Chapter 27 - Black Ecstasy


Everyone was tipsy at this point, the alcohol got to them faster than they thought.

"Liam O'Brien, I dare you to do 3 minutes make-out session with Riley," Rory said smirking.

They froze as they both stared at Rory with wide eyes.

Riley's heart slams loudly in her chest, this was not what she expected.

"Come on Liam what's the hold-up, I did mine so now it's yours," Rory said amuse.

"Great a make-out session right in the open" Iris said drinking her beer.

"Rory, come on," Liam said in defense.

"Nope! no no" Rory said.

Liam runs his hand in his hair sighing.

"And we just had to play this game," Riley said.

"Come on Liam time is ticking," Rory said tapping on his watch.

Riley felt like her heart was about to explode, on the couch, Liam moved closer to her.

She gulps hard.

"You heard them time is sticking," Liam said.

Riley turns to face him, she gulps hard once more.

Liam moved more close, covering the space between them, their faces inches apart.

"All hail the black ghoul" Evan praised raising his bottle of beer.

"You are enjoying this aren't you," Riley said.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Liam said placing his hand on her waist pulling her close, she gasps, her fingers tighten on his shirt.

Before she could protest, Liam kissed her, it wasn't rough or demanding like the first, this was slow and sensual.

Riley shivered at the newfound feeling she felt, she didn't want him to stop as his mouth roamed with hers.

She wanted more, she wanted Liam, a soft moan escaped her lips giving Liam an edge.

He groaned as he deepens the kiss, assessing all areas of her mouth, cupping her cheek with one hand.

"Um, should we stop them?" Evan asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nah I don't think so, we should give them some space," Rory said tapping Evan on his shoulder.


"Already leaving," Iris said rising to her feet tipsy, she walked out of the room, followed by Rory and Evan, shutting the door behind.

Liam and Riley were still lost in their sensual kiss.

"The others are leaving," Riley said between the kiss.

"Let them leave" Liam groaned pushing her down to lay on her back.

Riley gasp at his action, she didn't know Liam could be so dominating.

Liam trailed kisses on her neck, earning a soft moan from Riley's lips.

"Liam" she moaned wrapping her legs around his waist, she felt him, she knew he wanted her too as much as she did, that feeling was like sparks around her body.

Liam came for her lips once more but this time it was eager and hot. Riley kept up with the same eager action, she wanted to feel everything, not just his lips but his body too.

Liam broke the kiss taking off her shirt in one swift move.

"I want to see all of you," Liam said as his eyes darken with desire to see her wonderful skin, Riley was a beauty he couldn't resist and it gave his body an arousing feeling he couldn't contain.

Riley was unable to form the right words to use at this moment, she just nodded her head as she bit her lip, her cheeks flushed.

He unhooks her bra taking it off, revealing her body for him to explore, he trailed kisses on her neck downwards, sucking and nibbling every inch of her body.

Riley moaned in ecstasy as Liam did wonders to her body, she couldn't think straight, all she could do was moan, the extreme feeling building up in her body like wildfire.

"Hmm..." she made a sound as Liam went down below, his hands roaming her body, her jeans were off in less than a second before she could make an account for him, he was good at what he does.

His fingers explored the rest of her body, Riley saw stars as his fingers moved in a perfect rhythm in between her legs nonstop.

Her head spun, she couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or Liam's fingers there that made her felt hot and tipsy, but she knows one thing, she wanted him to keep going.

She gasps loudly reaching climax coming with relief, the feeling wash through her like a wave.

"Liam" she gasp taking harsh breaths.

"Should I keep going?" Liam said huskily.

"Your moans are like music to me, I want to hear more".

A few of her senses were back, was this Liam speaking or the alcohol, she wanted to know.

"Wait" she gasps.

Liam came back to face her, his lips finding hers once one.

She just said wait, didn't she?.

Riley groaned pushing him up slightly, breaking the kiss.

"I want you, Riley," Liam said mesmerize.

"We are both drunk," she said, hating she had to stop their section.

Liam groaned.

"Come on Riley, am still aware of my senses," Liam said, but Riley didn't buy that, she thought of something else.

"This is a general room, anyone can walk in," she said.

"Then let's go to my room, I could make you scream all night," Liam said deviously.

Riley's body reacted instantly to what he said, the thought of him doing that to her made her blush.

A knock came at the door.

"Um, guys I left my room key in there" Evan's voice came in.

"Shit" Liam cursed.

Riley's eyes widen as she pushed Liam off her quickly wearing her jean.

"You just have to take off my clothes only," Riley said in haste.

"Well, I love what am seeing," Liam said staring at her half-naked body, a smirk plastered on his lips. She put on her shirt.

The door opened as Evan walked, he went around in circles drunk.

"Ha there it is," he said picking up the keys from the table.

"Go back to whatever you were doing, I didn't see anything" he motioned walking away.

Riley took a sigh of relief.

"The kid's out of the way, now where were we?" Liam said smirking rising to his feet.

Riley gasps as Liam swaps her off her feet.

"Aren't you drunk?" Riley asked wrapping her arms around his neck amazed.

"Once again no. I plan on finishing what I started" he said walking away heading for his room.

Liam walked into his room, using his leg to shut the door behind.

He dropped Riley down on the bed climbing on her, their lips jamming in a hot passionate kiss, Riley wrapped her arms around his neck as their mouth roamed in a mouth-watering kiss.

Riley's hands roamed his back in possessively, tempting to rip his black shirt off.

Liam broke the kiss.

"Easy there love," Liam said smirking seductively knowing what she was thinking.

Riley bit her lips gazing upon his features, faint sweats were against his features, his brown hair that fell on his forehead damp with it. Staring at him right now with that irresistible smirk plastered on his lips made him look like a god.

"The shirt will come off on his own accord" he teases her, his hand gripping the down.

His brown eyes not leaving the beauty beneath him.

Riley's long red hair was spread across the pillow in waves, her features had bits of sweat against it, her white shirt clench to her body, her nipples peeking out.

"Just take it off," Riley said in haste, she couldn't wait to explore his body as he did hers.

Smirking Liam took it off. Riley gasp seeing his broad chest, and his smooth skin but froze when she saw some faded marks, her hands ran through each of them as her expression changed.

"When they tortured you," Riley said.

Liam moaned softly at the feel of her hands against his bare chest.

"You love your sister" she adds softly.

Her mind traveled to the explosion, her eyes went teary.

"Riley, what's wrong?" Liam asked worried seeing her tears.

"It's all my fault, am so sorry Liam" she cried.

"What?" Liam was confused.

"What are you talking about? Why are you crying?" he asked getting more worried, cleaning her tears but it kept coming.

Riley sobbed as her green eyes landed on his brown ones, she knew there was no turning back after she says this, but they have both cross too many lines to go back now, it was now or never.

"It was me, it was me who brought down the chopper that causes the explosion, Jenna's death".

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