Chapter 222 - Black Ghoul

Liam growled deeply.

"Let. Her. Go" he growled deeply in a demonic voice.

A dark twisted smirk formed on his lips.

"Truly fascinating, you are one with Omari's body and soul, never for once such a thing has happened" he said in awe.

Liam's hand called for something.

Ethan froze as the staff he wielded went to his dad's grip.

"Let. Her. GO" he repeated once again, in a very pissed mood.

Hunter smirks, as with a flick of his finger the spikes came for Riley.

"MOM!!!" Ethan shouts in horror.

Liam roared as he flashed to where she was, using the staff to disperse the spikes but one was already connected to her chest.

Before he could reach for her the rope losses around her neck as she fell.

Liam about coming to her but a red force pushes him as he smashed into the wall.

"MOM!!" Ethan shouts as he ran on the cloth of darkness that enabled him to go up but he wasn't fast enough the darkness wraps around her holding her firm, before she reach the ground. Relief flushed through Ethan.

"Mom!" He hissed as he ran toward her, holding her firm, they were then covered by the darkness.

Ethans teary eyes lands on her bleeding chest the spike still buried within.

"Mom" he cried not knowing what to do.

Liam broke free from the wall snarling but Hunter was nowhere to be seen, anger boiled within him, his head then snaps to where Ethan and Riley was, protected by the cloth of darkness.

He slowly descend where they where.

Ethan sobs, he looks up watching as his dad came.

He slowly transforms to human form, on black shirt and pants, barefoot.

Ethans eyes followed as he was now beside them.

"Dad" he sobs.

"Mom... she not breathing" he cried more.

"It's all my fault... Hunter tricked me to signing that stupid contract".

"Hey, hey" Liam said placing his hand on his cheek.

"She's gonna be okay... I promise" he states.

He nods at his dad comfort words.

Liam's brown eyes drift to an unconscious Riley, he slowly took her in his arms, she was still as beautiful as ever and breathtaking.

He brushes some strand of red hair behind her ear, at the action she slowly opened her eyes, staring at him weakly, tears filled her eyes.

"Liam" she said softly as tears stream down her cheeks, she couldn't believe her eyes after 13 years of coma he was here before her.

Her fist tightens against his shirt not wanting go let go, never AGAIN.

"Shh... its alright" he said pressing a kiss against her forehead, she closed her eyes, loving the feel of it against her forehead, God... she missed him so damn much, his touch, his presence, everything, it was like a dream right now.

"This is gonna hurt" he said.

She nods slowly, knowing what he was gonna do it was now or never.

"Ethan close your eyes" Liam said.

Ethan obeyed shutting his eyes tightly.

Liam didn't want his son to see this or the pain will be unbearable.

He grabs the spike buried in her chest, he pulled.

Riley gave a ear piercing scream of pain as the spike slide off her chest slowly, the pain was agonising, she held unto Liam tightly.

Liam didn't budge, he had to remove it, a tear fell form one of his eye, her screams, her pain, it was unbearable.

He continued pulling until it was finally out. Blood gushing as Liam flings the spike away.

Riley growled in pain, her body shook also.

"Silver created a shield around your heart you're gonna be okay" Liam said seeing the wound slowly enclosing, silver had protected her on time or else it was would have been a different case.

Riley took harsh breath.

On hearing those words Ethan opened his eyes.

"Mom, you're gonna be okay" Ethan said for certain knowing that dad was here now.

Riley was too weak to speak, her eyes shut close.

Liam smiled, his eyes on Ethan.

"You have your mother's eyes" he said.

"Yeah I get that alot" he said.

"But they say I do look like you though, when you were younger, I did see a picture, of your family" he adds as his eyes went sad, remembering when uncle Sean said his whole family was gone, his mom, his sister and his dad all gone and yet he didn't waver in protecting the ghouls.

"Yes you do" Liam saud amusement as he placed a hand on Ethan's head, patting him.

"My splitting image" he adds lovingly.

