Chapter 3 - Black Heart

16 Years Ago

The Year 2004

Liam groaned as he tussled and turned on his bed unable to sleep, he turned again as his eyes were fixed on the window, he watches as the rain poured on the window from outside. He turned away from the window watching his door, he looked beneath, a shadow passed by, he gasped, his breath caught as the shadow stopped in front of his door, his eyes widen as the doorknob turned, the thunder strike. Out of fear Liam used his blanket to cover his face, breathing fast, he laid still as the sound stopped. He quickly removed the blanket, the shadow was gone. Liam pulled the covers off his body and got off his bed, he slowly walked to his door and opened it looking sideways, seeing nothing, he walked out of his room.

He paused when he saw lights in the parlor, curious he walked towards it and hid behind a wall, he watched as his dad went through his laptop. The table, chair, and floor were scattered with papers, for a minute Steve groaned rubbing his forehead as he sighed.

"Dad?" Liam said coming out of hiding.

"Oh son, what's wrong can't sleep?!" he said, Liam nodded.

"I saw the shadow again," Liam said.

Steve forced a smile.

"Don't worry soon you won't have to see the shadow again" Steve assured his son, Liam blinked. His eyes drifted to the papers everywhere.

"What are you doing? it's late you know" Liam said curiously. Steve smiled.

"Something important Liam".

"What makes it so important," he asked.

"Cause with this you won't see the shadow anymore," Steve said a smile purse up his lips.

"Now off to bed, you have school tomorrow," he said, Liam turned heading back to his room but for a minute he turned and his eyes caught the shadow on the wall, he was pretty sure it wasn't his dad's shadow because it was standing tall hunching, it smirked sinisterly, Liam froze, it turned in a snap, Liam gasped at the action, he was just convinced that the thunder was playing mind tricks on him. His dad's eyes averted from his laptop to him, he smiled faintly.


Present Day

Wailing Sirens

Liam was standing leaning on a car, his eyes fixed on his sister who was seated at the back of an ambulance, she was covered with his jacket, her eyes fixed on the ground.

"Liam" he turned, Nicole rushed towards him and hug him tightly, Liam groaned feeling relief by her embrace.

"Are you all right?" she asked worried, Liam just nodded.

"Jenna?!" she adds, his eyes drifted to her.

"Oh thank God," she said in relief.

"How could this ghoul attack happen from nowhere," she said confused, Liam was silent as he recalled what he saw, he swallowed.

"Um Nicole could you please get the car ready, I will get Jen so that we can head home, she's pretty shaken up," Liam said.

"Of course," she said leaving.

Hands in his pocket he walked towards the ambulance, Jenna's eyes averted to her brother, she gulped.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Not fine," she said truthfully.

"Good because if you said you were fine I would have wondered if what I saw was a dream," Liam said like he was losing it.

"Seriously Jenna what the fuck happened there," he said still trying to tell himself that what he saw wasn't real.

"I don't know" she managed to form the words trembling, Liam let out a frustrated sigh.

"Excuse me?".

Liam turned as two men walked toward them, they were both in a cooperate outfit, an inner white long sleeve shirt, tucked in black trousers, a well knotted red tie, a long black jacket that looked more like a coat with matching black shoes.

"Are you Liam O'Brien?" one asked.

"Yeah whose asking?" Liam said looking at them strangely.

The one who asked the question removed his black glasses, he had dark hair and dark blue eyes. he brought out a badge.

"Chase Wyatt, G.I agent" he introduced bringing out his hand but Liam didn't shock it, he just smiled taking it back.

"And this is my partner Max Cody, we are both members of unit 6 division of the G.I force," he said. Max smiled.

"We are here cosigning the ghoul attack in the school," Max said.

"Okay so what does it has to do with me," Liam said looking back and forth between the two agents.

"You were asked to stay behind the caution line during the incident but you disobey those orders, so we are here to ask some questions about what you saw," Chase said sternly.

"I didn't see anything," Liam said looking away.

"You were in the building when the ghoul was still sighted am sure there must be something you saw" Chase add forcing a smile.

"I got in there found the kids, helped them out, and then saw my sister that's all, I didn't see any ghoul," Liam said turning.

"Let's go, Jen," Liam said grabbing her hand as they walked past them.

"Perhaps someone or something who wasn't supposed to be on the school premises?".

Liam halted as he turned.

"Wherever there is a Claw there is a ghoul" Chase adds.

"Claw?" Liam swallowed.

"Yes Claw, they are beings, organic beings, part of the ghoul, we also call them the ghoul predatory organ" he explained.

