Chapter 210 - Black Twins (Part 4)

"When was the last time mom came?" He asked knowing she was always the one who shaved it.

Sean sighs.

"Not since this month, you should know Ethan, it's hard for her seeing him like this, there's no improvement of in his body condition for years" Sean said sadly.

"Well it's hard for both of us too!" He hissed.

"She should at least still come to see him like we do" he said faintly but Sean heard him.

Sean walks towards him slowly as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"For the past 13 years" Sean began.

"She has come here every night, everyday tending to him" he said in a heavy breath.

"I was the one who said she should take a month break, its not easy for her Ethan you have to understand that" Sean reasons.

Tears filled Ethan eyes.

"I hate seeing dad like this, it's so unfair" he said with clenched teeth, his teary eyes drifts to a sleeping Eden, clenching onto their dad's shirt as she slept soundly.

"Eden misses him.... I do too... we have never heard the sound of his voice or feel touch" Ethan said sadly.

Sean squats in front of him, Ethan turns to him.

"Whick is why i built this place" Sean began, his eyes laced with seriousness.

"I will do everything in my power to bring him back, I promise" Sean said without a doubt, he had spent 13 years figuring out a way to wake him up, doctors around the world, ghoul doctors too, scientists also, they have been able to keep his body and heart running ever since that day, but the one thing they couldn't do was wake him up and it pained him to the core.

Ethan nods at his words.

Sean embraced him tightly as Ethan cried silently.

"It's gonna be okay" Sean assured him, he will surely find a way to bring his best friend back, no matter what.


Sean watches a the twins steps into the SUV as Earl drove out. He watches the car drive into the busy road.

He sighs as his eyes lands on the dark skies illuminated by stars, his eyes grew wistful with the memories of the past.


Years ago

The O'Brien's Mansion

"I'm gonna get you Eden" 4 years old Ethan growled like a monster, as Eden screamed while giggling, as her brother came at her. They both wore a cute animal over all, Ethan's was a lion over all, with hood for a lion face and Eden's was cat.

"Yes Mr. President, you have nothing to worry about, a deal is a deal" Riley said walking to and fro, the earplugs in one of her ear as she made a call with the President of United States while walking to and fro.

She was just on a white thick sweater and blue pants, her red shoulder length hair was packed in a messy burn.

"Yes of course... the braclets are already distributed around the world, I have already talked with my people and gain understanding, you have nothing to worry about" she states.

Eden loud scream came in.

"Sweetie could you keep it down, mummy is trying to work" Riley said sweetly to the twins but they still continued their tantrums.

"Yes of course I look forward to it" she said back to call.

"And where are my mischievous twins" Sean's voice came in as he steps into the wide room.

"Uncle Sean" Ethan and Eden called in a high pitch voice as they rushed to their uncle embracing them tightly.

"Ugh... both of you weigh a ton now" Sean growled carrying both of them at once as they giggled before bringing them down.

Riley ended the call.

"Thank God you're here Sean... I'm trying to do work but the twin are being mischievous as always" Riley said.

"Is that true?" Sean said staring at both them, they gave him puppy dog eyes he couldn't resist.

"It was Ethan's idea to disturb while mummy worked" Eden confessed.

"Not it wasn't" Ethan pouted.

"Come here you little devil!" Riley growled as she grabs Ethan who screamed and giggled as she tickles him.

"Where do you get this your devilish mind from" Riley said with a sigh, straddling him properly on the side of her waist, arranging his messy curly dark brown hair, beneath the hood.

"Well you know who he took it from" Sean said.

Riley's eyes instantly went sad as she forced a smile.

"Okay... who want to have some fun let mummy work" Sean offered.

They cheered happily.

Riley smile as she drops Ethan down, as the twins followed Sean out the door.

Riley murmured a 'thank you' to Sean, he murmurs a 'no problem' to her, before turning back.


Present Day

Sean smiled at the memory, he placed his hand in his coat jacket before walking back into the building.