Ethan's chest felt warm at his words but then his eyes sadden.

"It's my fault mom was in danger, I signed the contract" he said, remembering his mistake once again.

"Anubis!" Liam hissed.

It was like a mirage as Anubis appeared.

"Alas only the black ghoul can summon me this fast" he states dressed formally as always, hands behind his back.

"You're lucky I didn't disconnect your head from your body" Liam said darkly.

"I do apologise Lord O'Brien, the best I could do in this situation was tell you the location of Hunter, the rest I cannot interfere" he said guilty.

Liam scoffs.

"Your fucking conduct haven't changed" Liam said rising to his feet, Riley in his arms unconscious.

Ethan did too.

"Is lady O'Brien badly hurt?" Anubis asked.

"She's gonna be okay" Liam said as his fist tightens again her form.

Ethan noticed the gesture, he could feel his dad's killing intent, it was widely spread around the empty space.

Funny he was shaking just by the feel of it, he knew it wasn't directed at him but still the feeling was overwhelming, it was almost hard to breathe.

"Hunter made my son sign a contract" Liam began.

"He signed it?" Anubis said turning to Ethan briefly.

"The old man played some trick in my head, i had no choice, he made Mom..." his eyes shakes the picture of her death was still embodied in his head.

"Hunter is famous of manipulating minds to get what he wants, savagely" he growled.

"Now i didn't keep the end of the bargain, Eden she's" his eyes shakes more.

"The cure, we don't have it"

The cloth of darkness moved as it slowly raised them upwards to the broken ceiling.

"We will find a way to save Eden" Liam said sternly.

"Hunter will pay" he adds.

Eden fist tightens, his head hung down in shame, this was all his fault, if only he protected Eden better, none of these would have happened.

The darkness covered them as it forged a black shadow with a huge pair of wings, it's flaps as they flew out of the building, into the skies.

"Lord O'Brien will surely bring wrath itself to take down Hunter, it's inevitable" Anubis states turning his head to turn backwards slightly.

"You're in a deep mess this time, Hunter" he said his name with a lot of hate, sensing Hunter's sudden presence.

Like a mirage Hunter appeared behind, chuckling.

"It's been a while Anubis, I thought you were secluded in your den, not back to serving the black ghoul" he said in amusement.

Anubis turns to him fully.

"You mess with the wrong black ghoul, Hunter, you have no idea what Liam is capable of now that he's awakened, he will turn this world upside down just to find you, you touch his Queen and his children, you will know wrath itself" Anubis said for certain, knowing who Liam was, he was different from the rest black ghoul, he was a progenitor.

"I'm well aware of that, Liam is different indeed, he has even merged bodies with the first ghoul, gaining his powers and grace, truly magnificent" he said amused, it was extremely glorious, Liam was the first to have obtain both powers but still the mysteries behind his survival was still unknown, he was sure Liam shouldn't have survived the merging with Omari but he did.

"Then you must know what's coming for you, Hunter" Anubis said sternly.

In a flash of speed, Anubis was right in front of Hunter as he dig his hand in his chest but it passes right through.

"Still playing mind tricks huh" Anubis said pulling away, knowing Hunter wasn't really here.

"Have to play it safe I have enemies" Hunter said.

"You still hold a grudge, it's been centuries my dear friend, you still resent me?" He said ticking his tongue.

"Liam O'Brien maybe a unique ghoul, but he's no match for me, neither was Omari... you should tell him what's he's up against, I'm not like those foes he faced at in the past, do not belittle me" he adds sternly.

Anubis fist clenched hard.

"I'm after all older than his previous ancestors, even Omari himself, I'm not his mate, neither am I his equal. You should tell him my dear friend, what I'm capable of" he states.

"That won't get get in his way" Anubis said for certain.

Hunter chuckles as he slowly disappeared.

"Oh it will... because his son belongs to me now, you know what that means" he states.

"I will always take what belongs to me".

He fades away.


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