"So maybe the students inside then may have been ghouls who called the Claw out or" Chase trailed off as his eyes landed on Jenna, she went stiff, Liam's hand tighten on hers.

"Like I said I didn't see any ghoul or any Claw, now please excuse me, it's late I need to get my sister home," Liam said turning as they left. Chase's eyes were fixed on them as they left the scene.

"You think he's telling the truth?" Max asked removing his glasses.

"Who knows, but he sure as hell is hiding something," Chase said.

"Or protecting someone" he adds.

"Yeah like anyone would protect a ghoul" Max scoffed.

"It's in his eyes," Chase said.

"What?" Max shrug.

Chase turned facing him.

"When a brother is willing to protect his sister".


Nicole eyed Jenna through the review mirror, her eyes were fixed out the window, her eyes drifted to Liam who was lost in his head.

"Liam is everything okay?" Nicole said worriedly. But no answer, she sighed as her eyes turned to the road.


"Yeah?" Liam answered facing her like he was brought back from a trance.

"Come on Liam talk to me, I know you're worried about Jenna but you seem off," Nicole said.

"It's nothing, it's just my first time seeing a ghoul scene," Liam said turning to face the window.

Liam shut the door close leaning close to the car window.

"Thanks for the ride" he forced a smile.

"Sure just take care of her okay?" Nicole said.

"I will," Liam said his eyes never leaving her, he leaned further claiming her lips with a light kiss, their mouths roamed in wonder, Liam pulled away, leaving a confused Nicole.

"Goodnight," he said as he stood up straight.

Nicole just nodded starting the car and driving away, her eyes averted to the review mirror for a brief second.

Liam turned facing the apartment.

Climbing up he finally got to the door and walked into their apartment. He saw Jenna sitting quietly in the dining. She nervously looked at him. Liam was silent as he strolled to the dining and sat in front of her.

"Tell me what happened?" he asks sternly.

She swallowed hard, her eyes landed on him.

"It was the bullies again, it got worse" she began.


Six Hours Ago

May-field Junior High

"What are you guys doing?" Jenna asked scared as one of the boys locked the classroom door and the three boys gathered her.

"Just a little prank" one said smirking, Jenna gasp moving backward, her back hit the cold wall, the boy smirked as one brought out a pocket knife waving it in front of her.

"Stop it," Jenna said scared.

"What's it gonna be boys, where should I cut first?" one said darkly.

"Let's cut her ear," another said.

"I say her cheeks," another said.

"Maybe we should just go for the face and say she had a fall, the principal will believe us anyway," another said.

"No! No!" Jenna said panicking.

"Maybe her cheeks will do first," he said as his knife reached for her cheek and slit it. She screamed in pain as the blood trailed and drip on her school shirt. The boys laughed, as they watch Jenna cry in pain.

Jenna's hand trembled as she stared at her own blood, she sobbed painfully, placing her hands on the floor as she cried.

The boys kept laughing, but one laughter seize.

"Guys?!" he gained their attention as they stared at what he was looking at, they froze.

The cut on Jenna's cheek slowly closed up gradually, closing up completely like it wasn't even there to begin with. Jenna gave harsh breaths like she was having a panic attack, her fingers tighten in a fist, her furious eyes averted to them, her eyes changed, the white part went all black, the color of her eyes changed to bright gold.

They shift back in fear.

"She's a ghoul man, she's a freaking ghoul!".

Jenna's panic attack got worse like she couldn't breathe like something was cawing to come out of her, like her was body was about to burst, unable to bear it any longer she screamed as her Claw came out with a loud roar.

You could hear terrifying screams as blood splashed on the window, a girl passing by saw this and screamed causing panic in the school. Everyone rushed out when the Claw came out roaring deadly as it grabs one of the bullies trying to crawl out with one leg, the other was ripped off.

"MUMMY" he shouted in tears as the Claw slide him back inside leaving blood trails and devoured him. All the way Jenna watched having no idea she was controlling it.


Present Day

"Shit" Liam exclaimed as he held his hair sighing deeply.

"How is this possible Liam, why am I a ghoul and how did that thing come out of my body?!" Jenna demanded in tears.

"I don't know okay, am just as confused as you," Liam said frustrated.

"Even though those suckers deserved this, but in the hell Jen you killed three people, three, do you know how serious this is, it's just any second before the G.I finds out" Liam hissed.

"Am sorry Liam, am sorry, I didn't know what came over me. I was scared so scared that I felt helpless, it just came out like a shadow" she broke into tears.

"I didn't mean it, any of it, I just wanted the pain to stop" she sobbed.

"I wanted it to stop" she broke.

