Chapter 212 - Black Roar

Let's go find Earl" Ethan suggested.

Eden nods as they walked away from the cliff.

"Well, well, well" a sinister voice came in.

"I didn't expect that".

The twins halt their steps instantly, as their eyes lands on the weird man before them.

"And who are you?" Ethan asked tilting his head to the side, not even a glimspe of fear against his features.

"I can't believe Fen was out bested by two kids... amazing, you're definitely an O'Brien" he adds in amusement.

The man was around his late 70s but still looked strong, his white hair hide beneath a dark red hat, he wore a matching suit and a red coat jacket also along with red shoes, his eyes covered with round frame black glasses, his hand holding a walking stick embodied with golden design.

"Yes Tres Hes Drea Yuh jes pe" he said in ghoul language. (The black Ghoul offsprings before me). he licks his lips.

"Res tes jes rui kest tinox bes" Ethan said back. (You know my dad? Who are you old man?!)

Hunter froze, his eyes wide in surprise, he never knew they could speak ancient ghoul language.

"Yest yuo westi sest les ta" Eden said sternly. (I believe my brother asked who you are, old man)

Hunter couldn't help but laugh, he was purely amazed.

"The name is Hunter, children," he said in amusement.

"And what do you want from us and how do you know my dad?" Ethan demands, practical growling.

"I know many things little one, the fact I have spent years searching, wanting to meet the black ghoul only to find out he's no more... but before me are his lineage, I will have to suffice with that" he said in a sick amusement.

Ethan instinctively took Eden's hand and pulled her behind.

Hunter ticks his tongue, his gaze drifts to the bracelet on their wrists.

"Pity, you don't know what it feels to have a Claw" he said.

"How come you aren't wearing one, it's against the law," Eden said.

"Well you see little one, I don't need to" he said with a shrug.

"Are you above the law then?" Ethan asked raising an eyebrow.

Hunter grinned showing his replaced teeth with gold.

"Do you know what happens when you let out a lion in his cage, after years of subduing it? Most especially for twins like you with the black ghoul bloodline" he said in amusement.

The twins stared at him puzzled.

"Their bloodlust is unlike anything you have ever seen" the moment he said that he brough out a gold whip, in a blink of an eye, with one wave the steel bracelet around Ethan's hand slit in two, wounding him in the process as blood splashed.

"ETHAN!" Eden shouts in horror.

Suddenly Ethan's body ran cold as he took harsh breath like he was having a panic attack.

Eden's mouth went apart in shock as she watch her brother went on the knees holding his chest, taking panic breath.

"I'm curious to see what you are capable of, little one... you're like your father after all" Hunter said chuckling.

"MAKE IT STOP!" Eden screamed but slowly a scorpion leg wraps around her neck pulling her away from her brother's hold, her glasses falling in the process.

Ethan turns in slow motion still in panic breaths, Eden was hanging on the air, the scorpion leg around her neck tightly.

Fen behind smirking.

"Do you know what happens when I sting?" Fen said darkly.

Instantly, another scorpion leg came for Eden as the tip stung the back of her neck, she screamed in pain.

"EDEN!" Ethan shouts in horror.

Eden's body ran paled in less than a second, from the back of her neck black veins creped to her face, all the way to the rest of her body. Her hands fell to the side, her chocolate brown eyes went black.

Ethan's heart slammed a loud heart beat as he watches the horrifying scene, his body paralysed in shock he watches as a single tear slides from one of her eye.

He gave deeper panic breath, making Hunter and Fen attention drift to him.

Ethan gaze to the ground, his body trembled, his panic breath unstable, also like he could collapse from unstable lungs.

"Hunter" Fen said with puzzled eyes, staring at the boy strangely.

Hunter just had a sadistic smirk against his lips as he watch like he just hit the bag.

"Something doesn't feel right" she said in Chinese.

Ethan's grip tightens on the ground in a tight hold and then he roared inhumanly as an aura came around him not in wave or pitch black, but in form of black dust, vibrating around him.

His roar shock the earth thoroughly, his skin went pitch black, smooth like coal.

Hunter froze at the transformation as his eyes shakes. 'This can't be' he thought in awe.

Ethan's head shot backwards as his loud roar continued, his ears grew pointy, his canines elongated, his nails did too.

Ethan clenched his head in pain.

"Hunter?" Fen said.

Ethan's ear switched at the sound, as his head snapped towards her, her body ran cold when his void golden eyes lands on her.

He slowly rise to his feet, the dust aura formed something behind him, a wave of large wings but it wasn't fully formed.

Then his void eyes lands on Eden's unconscious body still hanging in the air. He roared a chaotic sound like a sonic wave.

Before Fen could blink, he slammed her off Eden.

Eden's body dropped to the ground.

Fen gasp as her back hit the ground hard. Her ghoul eyes widen when she saw Ethan on top of her but it was too late.

She was devoured in less than a second, consuming her essence until there was nothing left.

"Truly amazing" Hunter said in astonishment.

Ethan's furious eyes lands on Hunter.

"Tell me boy" he began.

"How does it feel to be powerful" he adds with a smirk.

Ethan snarled, coming at Hunter. He brought out his stick using the tip to slam Ethan on the chest, the force pushed him backwards, Ethan slides back in all fours.

"Hmph... outstanding, that force alone is enough to kill a ghoul" Hunter said, slamming the tip of the stick against the ground, it made a loud vibrating sound.

"Let me make something clear boy" he states moving his shade to the bridge of his nose, his eyes were pitch black only.

"You're thousand of years way behind to even challenge me" he states shifting it back to cover his eyes.

A red aura like fire surrounds around him widely.

Ethan rose to his feet cracking his neck as he growled setting his claws on the go.

Hunter scoffs.

"Give it to an O'Brien for their fearlessness" he mocked.

"I suppose I will teach you a lessen then he said as the aura turned to sharp spikes that came at Eden's unconscious body.

Ethan's eyes went wide in shock as he dash after her in speed, with one wave of his hand, his claws formed a wave of dust aura zapping it back to Hunter, he couldn't destroy but only send it back to him.

But it stopped on getting to Hunter.

Ethan held Eden in his arms tightly, a hand placed on her cold body, the other rested on her head to placed against his chest, the dust black aura around both of them.

Hunter ticks his tongue, as the spikes rotates back, ready to charge at them once again.

"All attachments must be removed into to reach supreme goals" Hunter states.

"I want you Ethan O'Brien, for you're my diamond in the rough" he adds with a smirk.

"Let's see how long you will hold on"

The spikes came at them fast.

*Loud Sound Of Heart Beat* 

Hunter froze feeling the divine aura.

The spikes came for them but suddenly on getting to them it crumbles to a million pieces by a white aura around them.

Ethan slowly raised his head as his void golden eyes lands on his mom now in front of them, with a very pissed look.

"Don't you dare touch my children, you fucking piece of shit!" Riley hissed as before Hunter could blink, a rod came at him fast, piercing his chest and slamming him to the tree.

Riley's body went up in white aura, above her head was a white spike crown, levitating.

Riley wields the rod to move deeper into his heart but surprisingly enough, Hunter didn't budge, Riley was confused at this.

"Extremely fascinating, the ghoul Queen before me" he states stepping forward as he moved out of the rod like he was invisible.

Riley froze at his action.

Huner gave a slight bow.

"What are you?" Riley demands.

"I would have loved to stay and chitchat but I must go" he states as his gaze drifts to Ethan.

"Come to me Ethan if you want to save your sister" he states as he flipped a red card to Riley.

She caught it in a swift move.

He then fades out like a mirage.

"You're invited my queen, I'm looking forward to seeing you again" he vanished.

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