"How did it go with the twins?" Iris asked raising an eyebrow, watching as Riley walks into the office sighing.

"Not exactly well" Riley said seating on the white couch.

Iris just made a hmm sound.

"I heard... you know Ethan is very protective of his sister, I'm sure he just wanted to teach those kids a lesson" she reason.

"Yeah I know but the violence is too much" Riley said sighing, rubbing her forehead.

"I get you" Iris said handling her a glass of water.

"Thanks" Riley said taking it, as she took a chug of it, taking the glass off her lips and sighing once more.

"It has not been an easy 13 years" Riley said dropping the glass cup, on the glass table beside the couch, before relaxing more, she stared at the white ceiling.

"I know Riley" Iris said seating beside her.

"You're very strong, because of you and Liam's sacrifice we get to know peace, something we never thought was possible... Riley you created a safer world for the next generation, you created a safe city for the twins to live in, no more fear of being hunted ever again" she states.

Riley smiled at her words, turning to face her.

"Thank you Iris" Riley said with a smile against her lips.

"You're welcome... now let's get to work, we're meeting some officials soon" Iris said.

"Ugh" Riley growled.

"You're ghoul Queen after all" Iris said in a sing tone voice as she rise to her feet.

Riley sighs getting up on her feet, adjusting her gown, before walking right after Iris.


The Suv passed the busy road before taking a turn towards a lonely one. Earl made another turn.

"Happy we saw dad?" Ethan asked.

"Of course" Eden said with a smile against her lips but then it slowly fades as her eyes sadden.

"What's wrong?" Ethan asked worried seeing her sudden change of features.

"Is dad ever gonna wake up, Ethan?" She asked sadly.

Ethan froze at her question, he gulps hard, that thought has cross his mind over the years, their dad has been in a coma for 13years with no signs of waking up.

"Uncle Sean is doing everything he can okay?" He assures her, even though the hope was slim he wasn't gonna let that get to him or Eden.

"I know he will wake up... so don't give up hope okay?" He adds.

Eden smiled as she nods.

Suddenly the SUV stops abruptly. Curious they both turned to face Earl.

"Earl, what's wrong?" Ethan asked curiously.

"There's.... someone on the road" Earl said sternly as he stared at the figure blocking the path.

A figure steps out, it was a young woman, she had short straight hair, fringe at the front, kept in a perfect matter. She wore all black, her ghoul eyes present. A twisted smirk against her lips.

"A ghoul" Eden said certain seeing the eyes she has never seen before, but she knew it was it.

Suddenly a scorpion leg came fast as it pireced through the glass and then buried deeply on Earl's shoulder, blood slashed on the twins faces as they stared in shock at what just happened.

Earl growled loudly in pain.

"RUN!" he barked knowing if they stayed they will most likely suffer the same fate.

Li Fen smirks as more scorpion legs came out of her back ready to penetrate the car again.

"I SAID RUN!" Earl barked once again, holding the scorpion leg buried in his shoulder from moving.


In panic Ethan quickly opened the door as they both ran out with locked hands into the woods beside the road.

Fen growled deeply a she watches with her ghoul eyes, she turned to the car, the rest of the four Scorpion legs penetrate into the car flinging it into the other side of the wood causing a loud crash sound.

Fen cracks her neck, the scorpion legs swirling behind her.

"Let's get hunting" she said in Chinese, smirking as she walks towards the direction the twins ran in.


Ethan and Eden took harsh uneven breaths as they ran deeper into the woods as fast as they could.

"Ethan.... I can't... I can't run anymore" Eden said coming to an halt as she tried to catch her breath.

"No Eden we can stop or that crazy lady is gonna kill us" he hissed.

"We need to call for help, we can't outrun her" Eden said.

"I left my bag in the car" Ethan said with wide eyes.

"I did too".

"Where are you? Come out, come out wherever you're".. A dark sing tone ovoice came in.

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