Liam pulled her in a tight hug, she cried as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Am scared" she cried.

"It's alright, am right here" Liam assured her.

"I won't let anything happen to you I promise" he adds.

That moment they heard a knock on their door, they froze. Liam turned to Jenna and signaled her to keep shut, he walked quietly to the door and peeped through the tiny hole, he froze when he saw agents. He turned to Jenna who was particularly gulped to the ground.

"Who is that?" Liam demanded.

"I believe we have met," Chase said.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I know nothing about these ghouls," Liam said.

"We are not here for you Liam," he said, Liam froze.

"We are here for your sister, if she could have a few words with us, am sure there won't be any problems," Max said, Liam's eyes widen as he looked through the hole, their hands were on their gun.

"Shit!". He rushed to Jenna.

"Go! Get your things fast" he said haste, she nodded rushing to her room, Liam rushed to his as he brought out a bag and throw whatever clothes he needed, he put on his black jacket and turned to the wall, he felt it and crack it open, a safe where he kept some money he was saving for Jenna's college but right now they needed It for something more important. He grabs the money and shoved it in his bag pack, he rushed out.

"Liam!" they called banging on the door.

"If you do not answer I will be forced to break in by the count of three".

Jenna's eyes widen.


"Go, fire escape!" Liam said as they rushed to the window.

"Two!" Chase said impatiently, he turned to Max, he nodded in agreement, they brought out their guns, the guns went on automatically making a sound, showing red like bullets inside.

"Three". With one push of his leg the door broke down and they rushed inside pointing the gun at every area but the whole house was empty.

"Shit they escaped!" Max said staring out the window, Chase rushed to his side, his eyes landed on them running into the streets.

"Come in, Chase Wyatt from unit 6, we have a loose ghoul, I repeat we have a loose ghoul," he said to his comm.


"Last night the ghoul behind the outbreak of May-field junior high was revealed to be Jenna O'Brien a 14-year-old girl said to have killed three other students from her class for a reason that remains anonymous, bu----" Trent pressed the remote changing the channel, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, he just took a deep breath processing it. The knock-on his door distracted him.

"Who is it?! It's 4 in the morning for fucks sake" he hissed pissed walking to the door, he peeped through the hole but covered it in shock.

"Dear God," he said with wide eyes, he hesitated for a bit before unlocking the door and opened it.

"Your kid sis is a fucking ghoul!" he hissed.

"Hey Trent," Liam said, his eyes drifted to his sister.

"We need your help, we have nowhere else to go," Liam said firmly.


"The outbreak of May-field junior high was revealed to be Jenna O'Brien a 14-year-old girl said to have killed three other students from her class for a reason that remains anonymous" Nicole's eyes widened as Jenna's picture came up on the screen. She had to get up from her bed to take a closer look to make sure it wasn't Jenna but nothing changed.

"Oh my God!" she gasped covering her mouth in shock.


"This is unbelievable, your sis killed three kids, this is bad, real bad," Trent said walking back and forth in his apartment.

"I know okay, I freaked out too and it has gotten much worse, the agents are after her now," Liam said stressed out.

"What? You mean like the Ghoul Investigators! Dude, she's in real trouble, they will find her in a matter of seconds" Trent hissed.

"I know I just have to think of something," Liam said confused rubbing his neck.

"There's nothing to think about, the agents are badass and they are really kin on exterminating ghouls and now your sister is one of them, her life is practically over!" Trent hissed.

"I KNOW THAT!" Liam shouted, Trent, paused.

"I know that too okay, I just" he was lost for words as he broke.

"I have to keep her safe no matter what" he was able to form the words.

"This is all my fault," Jenna said stepping forward. They turned and face her, she was in tears.

"If I haven't killed them we wouldn't be in this mess, it's my fault you have to go through this," she said sobbing.

"Am a ghoul, you guys don't know how that feel, am the only one whose a fugitive here" she said looking away.

"Jen" Liam sighed as he walked to her side and hug her as she cried.

"Fine, you two can stay just until you figure out a way out of this" Trent said walking out shutting the door behind.

"It's okay we are gonna get through this together" he assured her. She nodded.

"Together," she said.


"Ghouls stuff whatever" Trent murmured as he walked into a store, he went straight to the line where drinks were, walking across to another section that was raw foods, his eyes scanned them, taking what he needed and placing them on the small roller he had, he went back to the drinks section to select.

"Trent Mckell, age 21 lives alone in a one-room apartment, friends with the O'Brien's for a very long time". He heard a voice, he shifts and looked at the other section, a man turned and smiled removing his glasses.

