vincent said smirking.

"Once again you underestimate the black ghoul" Anubis said darkly.

In a blink of an eye Vincent brought out a gun, he fired a shot as the golden bullet came for Anubis but it passed through him like he was invisible... digging in the wall behind him.

Vincent stared amazed.

"Then it's true then... you're more than a ghoul and a human, a being known as the Druid" he said in awe.

"Your reign shall come to an end Vincent Jones... know that, the black ghoul shall be your downfall" Anubis said.

Vincent chuckled darkly as he rose to his feet.

"Why don't you save your precious king the trouble, and end me right here... right now" he states cocking his gun.

"You of all people shall know I don't meddle in an uncalled affair" Anubis said.

"Ha yes... you respond only to the duty you are given... pity it would have been an honor to fight a being such as you" he said laughing.

'The more...' Anubis thought sternly. 'The more he becomes a monster... perhaps this is what the stars have foreseen... is it time?... is time for the battle that is destined to shock the earth, I shall make sure of it' his hand behind his back tightens in a fist.

"It's was an unpleasant meeting seeing you" Anubis said as his body disappeared in a mirage.

Vincent looks around he was nowhere to be seen.

"This is only the beginning" Vincent said with a smirk against his lips, his plan shall be realized without him lifting a finger, he shall bring an end to the ghouls.


Anubis stood at the rooftop of the highest building, his hands behind his back as the wing swirl around him, flapping his clothes. 'Could this be it?' He thought staring into the pitch black skies illuminated by stars. 'The prophesied battle from centuries ago... what Omari himself prophesied would happen after his demise... could this be why? Why Omari is so suddenly manifesting the present black ghoul?' His hand tightens in a fist. 'I must find answers', he vanished in thin air like a mirage.


Outskirts Of The City

Black Clover Hometown

The O'Brien's Mansion

Riley stir awake as she slowly opened her eyes, she groaned sitting up, turning to the side. A frown formed against her features when she saw the empty space beside her, for the past week it has been like this, she always woke up in an empty bed, she rarely saw her husband, it was like they were both strangers in their own home.

She heard the door open, she quickly turned seeing Liam.

"Liam," she said with shaky eyes.

He turns to her, the black bags under his eyes becoming more evident, his skin paler than usual. He had on just a loose pants and a shirt.

"You're awake" he states.


He gave a nod.

"I went to see Sean" he said walking to the chair set close to the window.

Riley got off bed walking towards him.

"His condition doesn't seem to improve" he adds.

"Liam" she began walking close to him but he drew back instinctively.

It was like a spear was driven to her heart by the action.

"How long are you gonna be like this?" she asked.

"Riley, don't-"

"Don't what huh? is this how we are gonna live now?" she said in a hurtful tone, her fury gaze meeting with his.

"Liam what happened wasn't your fault!"

"You don't know that!"

"You know what... this is what Vincent wants... the past week we haven't been working our plans against the agency... how long will you keep doing this" she hissed with sad eyes.

"I talked with Anubis... Riley, I'm a threat to my own kind, I can't even trust myself anymore because of what happened and what could happen" he states.

Riley sighs.

"I could hurt you again or worst... i could"

"Liam please stop," Riley said taking his hand.

He tried to pull it off but she held it firm.

"Liam please" she said with pleading eyes, there was no way this will tear them apart not after everything they have been through together.

He looks away, not meeting gaze with hers.

She slowly reach and placed her hand on his cheek.

"Look at me" she urged but he didn't even flinch.

"Please Liam look at me... please" she said with pleading eyes.

He slowly turned to meet her gaze.

"Don't do this to me Liam..." she said taking a step forward.

"Don't do this to us" she adds softly.

Liam's eyes sadden at her words.

"Don't let someone as Omari come between us... its not worth it... not after everything we have been through" she sobs.

"Riley" he began.

"Please Liam don't... let it come between us, don't let it tear us accept... don't let it hinder our revenge on the agency... we can't-"

He cut her off as he smashed his lips on hers, Riley gasps on the sudden action making him gain more assess to her mouth, their lips both roamed together in longing, the feelings and emotions of their lost time together bubbling up.

With eagerness Riley wraps her arms around his neck tight, going on her tip toes as she deepened the kiss, Liam's hands straddled on her waist firmly, before he pulled away.

"Liam" she said puzzled as she stared at him, his eyes closed like he was refraining from something.


"Riley I can't" he sighs.

"I can't" he adds opening his eyes meeting with her sad ones.

She scoffs turning to leave but he grabs by the arm.

"The let me go!" She snaps facing him.

"I-I-I can't" he stammered.

"I don't get it... what are you so afraid of, you can't even touch me anymore" she said.

"Omari" he said, his gaze on her

"There's this... heavy feeling... this darkness within me, I don't know I can't explain it... Babe I'm scared of losing myself to this darkness" he said.

"You won't Liam" she said placing a hand on his chest.

"Not while I'm here" she adds sternly.

His sad eyes met hers, he slowly reach for her cheeks.

"You're not in this alone" she said.

"There's no need to be scared... everything is gonna be alright".

"Promise me something" he began in a serious tone.

"Anything" she said softly.

"Promise me that no matter what happens to me you will bring down the agency and free the ghouls" he said.

"Liam nothing is gonna happen to you"

"Just promise me... please" he said with pleading eyes.

"I promise".

He nods, she went on her tip toes pressing her lips against his. He kissed back without holding back anymore, as he let his desire spawn free.

Riley moaned as he grabs her by the butt straddling her on his waist, she eagerly wraps her legs around his waist as he took her to bed.

The kiss went on in a fury match, containing their longing they both held for each other.

Liam trailed his hands to her laps gently raising her silk night gown off her body, leaving her body exposed for him.

He pulled away taking off his shirt, Riley's eyes lands on his bare chest, how she missed her eyes trailing on it and her fingers exploring.

"Anubis told me something" Riley began as her eyes met his once more, his chocolate brown eyes were dark with lost, she could already picture the wicked things he had in mind.... but right now there was something more Important.

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