"Who the hell are you?!" Trent demanded.

"Am Chase Wyatt G.I agent".


Liam watched as Jenna was fast asleep on the couch, the door clicked opened.

"Where have you been?" Liam said blinking as Trent walked in with a bag of groceries. He was out since in the morning and back at night.

"Nothing important, just went to get some supply since we have a full house now," Trent said forcing a smile, Liam smiled faintly.

"Thank you, Trent, for this really means a lot, you're the only one I can trust," Liam said sincerely.

Trent forced a smile walking out. His eyes drifted to Jenna once more, he was gonna help her through this even if it was the last thing he did, ghoul or not Jenna will always be his sister. They just had to figure a way.

Jenna gasped flashing her ghoul eyes open, Liam froze as she sat up and faced the door.

"Someone's coming," she said without a doubt, panicking Liam sat up along with Jenna but it was too late, the agents walked in, Liam pulled Jenna behind him.

"Trent?" Liam called, if he had the chance he wanted him to run far away from harm's way but that came crashing down when Trent walked in and stood beside the agents.

"Trent?" this time he said his name for a different reason.

"Am sorry Liam she has to go, she's a ghoul, they said they just want her in custody that all" Trent tried to reason.

"And you believe them? How could you Trent, Jen is like a sister to you" Liam said not believing his eyes.

"Yes Liam she is a sister to me not that thing behind you now" he pointed out.

"Liam I suggest you step forward and let's handled this ghoul situation," Chase said stepping forward.

"She's not a ghoul situation, she's my sister for crying out loud," Liam said unwavering.

"We are warning you, Liam," Max said as he brought out his gun so did Chase.

Jenna panicked for her brother's safety, she instinctively steps forward and her Claw is forged out of her.

"What in the hell" Trent said as his eyes studied the being, it roared like hell was rising it charged towards the agents making loud thud noises with each step it took, the agents fired their guns, the shot left holes on the Claw's body but not enough to stop it, one swig of its hand sent Chase flying across the wall to another apartment, it grabs Max by the throat and rose him off his feet and fling him up causing a crash. It turned to Trent.

He froze as the Claw walked towards him with dangerous steps and stopped in front of him like a giant as the shadow covered him. It roared in his face, Trent shouted in horror as the Claw was about to devour him.

"Jen stop it" Liam hissed.

"I don't know-how, it's following my emotions, and right now am angry at Trent and it wants to devour him," Jenna said panicking, the Claw mouth widens, its sharp fangs reaching for Trent.

"Stop!" Liam hissed but it didn't listen, Liam snap.

"CLAW I SAID STOP!" Liam shouted, the Claw mouth shut close instantly and turned to face Liam.

"Do...Not...Eat...Trent" he said carefully, the Claw head tilt to the side.

"I think she heard you," Jenna said. The Claw turns to sense other agents coming, it growled running to their side and grab them, they shouted as it jumped out the window clashing the glasses, they shouted as they saw the hard ground but it landed perfectly and dropped them on their feet.

"Well done Claw," Jenna said. It turned to her.

"," Liam said with clenched teeth. Liam's eyes drifted to the window, he saw Chase struggling to stand still, blood trailing from his head.

"All unit the ghoul is out I repeat, the ghoul is out," Chase said to his comm.

"Shit we have to go now," Liam said as they ran, Jenna's Claw behind them.

In less than a second about three agents were after them, they shot from a distance but the Claw being behind them blocked the fierce bullet, they ran to the other side of the blocks and came to a dead end.

"Shit we are stuck" Liam cursed. The agents came, one shot at the Claw but it weakens and went off in bandages back inside Jenna's body.

Like in slow motion the bullet passed, Liam quickly shielded Jenna and the bullet penetrated his side. He growled in pain.

"LIAM!" Jenna shouted in horror, she held him as he went on his knees holding his side as the blood gushed out.

"Liam!" Jenna hissed in tears.

"Jen run" he choked out in pain.

"No! No! am not leaving you, never" she cried.

Another agent aimed the gun at her, Jenna turned to it in fear, Liam's heart sank as the bullet came for her but a figure landed in front of them, a Claw surged out of figure and stopped the bullet, the Claw looked like Jenna's with the same feminine structure but it was wrapped in dark blue bandages.

"Claw attack," the figure said, the Claw roared and charged towards the agents and attacked them in a massacre as they shouted.

Jenna watched as the hooded figure on all black turned. A thick material covered her mouth and nose leaving only her ghoul eyes. Liam's vision was blurry as the figure reached for the hood pulling it down, revealing midnight hair.

Liam fainted into an abyss.

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